Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 351 The Truth About "Organization"

Chapter 351 The Truth About "Organization"
".Because 'organization' doesn't exist."

Hearing what Luther said, Eric was stunned for a moment, unable to react.

"What do you mean?"

"It's literally." Luthor said, Omega had already put him down, he calmly adjusted his clothes, and continued, "The reason why Nick Fury has the illusion that he is facing a huge organization , it is nothing more than because he can always see the shadows of multiple forces in various events, so he made the illusion that there is a huge and deeply hidden organization hidden behind everything."


"Yes, an illusion." Luther said, "There is no organization at all, that's just Fury's own imagination. The only thing that really exists is the 'center'."

"'Central'." Eric repeated the word.

"At least that's what we call it." Luthor explained, "a platform for resource integration, a platform that connects all groups that are large enough or whose capabilities are recognized. Various forces can exchange resources with each other through this platform. , the exchange of information, and even help each other in the case of the same interests. But other than that, the participating forces still maintain the original competitive or even hostile relationship, and they are not integrated. As for this mysterious 'central'."

He deliberately paused, and strengthened his tone here.

".It is said to have been founded by only one man."

"Who?" Eric asked.

"I don't know, and no one knows." Luther shrugged, "The only thing I know is that he will never belong to or favor any side, and the operation of the 'center' is completely maintained by him. He can even use the power of multiple forces for his own use in a clever way. If I want to evaluate it, only in this respect, he should be a genius second only to me."

It was indeed a Luthor-style arrogant speech, but from his evaluation, it can be seen that he highly affirmed that unknown person.

But there is one more problem.

"Why did you tell us this?" Eric asked with a frown, "If there is such a 'central', it will provide you with a lot of beneficial resources, won't it?"

"It's nothing." Luther said lightly, "It's just because the 'central' has been operating too smoothly all the time. I think he should encounter some obstacles, that's all."

After a pause, he turned to say: "But these things can be put aside for a while, I know that you are here for the Yamajo robot that has recently gone berserk, unfortunately I really don't know anything about it .But I can point you to someone who might know."

As he spoke, he walked to the desk, tapped lightly on the light blue transparent table twice, and a suspended projection immediately stood up.Immediately, the image of a voluptuous woman appeared on the screen, wearing a green uniform, with wavy blond hair covering one eye.

"Viper, a high-level cadre of Hydra." Luther explained, "As far as I know, she has been supervising the Almajo project on Hydra, and I happen to have information about her base for the past two days .If you go and look there, maybe there will be some relevant clues."

Eric and Omega looked at each other.

"Okay, that's all I can say." Luther opened the seat, sat back on the seat, and said, "Let's go after listening, I still have work to do. After all, I'm living in a important job."

Half a day later, in a certain valley, Hydra base.

"Sir!" A soldier sitting in front of the console reported in a panic, "We have intruders!"

"Calm down." It was Viper, the highest-level cadre in the base who spoke, "Who invaded us? Aegis?"

Xiaobing stammered: "Yes, yes, the Avengers!"

At this moment, the Quin-style fighter Avenger has hovered over the Hydra base like an eagle with wings spread.Iron Man took the lead, and the propellers with full power pushed the armor to dive down at the speed of sound, spraying a long string of stray bullets towards the base below.Several gunpowder depots and a row of racks carrying missiles were detonated one after another, and brilliant sparks exploded in the base one after another.

Iron Man swoops into the battlefield, followed by Captain America and Black Panther jumping off the plane.One of the two has the powerful physique of a super soldier, and the other has the protection of a full vibrating gold jacket. They both fell from the air of nearly 20 meters without a parachute, and rushed into the battle with bullets raining on them.

"The outer layer of the topmost building is protected by an invisible energy barrier, just like the signboard of 'I am the base'." Iron Man flew over the helmet and said after scanning for a while, "Wait a minute, I'm analyzing the wavelength of the scanning energy shield, give me about 2 minutes and I can break it down."

Captain America knocked unconscious a miscellaneous soldier wielding a saber who rushed forward with his shield, rolled sideways to avoid a shell fired from a high place, and said, "Before that, do you have time to clean up the high fort? "

"I'm a bit stuck here, but I'm sure someone else is free." Iron Man said, "Hulk, did you hear that?"


Well, this is also a response.The huge green afterimage was like a meatball chariot dragging billowing smoke out of the depths of the forest. It knocked over all the tanks and armored vehicles along the way in a straight line, and crashed into the turret. in the elevated base.The entire high platform collapsed into the billowing smoke and dust, and the fort on the top also fell into the ground, smashing to pieces.

The inside of the base was already in a state of panic, and even Viper couldn't keep calm anymore.Unprepared to be attacked by the Avengers like this, they have no room to fight back. There are not even weapons that can be regarded as resistance in the entire base.Speaking of which, how did the Avengers know this place?Who actually leaked the news?
But now she didn't have time to think about it, because the miscellaneous soldiers in front of the console had already sent a report: "Iron Man is breaking down our shield, and the shield is failing. They are about to come in!"

Viper gritted his teeth and made a decision: "Everyone, implement the emergency plan! Abandon the base and retreat immediately!"

"Sorry ma'am, but you're not going anywhere."

As soon as the voice fell, half of the ceiling was bombed and collapsed, and Eric and Omega, who were directly wearing the awakening mode armor, broke through the ceiling and jumped down.

The miscellaneous soldiers in the room hurriedly showed their weapons, and rushed towards the two of them in a swarm, and the ending was naturally needless to say.The two of them didn't even use any special abilities, and just used fists and kicks to solve all of them.

The last miscellaneous soldier fell to the ground, and Eric turned around and said, "Okay, all the troubles have been resolved. Now don't waste energy and time needlessly, we just want to ask."

Before he finished speaking, the green ray bombarded his chest unexpectedly, knocking him to the ground violently.

"Don't underestimate people." Viper gritted his teeth with faint green flames burning in his hands.

Eric was taken aback: "You are."

"A person infected with the submerged virus." Omega said lightly, "Your senses are not sharp enough."

(Thanks to book friend kabuto555 for the 500 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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