Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 352 The Raging Beast

Chapter 352 The Raging Beast

Viper, the high-level Hydra, also known as Mrs. Hydra.She has superb leadership skills, fighting skills, and it is said that she signed an agreement with the devil to obtain the ability to remain young forever, but this part has yet to be verified.

But in any case, the part of "shooting green rays with both hands" is definitely not included in her personal information.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Viper was also an infected person of Almojo. Eric was surprised that he hadn't sensed it at all since he came in. Before that, he could always sense the existence of infected people from a distance.

Omega didn't seem to be surprised at all, and said lightly: "You are not closely connected with the virus. It is normal if you didn't notice that this woman is different from other people. The virus in her body did not come from the New York incident. Her virus is relatively autonomous. The sex is much weaker, and it seems to have been restrained to a certain extent, I think it should be injected into her body on her own initiative. It seems that Hydra also has some research on Amojo's technology."

"It doesn't matter anymore." Eric said and stood up.The hit just now was entirely due to being caught off guard, and the energy impact of the Viper was actually relatively ordinary, and it could not pose a threat to the two sets of Almazo armor.

"Complete speed mode is online."

Almost at the moment when Viper's second energy beam shot, the Alpha armor had switched to the awakening speed mode.Eric walked out with a long series of afterimages under his feet, and the wave released from the Viper's palm was almost still suspended in mid-air, moving forward inch by inch extremely slowly.

A miss, before Viper had time to be surprised, Eric's voice sounded from behind: "Where are you looking?"

Viper turned back hastily, but her movements were too slow in the eyes of the accelerating Eric.Eric kicked her in the middle of her lower abdomen with a flying leg, causing her to bend down with a groan, and then slapped her across the cheek, and immediately slapped the woman to the ground.

Although it was only an instant fight, Viper also saw the disparity in strength through this round, and simply gave up the idea of ​​running away or playing tricks.

"What do you want?" She asked coldly, "Did Aegis order you to come here?"

"No." Eric said, "We are not interested in the battle between Aegis and Hydra, I just want to ask some questions. I think you should also know about the recent rampage of a submerged nano-robot Right? There is information that Hydra has been holding this robot for 15 years, is it true?"

"It's true." The Viper said without denying it at all, "but it has already escaped our control. If you want to know where it is now, I'm sorry we don't know anything about it."

"But you have plenty of time to study its program." Eric asked, "At least you should know what its AI looks like, right? If it breaks free and runs away, what will it do? What is its purpose? "

"Sorry, we don't know about this." Viper shrugged, "It's not that I don't want to tell you, but if you have studied that robot yourself, you will understand—the main program of its AI was damaged 15 years ago. Several of our Hydra technicians tried to restore it, trying to implant it with the idea of ​​​​working for Hydra, but all failed. If you have to guess, I think it should now be killed by its own sub-magic The Drovirus is instinctively driven to attack its own derivative individuals—that is, the infected person of the virus. But theoretically speaking, its consciousness is still in a state of complete confusion, and there is no such thing as thought or purpose."

Is it just acting on instinct? From the behavior of the robot so far, it seems that this is really the case. Its behavior so far is almost irregular, and it really looks like a purposeless beast.

While they were talking, the Hydra troops outside were basically completely disintegrated by the Avengers.The resistance of conventional weapons is almost useless in front of the Avengers. In just 5 minutes since the Avengers broke in, the entire base has basically lost its resistance.

But at this time, an unexpected change happened.

It came from high in the sky, perhaps outside the atmosphere, and its flying speed was extremely fast, and no one saw it coming.But when it landed with a screeching sound like tearing apart space, everyone felt the drastic change in air pressure.

"Guys, watch out!" Tony yelled, "My sensor says something is going super fast"

Before he finished speaking, the afterimage flashed past him, and the terrible wind made him unsteady and almost fell down.And the afterimage didn't stay in the slightest, flying low at the ground, the airflow quickly cut a long crack along the ground, and even knocked Hulk aside domineeringly, and the latter roared angrily at the air.

Inside the base, both Eric and Omega's expressions changed, as if they had sensed something.


Almost at the same moment, the outer wall of the base was blasted open, and a large number of rubble and tiles poured into the room along with the flying smoke, blowing the two of them out with the strong wind.A burly figure more than two meters tall emerged from the thick smoke, and it was Yamazo's robot.

Without any extra words, he stretched out his hand like lightning, and pinched Viper's face with his palm.The blond woman grabbed its wrist tightly and struggled desperately, but how could it be possible to shake that steel-like arm even a little bit?
A light blue light shone on its palm, and Viper's face shriveled almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.Eric jumped up, his body was wrapped in golden electric current and burst out, taking advantage of the time when the robot sucked the viper dry, he shot suddenly.But the robot just raised the other hand lightly and slapped away Eric's speeding punch, and hit Eric's face with the back of his backhand. backed away.

After sucking the poor Hydra lady dry, Almazo casually threw her aside, and at this moment, this gorgeous lady was limp and wilted like a ragged rag.

Almajo's eyes then fell back on Eric and Omega.

"I guess that means it's finally interested in us," Eric said. "That's not a good sign."

"The virus in our body is very special in shape, and it should not be able to digest it before." Omega speculated, "But after swallowing the mutated virus in patient zero, its compatibility should be improved."

"To put it simply, even if we eat it now, we won't have indigestion." Eric frowned, "That's really good news."

As soon as he said this, Ya Mozhuo moved and rushed towards him with the momentum of thunder.

This time, it launched an attack on its own initiative!
(End of this chapter)

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