Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 338 The Night Hunter

Chapter 338 The Night Hunter

New York, night.

Hand Millwall, a hardworking black worker in a factory.In the eyes of outsiders, this is an ordinary little person, a competent husband and the father of two children. He commutes to and from get off work on time every day, and takes the whole family out to play from time to time on weekends. There is almost no difference in such a regular life trajectory. unusual place.

But at this moment, he was running with all his might.

A drizzle fell in the dark sky, and the light reflected on the dark ground looked quite bright.Hand Millwall ran desperately down a dark alley, the water churning under his feet, and the dirty water splashed all over his trousers.He ran all the way, looking back in horror all the way, as if he was trying his best to escape from the deepest nightmare in his life.

Millwall ran until his legs and feet almost lost all strength before stopping.Regardless of the wetness of the ground, he sat down against the wall, panting heavily like a bull, his clothes were almost soaked in the rain, his heart seemed to be beating wildly, beating against his chest.

The icy rain dripped down his cheeks, making Mivor calm down a little.He carefully shrank his body behind a pile of sundries, poked out half of his head and looked at the alley behind him.The front of the alley was engulfed in endless darkness, and the part of the field of vision was empty, only the rainwater pattered on the ground.

Shouldn't you be chasing me?

Mivol breathed a sigh of relief, and comforted himself in his heart, as if his hands and feet, which were numb from the cold, regained a little strength.He supported the wall with one hand and swayed to support his body.

And when he cast his eyes forward again, his pupils shrank suddenly, and even his breathing almost stopped.

It still came after it—the dark shadow stopped straight in front of the alley, and the scarlet light from its eyes dyed the rainwater in the area in front of it blood red.It stood there like this, and the thought of death could not help appearing in Miwoer's heart.It's as if the moment you saw that black outline, you lost all fighting spirit, and your brain was unstoppably occupied by the only thought of "death".

Although the shadow is just standing there motionless, even so Mivol has clearly understood that it is impossible for it to let itself go so easily.

Now that they've been forced to this point, there's nothing they can do.Mivor put all his eggs in one basket, gritted his teeth, and suddenly a blue electric current sprang up in the eyes staring at the black figure, and a large number of electric arcs instantly surrounded his body, like countless snakes hissing and swimming.

"Who the hell are you!?" Mivor yelled, "What do you want from me?"

There was no reply, and the other party just stood there silently, staring at him with scarlet eyes.

"Okay, okay, then there's nothing much to say." Mivor gritted his teeth, "Since that's the case, I'll let you know—I'm not easy to mess with either!"

With a loud shout, a large amount of electric current burst out from the palms of his hands, and the blue light flashed across the dark alley in an instant.Bursts of white smoke were spreading out. It was the rain water evaporated by the electric shock, and a burnt smell filled the air at the same time.

Yes, Mivor is a psychic, but he thinks no one should know this fact except himself.Unlike those superpowers who often visit TV news, Mivor kept a low profile after gaining superpowers. He thought that no one should know this fact except himself, not even his wife and two children. .If he hadn't been forced to this point today and had to protect himself, he still wouldn't use this ability.

It's a pity that his ability seems to have hit a wall for the first time in actual combat.After the electric shock ended, the shadow in front of him seemed unharmed, standing there motionless, and even twisted his neck leisurely.

"What?" Mivor seemed in disbelief at the failure of his superpower at the bottom of the box.

The figure finally took the initiative to move—he slowly took a step forward, and approached Mewol unhurriedly.His footsteps were as heavy as a machine, and every step left a very crisp sound in the alley.

"No!" Mivor yelled, "Don't come here!"

He waved his hands wildly, and the electric current released from his fingertips grabbed the discarded debris around him like tentacles, and flung towards the approaching figure without thinking about it.And the shadow still didn't dodge or evade, all the things that were thrown at it by Mivol passed through it strangely, and fell to the ground one after another.This guy's body should clearly look like a solid body, the rain can hit it, and the footsteps can make a real heavy sound, but the attacks on it are all in vain, as if it is just a holographic image.

Mivor was desperate, he shrank to the corner, and finally shot a few electric currents feebly, but all of them were of no avail.The other party came to him face to face, and the scarlet eyes looked at him with a deep chill, as if trying to tear his soul out through the eyes.

Millwall gritted his teeth and made up his mind to make a final fight.He roared with all his might, concentrated all his strength on his right hand, and the electric current "crackling" gathered in his palm, his entire palm seemed to turn into a sharp blue dagger, the momentum was quite astonishing.

Roaring recklessly, Miwoal slapped the opponent's forehead with a palm.

This time, it didn't penetrate through it. Miwoal's hand knife hit the entity of the opponent's head, and the blue current overflowed from the collision point, and part of the current jumped to the nearby wall and ground. It was quickly extinguished in the rain.

But even though he made a successful hit, it was a pity that his last blow still didn't seem to have any effect.The other party's red eyes seemed to roll upwards a little, and then ignored his hand knife, and thrust out his hand like lightning, and pinched Miwoer's face with a slap like a rag.

For a moment, an indescribable feeling came from this palm, and Mivor felt that the palm was like a black hole, attracting everything that filled his body towards that black hole.He struggled desperately, screamed helplessly, feeling that everything in his body was sucked up little by little, but he was completely powerless.

In just a few seconds, Mivor's entire face shriveled, almost like a mummy.As soon as the mysterious figure let go, he fell limply in the rain without moving.


The black figure left this last muttering to himself, and then his figure disappeared back into the darkness, disappearing without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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