Chapter 335
Not everyone has the opportunity to watch their entire life like watching a movie, and that's exactly what happened to Eric.This is a very wonderful feeling. With the help of Raven, he felt as if he had dived into the depths of his mind, watching his life fast-forward like a movie from a very subtle third perspective.From the time he crossed over to this world, lost his parents when he was three years old, until he obtained the Armored Armor many years later and fought so far, the stories of more than ten years turned into surging data in just half a minute. .

In an instant, he will remember everything - who he is, why he has been fighting all this time, and where he belongs in this world.

Suddenly, he seemed to feel a burst of warmth from the chaotic magic power surrounding his body, which made his heart widen involuntarily.This is the most reassuring moment since he lost his memory, as if the lone boat that lost its course felt that it had found its own port for the first time.

He turned his head slowly, opened his eyes gently, and saw the concern that the girl could not hide under her characteristic indifferent face, and couldn't help but smile slightly.

"I'm back, Raven."

Raven finally breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "Welcome back."

The two looked at each other for a moment, and both couldn't help laughing.In the middle of the endgame, where flames were burning and smoke billowed, two figures embraced each other tightly.

On the other side, Black Manta, Harley, and the half-dead Deadshot, who just solved Deadpool, also came out of the building that was blown apart everywhere, and passed by the broken walls all over the ground. Just saw Eric and Raven from a distance.

Harry waved his hand high and wanted to shout, but was stopped by the black manta ray.

"No need." Black Manta said lightly, "It seems that he has returned to his own world, and his days as a teammate are over, right? If we meet again from now on, we should be enemies .”

After finishing speaking, he didn't stay any longer, walked quickly through the thick smoke and left the battlefield with a dead shot.After Harry's eyes wandered back and forth on Eric and the black manta ray for a few times, he finally followed the manta ray and left.

Eric also noticed these three people, but he just watched them leave from a distance, and didn't shout out loud.

As Black Manta said, he has returned to his own world.After all, the Suicide Squad is a team that walks on the dark side of the world. If they meet again from now on, they will probably be enemies.

But that's all for the future, and returning to reality, Eric smiled at Raven and patted her head: "Thanks, and I'm sorry, I made you worry, but it's over. "

Having said that, he paused for a moment, and then said, "Oh no, there is one last thing to do later."

After a while, the other side of the battlefield.

The death knell groaned twice, and finally regained consciousness from the coma.He struggled to remove the completely scrapped armor on his body, struggled to get out of a pile of scrap iron, and leaned against a half-broken stone wall, panting for breath.

"It doesn't look like it's going too well."

The voice came from the top of the head, and Deathstroke glanced up with one eye, only to see that Deadpool was sitting on the top of the broken wall he was leaning on, with one leg dangling in the air.

Deathstroke snorted and made no answer.

"Well, I guess it means that there is no money to take, and my new job is probably lost." Deadpool scratched his head, "So what do we do now?"

"Us?" Deathstroke squinted at him, "The mission is over, the Suicide Squad has nothing to do with us, so you can go wherever you want, why are you still following me?"

"Who told you that you are my big brother, and we are the best combination in history?"

"I don't remember such a thing."

"Don't pay too much attention to the details," Deadpool jumped down, stepped on the gravel, and pointed his sword straight ahead, like a captain of a pirate ship ready to set sail, "Say it, boss! Where are we going next? ?”

Death Knell sighed deeply, and had to accept the fact that he might continue to have a headache for a long time to come.

Half a day later, somewhere in Xinka Lilan Palace.

"Yes, Your Majesty the King." Butler Lubus stood by the window of a certain room and said over the phone, "It is reliable information. The child in the Amozo armor has been found by his companions. He seems to have lost his memory a while ago." Yes, have been hanging out with a top-secret team from the United States. But now it's back. Yes, we still have a chance. Yes, you will not be disappointed."

After hanging up the phone, Lubus just turned around and was almost taken aback—Doctor Doom had appeared behind him like a ghost at some point, standing in the middle of the room with his hands folded, his gloomy eyes seemed to show no emotion fluctuation.

"I told you not to always come directly to the palace." Lubs frowned, "We should meet outside."

Doctor Doom asked indifferently: "Is that kid Amozo back?"

"Yeah, you promised you would take care of him, but you didn't." Lubs said with some accusation in his tone, but realized the murderous intent in the other party's eyes, he changed his words immediately, "But...these are all Small question. Compared to this, I heard that the content of the 'Red Project' is facing bankruptcy due to leaks and excessive pressure from the outside world. Is this your work?"

"Otherwise?" Doctor Doom said indifferently, "Even as an ally, if your country has excess power, I will have a headache. But it doesn't matter, now your so-called confidential projects are almost all over the world. You know, maybe your government can bite the bullet and deny it for a while, but it's only a matter of time before the plan goes bankrupt."

Having said that, he stopped abruptly and frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?" Rubes asked.

Doctor Doom didn't say a word, but suddenly raised his arm, and a green light shot out in the direction of the door.The door panel was blown away, and when it landed, dust was flying in the entire aisle.Eric, who had been hiding behind the door, reacted quickly and rolled on the spot, avoiding the fate of being smashed by the door.

"Ha, as sharp as ever, doctor." Eric smiled lightly and patted the dust off his body.

"I really don't have a long memory." Doctor Doom said coldly, "Have you forgotten the end of the last eavesdropping so quickly?"

"Ah, I remember." Eric said, "That's why this time, I brought a helper."

As soon as the words fell, the outer wall of the room was exploded, and five titans, Nightwing, Spider Woman, Blue Beetle, Raven, and Kid Lightning, appeared in the room immediately.

"Titan!" Yewing ordered loudly, "Take Doom!"

(End of this chapter)

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