Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 346 Cooperation Invitation

Chapter 346 Cooperation Invitation

new York.

Gwen Stacy, Peter's high school classmate, had a relationship with Spider-Man in the "Spider-Man" comic series, but unfortunately ended in tragedy, and the hearts of countless Spider-Man comic fans will always be pained.

But now, the reality is that they have both graduated from high school, and they are just a little bit close friends.In fact, Gwen has always had a good impression of Peter. Unfortunately, he already has a beautiful red-haired girlfriend, Mary Jane. Until the end, Gwen had no chance to tell Peter her true feelings.

It's kind of a shame, but given how tragically Gwen and Spider-Man ended up together in the original books, she might be lucky to miss Peter.

When Gwen came home tonight, the house was uncharacteristically empty.It was already past eleven o'clock, but the whole house didn't even turn on a light - generally speaking, if she came back so late, the Stacey and his wife would be waiting in the living room, and it seemed that the only way to see their precious daughter come in was with their own eyes. In the living room, they can go to bed with peace of mind.

Gwen fumbled in the dark to turn on the light, and found a note left by her father on the dining table.

"Mom and brother went to your Uncle George's house for a party, and will stay there tonight. Dad has an urgent mission, and he is not sure what time he will be back at night. Lock the doors and windows by yourself, and remember to go to bed on time.

- love you dad"

Gwen threw away the note casually, sat on the sofa and stared blankly.

Her father is the chief of the New York Police Department, and it is not once or twice that there are unexpected missions. He often suddenly informs him that he will not go home at night.But mother and younger brother usually don't spend the night outside, and it's the first time to leave her alone at home like this.

A cool gust of wind poured into the house through the open window, blowing the curtains, and the whistling of the wind was like a whisper, sending a shudder through Gwen's heart.For some reason, she always felt that there seemed to be a pair of eyes staring at her through the window outside, and the strange voice like hallucination was mixed with the wind and whispered to her ears.

Don't think about it, she said to herself, this is a forty-floor building, how could someone look at her from the window?You are just scaring yourself.

Be brave, you are almost an adult, and it would be shameful for people to know that you dare not spend the night alone at such an age.

So comforting herself in her heart, Gwen stepped forward to close the window and draw the curtains.

What she didn't know was that just outside this window, a pair of red eyes were actually staring at her from the darkness.A circular locking frame floated in the red eyeballs, and it was firmly locked on Gwen's body in the room.

Eric's house.

"Yo, back. Glad to see the furnishing of the house hasn't changed much."

Dr. Charlotte's bionic body was wearing a decent suit, sitting very casually on the sofa in the living room, and waved to Eric who had just entered.

Apart from anything else, the Almazo Alpha armor covered the whole body in an instant, and Eric strode forward, and his fist wrapped in the metal smashed towards the guy on the sofa with a howling wind.

The other party got up quickly, and the Omega Armor of Amojo was activated at the same time, and stretched out a palm to catch Eric's menacing fist. The sound of metal collision echoed clearly in the living room, shaking the glasses that were upside down on the coffee table. buzzing.

"Don't be so excited." Omega held Eric's fist in one hand, and said unhurriedly, "I didn't come to fight today."

"Who cares about you?"

Eric didn't intend to listen at all, he raised his knee and slammed into Omega's abdomen hard.However, Omega took half a step back, stretched out his hand and subtly deflected the force of the impact, and his arm took Eric's body to stagger forward, turned around and hit his elbow on the back of the heart, hitting Eric's body with a "bang" "The ground smashed through the wall and rolled onto the lawn outside the house.

"What a grumpy kid." Omega said calmly, with a different peace in his voice, "but can we have a truce? Like I said just now - I'm not here to fight .”

Eric stood up and asked coldly: "Then I guess you are here to explain your new evil plan? For example, secretly manipulating a certain Yamadro nano-biological robot to attack virus-infected civilians one by one?"

"Oh?" Omega seemed quite surprised, and said, "So you already knew about the attack, and you even guessed that it was the nano-biological robot. May I ask how you guessed it?"

"It feels a little bit, my body is also fused with a large amount of Amojo virus. Just recently I sensed the presence of the attacker outside the tunnel, and the Amojo virus reaction is stronger than any individual before. In addition , Stark told me that he suspected that the enemy might be the source of the virus, plus the Amajo robot that escaped 15 years ago is still missing. It’s not hard to imagine.”

"That makes sense," Omega said, "but part of it isn't quite right—this attack has nothing to do with me, I swear it's not part of some 'evil plan' of mine. Fifteen years ago, I and that Amajo robot There was no winner in the battle. At that time, it seemed that only a small part of its ability had awakened. We lost both sides. I think it should have been recovered by Hydra people after that. It was not until recently that it awakened again. Come here, get out of the control of Hydra, and start the activity again."

"Are you trying to say that the robot is now acting on its own volition?" Eric asked, "What is the purpose?"

"Then who knows, I'm not a robot after all, its thinking is very unpredictable." Omega shrugged, "I don't know what its purpose is, what is certain is that it is the carrier of all other Amojo viruses The target of the attack. If I had to guess, after all, the source of the virus that we have successfully bred and spread so far all came from this Amojo robot. Since we can sense each other, it must be able to. Maybe it is in Clear your derivative body."

Eric thought for a moment and asked, "Do you expect me to trust you without any suspicion? How do I know this isn't another trick of yours?"

Omega smiled softly: "Because if my guess is correct, there is a very high probability that you and I will both be the targets of nano-robot attacks, and in my estimation, neither of us can deal with it alone. So next, I will cooperate with you, Let's deal with its attack together."

Eric snorted: "How did you know that I would be willing to cooperate with you?"

"Of course you will." Omega said confidently, "because I know who its next target will be."

(End of this chapter)

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