Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 350 Confronting Luthor

Chapter 350 Confronting Luthor
Avengers Building.

When they received the alarm that the building was invaded, Eric and Omega immediately followed Iron Man back to the Avengers Building, but it was still too late.By the time they arrived, the amajobot had already left the mansion.

And when they arrived, the entire floor where the laboratory was located was in a mess.Half of the ceiling in the room collapsed, and Hulk's huge silhouette was left on all the walls from the laboratory to the outside of the building, as if these traces could restore the intensity of the battle at that time.

The door of the culture tank that closed patient zero was ripped open with brute force, and the door frame was twisted and deformed.Patient zero was still bound and lying in the cabin, but his pale face was completely shriveled, very similar to the symptoms of those infected who were recently attacked by the Almajo robots.The difference was that the scarlet eyes of Patient Zero who had been sucked dry at this time also completely lost their luster, and his breathing also completely stopped.

According to Tony's examination of his body, Patient Zero was actually brain-dead not long after he was infected with the Amojo virus in the New York incident, and what was alive later was just a walking corpse dominated by the consciousness of the Amojo virus. puppet.But now that the Yamajo robot has been released, all the virus reactions in his body have disappeared, and patient zero has finally come to the end of his life and ushered in a real death.

Banner, who had turned back into a human form, found another coat to put on, and apologized: "Sorry, I couldn't. I should have stopped it."

"It's not your fault, Doctor." Eric patted him on the shoulder, "There was nothing you could do."

Next, he turned to Omega.

"I still have a lot of questions I want to ask you." Eric said, "For example, what I wanted to ask earlier - how would you know who the robot's next attack target is? But now, I have another question that I care more about. question."

After a pause, he deliberately emphasized his tone and asked, "Why did you take that blow for me at that time?"

The Omega stared at him for a moment.

"Just like you, I can also sense the consciousness of the Almajo virus, and the connection is much deeper than yours." Omega said lightly, "It's an intuition, I can feel it before the robot made a few shots recently. The target of the shot."

"You avoided my first question," Eric reminded.

After a moment of silence, he continued: "But I might have some clues about the real problem of this robot or the person behind it. I think that's what we need to confirm next."

Still deliberately avoiding this question, Eric couldn't help frowning.

An hour later, at the headquarters of Aegis, Sanfei decorated the building.

It was raining again outside the window.Lex Luthor was facing the glass wall outside, with his hands behind his back and looking out of the window, with a calm expression on his face.

"Since you're here, I assume you've already remembered?" He asked lightly.

"More or less."

Omega appeared in the middle of the office at some point, and Eric followed closely behind him.

"Luther." Eric frowned.

"I know you have tampered with my memory." Omega stared at the bald man's back, gritted his teeth, and said, "When did it start? After the last battle in New York...or since 15 years ago? Did you act according to your will?"

Luther turned around with a gentle but inexplicably irritating smile on his face.

"What do you say?"

Omega took a sudden step forward, staring angrily into Luthor's eyes through the eyepiece.

"You mean, for the past 15 years, everything I've pursued...all the things I've done, are all just acting according to your wishes?"

"That's right, but not quite right." Luther shrugged, "Everything you have done in the past 15 years is all out of your copied body——Dr. Charlotte's own will, the goal you want to achieve It is indeed due to Dr. Charlotte's own wishes, but some of his goals and pursuits are coincidentally consistent with my goals, so I magnified these wishes and asked you to do something for me. "

"You mean to be your pawn." Omega said coldly.

"Basically, you can understand it that way." Luthor smiled slightly, "But what must be said, we are actually a cooperative relationship. After all, we all want to see the development of Amojo's technology, don't we?"

"You tampered with my memory."

"It's just a regular correction." Luther said, "Your memory will be regularly corrected for 15 years to ensure that you continue to work in the direction I want. Of course, there is also to ensure that you think you are acting on your own will, not Remember who you are working for."

As if he couldn't bear it any longer, Omega stretched out his hand, pinched Luther's throat with a metal palm and lifted him up. As long as the power system of the armor exerted a little force, Luther's neck could be crushed into pieces.

However, with only a little force on his hand, the part of Luthor's neck that was clamped by him seemed to change into a liquid-like substance, and he still kept that wry smile on his face, as if he didn't feel the slightest pain.

"The bionic body in front of you is just a bionic body." Luther smiled, "just like you. Of course, I didn't completely copy my own genius brain, I just remotely controlled this body as my substitute. I think You should be able to understand. After all, you are in an important position, and you always have to guard against someone who will be against you."

Although he was also very upset with Luther, there were other priorities right now.Eric asked, "So what about that robot that's going berserk? Is that part of your plan?"

"Amojo robot? It's a pity, but that's not in my plan." Luthor said helplessly, "That robot was recovered by Hydra people 15 years ago, even if there is someone behind its actions Manipulating, that should be Hydra too. I don't know anything about this robot."

"Hydra?" Eric asked lightly, "Shouldn't you be accomplices of an organization? When Dr. Charlotte went to the 'organization' to study Amojo technology 15 years ago, Lex Corporation also got involved A kick?"


Luther repeated the word, and then burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Eric asked, frowning.

"Sorry, but may I ask first? Did Nick Fury tell you that?" He asked, "There is an extremely powerful organization that even he doesn't know the details of is operating in the dark , running everything? Could it be that the great and wise super spy Nick Fury just can't catch a clue about the core of this organization no matter what he does?"

Eric frowned: "What's wrong?"

"Let me tell you what the truth is, why Nick Fury will never be able to find the slightest clue about the 'organization'" Luthor said with an unclear smile.

".Because 'organization' doesn't exist."

(End of this chapter)

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