Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 347 Cooperation

Chapter 347 Cooperation
Gwen felt almost suffocated when the night's intruder came straight into the living room and appeared in front of Gwen.She could clearly hear the sound of her heart beating faster, and a heart-warming chill crept up her spine from behind.She wanted to scream, but her throat was so dry that she couldn't make a sound.

It was an individual more than two meters tall with a humanoid torso and limbs. It looked like a machine and at the same time it looked like some kind of creature.It was grey, tall and broad-shouldered, with blood-red eyes locked straight on Gwen.

Without saying a word, it slowly raised its arm, slowly opened its palm, and pointed at Gwen.Its palm condensed light blue energy, as if forming a deep vortex, as if it would launch an offensive at any time.

Gwen couldn't tell what happened, but at that critical moment, she moved instinctively—it felt like the intuition deep in her brain was screaming at her desperately, and her subconscious was directing her body to jump He got up, propping himself up on the ground with one hand and flipping over in the air.The gray guy actually shot out a beam of light a few tenths of a second later, brushing past Gwen's upside-down body.

Turning over and landing, Gwen gasped in horror.At the same time, she was afraid of the real purpose of this unknown creature with obvious malicious intentions, and at the same time, she was surprised by the action she made just now, which was almost a conditioned reflex.

And the gray guy didn't seem surprised at all, his gaze followed her movements, as if preparing to launch a new offensive.

And at this moment, two figures crashed in from the window with a clang.

The moment he rushed into the living room of Gwen's house, Eric's fist and Omega's right leg hit the Almajo robot hard at the same time.The nanorobot was knocked across the living room by the combined blow of the two, smashed the dining table, and rolled through the wall into the next room.

"Settle down the little girl." Omega said, "I'll deal with it first."

After all, he was already in a flash, and followed closely into the broken room.The sound of metal clashing and fighting came from that side immediately, and the Omega and Amojo robots quickly wrestled and smashed through the wall on the inside, and rushed out of the building.

"Are you okay?" Eric asked Gwen.

"I'm fine." Gwen couldn't keep up with the current developments, and said in a daze, "What is that? Who are you? What's going on?"

"It's very complicated, but I don't have time to explain it now. Anyway, it's good that you're fine." Eric said, and he had already chased to the opening where the other two made it. "Get out of here quickly and go to a safe place." place."

"and many more."

Before Gwen finished speaking, Eric had already jumped out, and he couldn't hear what was said later.

"How can a safe place be a safe place?"

Outside the building.

The Omega and Yamajo robots in super-mode armor fought fiercely and rose into the air, when two sharp meteors collided continuously under the darkness of night.The speeding figures of the two couldn't be caught with the naked eye, only the sparks that filled the sky fell down, and were instantly extinguished in the night.

When Eric rushed into the middle of the battle at a high speed, Omega was completely suppressed as expected, and he was already overwhelmed by parrying the attack of the Amojo robot, and he was basically in a state of being completely beaten.

Eric in the green light mode kept his distance, and his imagination instantly turned into various medium and long-range weapons, pouring firepower at the robot.

Providing fire support for Omega sounds like an unpleasant job, but Eric also understands that he has no choice at this moment.If the fighting power of the robot in front of him is the same as in the original work, then even if all members of the Justice League swarm up, they may not be able to win it, and Eric has absolutely no chance of winning against it by himself.

Noticing the large amount of firepower pouring from Eric's side with the energy of the green light, the robot seemed to have diverted its attention a little.It squeezed a fist with its right hand, and a small green ring also appeared on the middle finger, shining like a firefly in the night sky.

A more surging green light came back in an instant.There is no imaginary concrete, just pure and powerful energy. The bullets, rockets, and beams shot by Eric are all swallowed up by the green wave.Eric was taken aback, and hurriedly put up a shield to defend in front of him, and was knocked out with the transparent shield.

But Omega seized the opportunity, shouted loudly, and punched the robot hard on the cheek with all its strength.There was a clear and crisp sound when the bioalloys collided, but it was a pity that this punch, which was enough to cut mountains and rocks, was just a punch that twisted the robot's neck slightly, and failed to achieve any effect.


There was an explosion in mid-air, and the black afterimage flew down from the sky in response, shooting obliquely towards the ground like an accelerated bullet. The Omega smashed into the floor tiles not far from Eric, and the ripples of the impact were like waves in a circle, lifting the tiles one after another. All the vehicles that were close were overturned, and the lampposts were pulled out. The ground rose, sparks splashed all over the ground.

"How did you get beaten so ugly?" When Omega crawled out of the huge pit in embarrassment, Eric taunted unceremoniously, "Aren't you some kind of existence who wants to complete the ultimate evolution? How did you get repaired like this? "

Ignoring his taunt, Omega moved its head and said, "It's even more difficult to deal with than expected. It seems that its awakening level was too low during the battle 15 years ago, and it showed at most [-] to [-]% of its strength. Right now it should be a complete body."

"It uses a green light ability similar to mine, but it is far stronger than mine." Eric said, "And Yamazo's ability is diversified, and the copied superpower should only be infinitely close to the real one. It is impossible to be stronger than the deity. That is to say."

"That is to say, its ability was not copied from you just now, but copied from the genuine Green Lantern a long time ago. Judging from the level of ability just now, it should still be a Green Lantern with quite strong willpower. "

This seems like a good topic to discuss, but unfortunately they have no time now.The Yamozhuo robot sped down from the air with a "whoosh", and landed heavily in front of the two of them. The moment it landed, a circle of dense dust exploded under its feet.

"But let's save this to discuss after tonight." Omega said, "The warm-up time is over, are you ready to get serious?"

The suitcase of the awakening device flew over from the end of the street at high speed with a "whoosh" and fell into Eric's hands.

"It's already ready." He said lightly.

"Awakening, please complete."

The awakening device on Eric's side quickly unfolded, armed on the armor and directly entered the awakening super mode.At the same time, Omega also launched a mode upgrade, with a floating "Ω" logo projected on the chest, and the high-concentration energy quickly condensed, and the lingering armor was fully upgraded to a brand-new mode that combined all abilities!

"Now," Eric squeezed the wrist of his right fist, staring at the Almojo robot, and said, "the second round."

(End of this chapter)

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