Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 353 Fighting Yamazhuo Again

Chapter 353 Fighting Yamazhuo Again

Valley, inside the fallen Hydra base.


It was as if a thunderclap echoed in the valley, and the building in the center of the Hydra base collapsed in an instant.The solid base disintegrated instantly after bearing the impact of the implosion, and thick khaki smoke rose up, engulfing the entire ruins.

Eric and Omega flew upside down from the thick smoke almost side by side, and slid close to the ground for a distance of more than 400 meters before barely stopping.The front of the armor of both of them was slightly dented or damaged, and they were repairing themselves at a speed visible to the naked eye at this time, and they both seemed to have been beaten badly.

The burly silhouette loomed in the thick yellow smoke, and the scarlet light of its eyes pierced the smoke screen first and shot out, and the Yamojo robot walked out of the smoke unhurriedly.

"Hey! Look this way!"

Iron Man yelled at the robot through the loudspeaker, and the thrusters shot out dazzling flames and approached at high speed from behind.A row of miniature missiles popped out from the shoulder of his armor, and the thumb-sized rockets whizzed out like densely packed locusts, surrounding Almajo.

Don't look at Iron Man, these rockets are small in size, but their power is unambiguous at all.They exploded around Almadra one after another, and the dazzling flames surrounded it in one piece.Iron Man approached quickly under the cover of missiles, and simultaneously fired pulse beams with both hands to suppress them.

But for the yamojo robot, such a conventional level of attack is of course useless.It just stood there, without even the intention of dodging or defending, it just stood there and ate Iron Man's attack with its body.It protruded a hand out of the flames like lightning, and it was so precise that it grabbed Iron Man's neck the moment he rushed in front of him.

Yamazo's grip was really terrifying, and his five fingers were embedded in the armor around Iron Man's neck in an instant, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't shake this arm a little bit.Tony gritted his teeth and said, "Well, well, you are awesome, but so what if you try this?"

The devices on both sides of Iron Man's waist were opened, and a large number of tongues of flame were "crackling" like fireworks, hitting Almojo's body at zero distance.It's a pity that the body of this nanomachine is simply steel and iron. Even Iron Man's own armor was scorched black by the backsplash firepower, but there is still no scar left on its body.

A whistling sound came from behind, and Captain America's buckler spun at high speed and hit Almajo's back.Yamozhuo waved his hand without turning his head, and there was a continuous crisp sound of "Keng" in midair, and the shield turned around abruptly and flew towards Captain America.The captain hurriedly ducked down to dodge, the vibrating gold shield shot directly into the rock wall on the side of the valley with such powerful arm strength, and most of it was embedded in it.

Turning his attention back to Iron Man, Yamajo exerted a little force on the palm of his neck, and the armor immediately made a "crack" sound, as if it was about to be crushed.With sharp eyes and quick hands, Tony hurriedly chose to eject. The back of the armor opened suddenly, and Tony's body jumped out of the armor in an emergency.Almost in the next second, the neck of the armor was broken by Yamozhuo, the helmet bounced off Lao Gao, and rolled back to the ground in an arc.

With a roar, Hulk sprinted at full speed from directly in front of Yamozhuo, and the yellow dust billowed in his path, like a heavily modified heavy tank accelerated.However, Yamazo calmly raised an arm towards him, and the forearm part quickly changed into a circular muzzle, from which ripples that seemed faintly visible to the naked eye burst out, with a buzzing sound like tinnitus.The speed of Hulk, who was caught in a circle of ripples, suddenly decreased, and every step he took left a deep footprint on the ground, just like a person advancing against a typhoon.

It was a sonic cannon modeled after Cyborg, a member of the original Justice League.

On the other side, the panther also tried to fly forward.And the robot didn't even look at him, a green light suddenly appeared under his feet, and the energy of the green light turned into a transparent airtight cage that suddenly rose from under his feet, immediately shut him inside, no matter whether he vibrated with the glove No matter how Jin's claws scratched, it didn't help.

But Hulk was really fierce here, he clenched his teeth, let out low growls from the depths of his throat, and walked up against the power of the sonic cannon, seeing that he was only a few steps away from the robot up.

Unfortunately, just a few steps away, Yamozhuo's eyes flashed red.The red-hot laser beam roared out, striking Hulk's chest with astonishing momentum.Now even Hulk couldn't bear it anymore, his body was pushed upside down by the thermal vision and flew a long way, crashing dully into the small hill directly behind him, and being buried under a large number of falling rocks.

Teammates fell one after another, but Captain America didn't have the slightest intention of backing down.He conveniently pulled out the shield from the mountain wall, rushed to Yamajo's body quickly, and smashed the shield hard at its forehead with all the strength of his arms.

Armazo's red eyes seemed to flick toward him slightly.In the next second, the shield in the captain's hand smashed through an afterimage that was left in place, and the deity flashed behind him in an instant.Without any warning, the captain only relied on conditioned reflex to quickly raise the shield in front of him - and it turned out that this shield saved his life.The back of Yamozhuo's fist hit the shield with a clear "dang", sending him flying far away in the air.

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

Yamozhuo had just finished the action when two electronic prompts with different tones sounded.When he turned his head, he saw that a mighty stream of green light mixed with two red-hot beams of light had rushed towards him, and the momentum was truly astonishing.

Yamozhuo raised his hand and released the transparent green barrier. The red and green light beams hit the barrier violently. After a stalemate for about ten seconds, they pierced through it and hit the Yamozhuo robot directly.Finally, the robot was lifted off the ground as a whole by the impact, and was pushed out a long distance before falling to the ground in embarrassment.

This was a combined force output from the Amozo Alpha armor in the green light mode and the Omega armor in the compound ability mode. It finally broke through the defense and achieved certain results, but it seemed to be nothing more than that.The nano-biological robot only fell to the ground for a moment, and then slowly stood up again, as if nothing happened.

It seems that there is only so much they can do. With their strength alone, it is really impossible to defeat this terrifying machine, right?
Fortunately, this time Eric called for some helpers.

The Yamojo robot seemed to sense something, stopped abruptly, and turned its head slowly.

At some point, the six giants of the Justice League, including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, and Martian Manhunter, have appeared behind it, forming a half circle around it in the center.

"Game time is over, robot." Green Lantern thumped his palm with his fist and said, "The next step is the recycling stage."

(End of this chapter)

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