Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 349 Absolute Strength

Chapter 349 Absolute Strength
New York, Avengers Tower.

The huge Avengers hall was empty at the moment, only the electronic conference table was still lit.A light blue floating screen was projected above the desktop, playing real-time local news in New York.

"Here is a reporter from the New York Times for your exclusive report!"

The beautiful blonde female reporter stood on the helicopter, and the gust of wind pouring in from the opened hatch made her blonde hair flutter in the wind.

"We have now come to the top of the battle. From the photographer's lens, we can see that there are three robots fighting with each other below. However, their origin is still unknown, and no relevant party has come forward to make a statement."

The camera cuts to the bottom, which is the scene of the battle between Eric, Omega and the Amajo robot.Not long after getting the news, Iron Man stationed in the Avengers Building has rushed to the battlefield, leaving only Dr. Banner in the laboratory of the building.

What Banner didn't notice was that shortly after Iron Man left the Avengers Building, Patient Zero, who was locked in a cryogenic incubator in the laboratory, slowly opened his eyes again.

"Here." He whispered to himself, the voice was so soft that he could hardly hear himself.

At this time, the battle situation in New York is in the middle.

The Yamajo robot blasted towards Eric with a horrific cannon. Just before the hit, Omega rushed to him at super speed by surprise, and quickly opened the green light barrier in front of him.It's a pity that this hastily summoned barrier was really vulnerable to that majestic blow, and it was broken in a few tenths of a second. The energy torrent roared and shattered the green light barrier, and directly bombarded Omega's armor.

Omega moaned in a low voice, it seemed quite painful to bear such an impact, but he still didn't intend to dodge, instead he opened his arms to block Eric, allowing the tyrannical energy to wash away from his armor. The energy stance around Omega was instantly swallowed up, countless cracks were added to the shell of the armor at a speed visible to the naked eye, and electric sparks flashed all over his body.

Just at this moment, the bionic body in armor seemed to overlap with Eric's father's image, as if his father really opened his arms and stood in front of him.

He finally survived.After Yamazo's cannonball was over, Omega's armor was damaged all over, and his whole body was shrouded in black smoke.His knees softened and he fell to the ground. Eric could clearly see the severe damage to the body of the bionic body through the cracks in the armor. At this moment, it was rapidly repairing in a liquid-like form under the armor.

Eric looked at him in shock: "Why are you?"

Omega didn't answer, and his eyes were still fixed on the Naya Mojo robot not far away.

Up to the moment of the battle, both of them were already wounded, and the consumption was quite serious. On the other hand, the Yamozhuo robot was still fighting like a normal person so far.It has maintained a calm response from the beginning to the end. Basically, it has been waiting for the two to make the first move before passively counterattacking, but it has taken the complete initiative instead, and it seems to be able to handle it with ease.

Even if they don't want to admit it, this is already an obvious fact - they can't win, even if the two of them work together, they can't win against this terrifying robot.Should it be said that it is the Yamajo robot who once wiped out all members of the Justice League?The strength is really frighteningly strong.

Now if the Yamozhuo robot wants to make up the knife to deal with them, they have no strength to resist, and it can be said that they are completely defeated.

Yamazo took a slow step, took two steps forward, but suddenly froze in place as if sensing something.

Afterwards, it turned around without saying a word, without even looking at the two of them, rushed into the sky with a "boom", and instantly disappeared into the night sky as an afterimage.

No matter how unwilling he was, Eric had to admit that he was relieved.

Because this time I really saved my life.

Almost half a minute after Yamazo left, Iron Man descended from the sky with a trail of dazzling tail flames.Seeing the messy scene and the two people who were quite embarrassed, he probably guessed the current situation.

"Uh what did I miss?"

Avengers Building.

"Warning, an unknown object is approaching the building very fast"

Before Jarvis's alarm was finished, uninvited guests had violently rushed into the building.Dr. Banner, who was standing in front of the experimental bench, was overturned to the ground by a sudden hurricane, and the wall on one side was pierced with a bang, and the Almajo robot appeared in the laboratory almost teleporting with an unparalleled domineering aura Inside, smoke and dust billowed behind him.

As soon as it entered the room, its eyes locked on Patient Zero in the culture tank.Patient zero also slowly opened his eyelids and looked back at it, both eyes flashing similar red light.

Instantly realizing that something was wrong, Dr. Banner yelled and threw away the pair of black-rimmed glasses on his nose.His body swelled rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the clothes all over his body were torn into rags by the swollen muscles in the blink of an eye.His figure grew rapidly, and his head reached the ceiling in just two seconds

Banner, who transformed into the Hulk, let out a violent roar, as if an invisible wave of air spread with his roar, blowing away all the tables and chairs in the laboratory.

When Hulk kicked his feet, the floor sank immediately, and the huge green figure slammed into the Amojo robot.The originally burly figure of the nanorobot looked so thin and insignificant in front of the Hulk at this moment.

It's a pity that strength is often not judged according to body shape.


The loud noise of fists and palms intersecting is like the explosion of high-energy explosives.The shock wave spread along the entire floor, and all the glass in a circle shattered with a clang, and the shards fell towards the street outside the building like heavy snow.

But the cannonball-like green fist was finally blocked.Almadra raised only one arm, his palm resting on the Hulk's fist, motionless.The blue veins on Hulk's arm bulged, and his arm trembled slightly due to the force, but the robot's arm still didn't move at all.

Almadra raised his other fist and pulled his elbow back slowly, as if building strength.

In the next second, a heavier roar resounded through the building.The huge green afterimage smashed through countless walls in a row, like an armored vehicle with brake failure crashing through the entire floor, and finally flew out of the building, drawing an arc and falling towards the block below.

After finishing Hulk, Yamajo went straight to the cabin where patient zero was locked without turning his head.It casually tore open the heavy alloy door like a finger pie, and stood in front of Patient Zero face to face.

Patient Zero looked him straight in the eye, as if he had been waiting.

Almadra slowly raised his arm and stretched out his palm towards Patient Zero's face.

(End of this chapter)

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