Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 345 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 345 The Uninvited Guest

New York, Avengers Tower.

Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, two people with the top intelligence on the earth, are currently escaping from the laboratory of the building in disgrace.The exhaust system in the laboratory was running at full power, trying its best to extract the billowing black smoke in the laboratory.

"God, Stark," Banner said with a cough, wiping away his tears, "you know that this kind of stimulation may make me lose control and transform, right?"

"This structural design is obviously your idea." Tony also said with a flustered expression, "I'm not stupid enough to add so many redundant protective measures to the shield of the energy field, it's because of your excessive protection that it makes it The internal pressure is too high to cause an energy overflow to explode."

"Obviously you emphasized safety first!" Banner said unconvinced, "Who said that the new design structure can improve the energy efficiency of the reactor, but I need to help design safety measures?"

"But I didn't call you either"

Jarvis's gentle voice interrupted their conversation: "Sir, I don't want to disturb you, but you seem to have a visitor."

"Tell him to wait in the lobby, we haven't finished here yet."

"Well, I'm afraid he's come up already, sir."

When Tony turned his head, he saw that Eric in armor had already broken the lock with his bare hands, pushed open the door leading to the balcony, walked in quickly with the unconscious Patient Zero on his shoulder, and took the The big gray thing was thrown on the floor.

"Little devil, do you know that I won't let you pay for my lock or wait, this guy is patient zero?"

Seeing Eric drop Patient Zero, Tony immediately turned serious, and asked, "What's going on? Shouldn't he be on the Aegis aircraft carrier? You snatched him out?"

"No, he escaped by himself." Eric said lightly.

"So why did you bring him here?" Tony asked. "Since he's passed out again now, shouldn't you lock him back?"

"Because I don't trust Aegis." Eric said, "Some things are happening recently, something that is likely to be related to the Amedra virus. I have reason to believe Aegis—or even Lex Lu Ser - probably knew something, but did nothing about it."

Tony frowned: "Be more detailed."

It took Eric about 3 minutes to briefly recount the recent events, especially emphasizing the sudden runaway of patient zero and a series of abnormal words that made people confused.

"...He said that I should be able to sense it, and in fact I can." Eric said, "I vaguely seem to be able to hear a certain voice calling me, or the Amojo virus in my body. I think there might be some kind of interconnectedness between all the submerged viruses, and what might be happening to them right now, I need you to help me go over patient zero's body and see if I can find out what the change is what."

"Well," Tony glanced at Banner, "It seems we're busy again, Dr. Banner."

"What? Me too?"

"Of course, you are an elite in biology? You must be more professional in studying viruses than I am?" Tony could not help but pull him back to the laboratory, "Don't refuse, come on, anyway, I think you are free Right?"

"Wow, it's your turn to be on duty today, but I was just forced by you to stay and do new energy research"

"Okay, okay, how about I treat you later? Fred's pizza is all you can eat?"

".make a deal."

After they dragged patient zero into the laboratory's scanning equipment for a detailed and thorough examination, the two experts showed solemn expressions.

"Although I don't quite understand these professional results," Eric asked, "but from your expressions, I guess the situation is very bad?"

"Your guess is right." Dr. Banner held his chin and said, "I have never seen a virus with such strange characteristics. Every virus is constantly releasing and receiving some kind of biological signal, so maybe Weird, but they seem to be exchanging information constantly."

"It feels like social software." Tony added, "All the viruses on different individuals can theoretically communicate with each other, as if chatting through a shared network."

"So the sound I hear is the sound of other viruses chatting with the viruses in my body?" Eric asked, feeling a little weird.

"Probably not." Tony said, "I also studied the Yamajo virus when the New York virus broke out last time. Although they had shown a certain degree of synergy at that time, they are different now. Some kind of incentive makes They have collectively mutated, and I guess that the cause should be their center. If we still use that analogy, the viruses scattered among different individuals are just users of social software, and the cause that caused the recent virus mutation It’s a company that provides a social platform.”

"So that's the enemy we should face?"

"Not sure, but very likely." Banner said, "And if this speculation is true, then that enemy is likely to be the source of the virus."

Is the source of the Amojo virus?
Eric clenched his fists involuntarily.

"But it's just a guess." Tony continued, "Whether there will be other changes in the future remains to be seen. Until then, this guy should stay here. Don't think too much, go back and rest first." Well, if there are any new changes, I will let you know."

Erik cast a final glance at the comatose Patient Zero.

"Well," he said, "thanks a lot."

Then Eric said goodbye.Looking at the back of him leaving from the balcony, Tony sighed: "This kid also has a headache, after all, so many things happened. Right, Banner?"

Banner smiled bitterly: "Who among us is not like this?"

What none of them noticed was that just as they looked away, the closed eyelids of patient zero seemed to move slightly.

It was already late after leaving the Avengers Building, and Eric went straight home.But at this moment, his mentality has also eased down - so far, he has come through so many storms, no matter what kind of enemy he will face this time, he is mentally prepared to face it.

The moment he took out the key to open the door lock, the familiar throbbing reappeared in his heart, as if a cold shock penetrated the door panel and rushed into the bottom of his heart.

There was a slight pause in the action, and Eric's expression became serious.He gently pushed the door open, and with the sound of the old door creaking, the bright lights of the living room came out little by little.

Patrick Charlotte's bionic body is sitting on the sofa in the living room with its legs crossed, waving at him, really like a parent welcoming a son home.

"Yo, back." He said in a relaxed tone. "I'm glad to see that the furnishings of the house haven't changed much."

(End of this chapter)

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