Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 336 Titan VS Doom

Chapter 336 Titan VS Doom
If you count the time on the subway when you lost your memory, this should be the third fight between Eric and Doctor Doom.And so far, he hasn't gotten any benefits.

But this time, he's confident it will be different.Because this time, he has a group of reliable helpers.

"Titan!" Nightwing, the team leader, ordered loudly, "Take Doom!"

An order also means the official start of the battle.The room they were in was blasted out in almost a short while, and the battle was quickly pulled to the outside, where a fierce fight broke out inside the palace.

"Teen Titans, I have studied you." Dr. Doom was suspended in mid-air, directing the vortex of magic with his waving arms, and said lightly, "You have great potential, but you are young and reckless, and the battle is unreasonable. Word"

After a pause, he commented in a deep and muddy voice: "...the threat factor is not high."

"Really? Why don't I help you re-evaluate?"

As he said that, Kid Lightning rushed forward at the same time, flashed in front of the doctor like a thunderbolt, and punched the iron-colored mask like countless afterimages at a speed that the naked eye couldn't see clearly. Boom up.

Unexpectedly, Kid Lightning's aggressive punch pierced directly through Doctor Doom's body, as if hitting his reflection in the water.The moment the illusory figure was pierced by his punch, the doctor's entire body was transformed into a light green mist that dispersed, engulfing Kid Lightning in it.

"what's the situation!?"

The moment he rushed into the mist, Boy Lightning felt that the balance center in his brain became chaotic and his mind went blank.He almost instinctively sped up and rushed out of the thick fog, and the moment he broke through the fog, a white brick wall suddenly came into view.And it was too late to brake now, so Kid Lightning could only yell "ah", dragging a string of lightning flashily crashing into the wall, and fell to the ground in a daze.

"Kid Lightning, the most immature and impatient of the Titans." Doctor Doom had flashed elsewhere before he knew it, and said coldly, "Just as the great Doom expected—you only need a little cover-up to deal with you." Tips."

"Then try to use some tricks to avoid this!"

The blue beetle yelled, and its body had already moved to the top of Doom's head.He raised his right fist high, and his right forearm had already switched to the shape of a cannon. The blue vortex gathered at the muzzle of the cannon, and the dazzling light seemed to be on the verge of criticality, ready to come out at any time.

Doctor Doom didn't change his face, he raised his hand lightly, as if he was going to open his palm to catch the fist that fell from the blue beetle.

The blue beetle yelled, and punched down with a cannon-loaded punch, and stopped as if hitting a transparent barrier less than half a meter away from the doctor's palm.A strong light burst out from the gun barrel, collided with Dr. Doom's defensive force field at zero distance, and the energy burst from the collision point, causing the blue beetle to fly upside down.

But Doom still remained motionless, only the cloak kept shaking in the strong wind.

"I've already said that you have no chance of winning." Doctor Doom said indifferently, "Your efforts are just a waste of time."

Ignoring his words, Eric and Raven, whose armor had been switched to raven mode, both charged forward.

Dum snorted, "Is this still the trick?"

Eric drew out the long sword with purple chaotic magic, dragged a gorgeous trajectory and pointed obliquely at the center of Doom's eyebrows.And the latter raised his right arm and opened his palm, and the transparent magic circle that appeared out of nowhere locked Eric's blade firmly, preventing him from advancing half a point.

"I told you a long time ago, you only have magic, but you don't know how to use it at all." He said, grabbing his other hand like a claw, with a strange green flame burning on his five fingers, "To be with the real magic Against a magician, you are still very tender!"

However, this time his counterattack was not so smooth.The moment before his grasp was about to hit Eric's armor, the purple light bullet flew towards him precisely, which suddenly dispelled the lingering magic wave in his hand, shaking his claws to the side.

It was Rui Wen who made the shot, and she said lightly: "He may not know magic, but I will."

The short pause has already bought Eric the opportunity to counterattack.The purple light of Yamozhuo's armor suddenly rose sharply, and the wings on the back spread out "bass". The blade of the sword broke free from the shackles of the magic circle like a roaring dragon, and continued to sweep fiercely towards the doctor's iron mask.

Seeing as if there was no way to avoid it, the tail flames spewed out suddenly from under Doctor Doom's feet, and the thrusters pushed him back violently, and the chaotic magic at the tip of Erik's blade unfortunately passed from the tip of the doctor's nose. Missed by a few centimeters.

So this opportunity was so sadly missed?
of course not.


The moment Doctor Doom thought he had dodged perfectly, three darts whirled and were thrown into his back, and exploded on the armor on his back, making him shake and stagger forward.

Of course Ye Yi was the one who threw the three darts.As soon as the doctor turned his head, before his eyes could lock onto Ye Yi behind him, another dark red afterimage flashed past in front of him.Jessica slammed her leg against his iron mask, and then, before Doom had time to respond, raised a ball of white spider silk on his face, temporarily taking away his vision.

Doctor Doom just stretched out his hand to tear away the clump of spider webs that blocked his view, but the blue beetle that was knocked aside made a move again—his arm turned into a claw-like shape again, spraying out and entangled Doctor Doom's raised right hand prevented him from tearing the spider web on his face.

"A bunch of bastards!" Doom got a little angry and cursed in a muddy voice.

"Eric!" Ye Yi said loudly, "Opportunity!"


"The output power is 100% fully charged!"

There was no need for Night Wing's reminder, and of course Eric would not miss this excellent opportunity to attack.The armor was fully charged in an instant, and he and the raven were both flying in the air at this moment. The surging purple energy enveloped the two of them like a tornado, and finally turned into a huge black crow.

"This is a reward for the experience I have given you these days," Eric shouted, "Take it, Doom!"

The black crow spread its wings, as if a thick purple flame was ignited all over its body, it swooped down on Doom's position as if riding a gust of wind.

(End of this chapter)

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