Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 339 Director Lex Luthor

Chapter 339 Director Lex Luthor
Somewhere, by the beach.

Another troublesome thing about our protagonist is quietly developing in an unknown corner, and now Eric doesn't know it.At this moment, he is wearing shorts, lying lazily on the lively beach with Peter Parker.

This is a trip to the beach independently initiated by the graduates of Midtown High School.In fact, according to the school's practice, students who graduate in a few days will return to the campus, free to celebrate the end of their high school career one last time on the campus in any way.But this year, I don’t know who suggested that this traditional way is a bit monotonous, so I launched this beach trip.

An elegant figure emerged from the turquoise water, with white water waves that "crashed".Today, Raven is wearing a bikini swimsuit. Although it is all black according to her usual preference, her skin is as white as snow through the contrast.Passing through the crowd, Eric's eyes unconsciously fell on the beauty of Chushui, and she walked straight towards their position.

Peter leaned close to his ear and whispered, "She's really hot, isn't she?"

"What nonsense, that's pure."

Rui Wen walked to the side of the two and sat down as if nothing had happened, and asked, "Aren't you going into the water?"

"No, we were talking about something." Peter said, "Well, what did I just want to ask? By the way, Nick Fury—do you know that he hasn't been in charge recently?"

"I didn't care about it for a long time." Eric said, "You just don't know."

"Well, I'm not as well-informed as you are," said Peter, "I met the S.H.I.E.L.D. people last week when I was trying to stop a super madman trying to take down a private company and then I knew Cyclops was out of business .Where did he go?"

"I don't know." Eric shrugged, "Maybe hiding in a corner and acting as a spy in a different way."

"Honestly, I'm actually quite afraid of this one-eyed guy." Peter said, "He always makes me nervous, you know he told me to consider working for SHIELD when I grow up?"

"He really said that?"

"Yeah. To be honest, I'm actually relieved to hear he's gone."

Eric smiled bitterly: "If you know the director who is taking over now, I'm afraid you won't think so. In all fairness, Fury is not bad-I know he once led an army to try to catch you from your home, but in fact He's not bad."

"Well, I know, but it just doesn't feel right. Have you ever seen Total Recall? There's this little guy pulling up his shirt, and there's a little monster hiding in it. I keep thinking, if one day Nick Fury lifted his blindfold, and there was a little monster hidden in it and suddenly said to me, 'Hey, hello!'”

Ruiwen was rarely amused by his brain hole and laughed out loud.

"So who's the new director?" Peter asked. "Do I know him?"

"Lex Luthor, director of the Luthor Group in Metropolis, do you know him?"

"Damn! Of course I know!" Peter said loudly, "Mr. Luthor is not only one of the most successful entrepreneurs and philanthropists in the world, but also one of the most famous leaders in the scientific world, man of the hour! He has now taken over the What SHIELD? Why is it not written in the magazine?"

"Did you expect the magazine to write something like 'Lex Luthor, the president of the Luthor Group, and the head of the national top-secret organization S.H.I.E.L.D.'?" Eric rolled his eyes, "Besides, trust me, don't be Fucked by his flashy résumé, this guy is not a good bird. Much worse than Fury."

SHIELD Headquarters, Sanfei decorated building, early morning.

The number of floors on the electronic display board on the elevator slowly rose to the top floor. With a "ding" verification sound, it seemed that Agent Coulson, who had been wearing a black suit all year round, stepped out of the elevator and came to the desk. forward.

Sitting behind the desk facing him is the new boss of S.H.I.E.L.D., Lex Luthor.

"I assume you must have something urgent to come to my office so early in the morning, Agent Coulson?" Luther asked in a flat tone without looking back.

"Actually, I do have a little question I want to ask." Coulson said, "It's about a recent serial case, sir, I think you must already know that - some unknown person is attacking superheroes one by one. Power user. Just last night, a factory employee named Hand Millwall was attacked. We have long suspected that he is a potential power user, but because he hides so well, even we have never been able to Surely even he was attacked."

"Hmm." Luther still didn't turn his head, motioning for him to continue talking.

"This is a series of incidents, there is no doubt. We know that so far, several espers have been attacked by the same person, because the symptoms of each victim are the same-there is no trauma, but the body is completely absorbed Dry, like an old battery that's been drained."

"It's quite a vivid description." Luther said lightly.

"That's not the point, sir." Coulson said, "The point is——we've detected the residual reaction of the suspected Yamajo virus at every site, right?"

"That's what the report seems to say."

"Then why didn't you let me take over?" Coulson frowned and couldn't help asking, "So far, I have been involved in the cases related to the 'Amajo' project. It has always been like this, why this time is an exception?"

Luther finally turned around, with an inexplicable smile on his lips, looking at him with deep and elusive eyes.

"No reason." He said with a smile. "Maybe you just need to relax, and maybe Director Ferry's departure is also a sign that you can finally give yourself a little vacation. Don't think too much, Agent Coulson , your work has been done well and impressively, you just need to keep it up. There will naturally be people to worry about unnecessary problems."

Coulson frowned slightly, paused at the desk for a few seconds, and finally turned and left helplessly.

He's already noticed that since Lex Luthor came to power, it's become more and more obvious that he's letting the former director Fury's high regard be idle.In the past, Fury would hand over the most important affairs to Coulson, and the most secretive tasks to super agents like Hawkeye and Black Widow.Recently, Coulson has obviously found that the affairs at hand are much easier, most of them are trivial matters, and top agents such as Hawkeye and Black Widow are basically used by Luthor as super thugs. Give them less highly classified tasks.

Lex Luthor is cultivating his own cronies within S.H.I.E.L.D., and worse, maybe has other plans.

(End of this chapter)

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