Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 354 Reinforcement!

Chapter 354 Reinforcement!

If it is not a last resort, Eric is also reluctant to ask the Justice League for help.This is the first time he has asked the league for help as a reserve member, precisely because he has no other options.

Perhaps in this world, the Justice League is the only one who can still stop this runaway Yamajo robot.

Superman suspended majestically at the front and said coldly: "If you understand, we don't want to use too much force."

"Its AI has been damaged, and now it doesn't have any thinking, it's just a simple violent beast." Eric explained to Superman, "so it's pointless to talk to it"

He had only spoken half of his words, and Yamozhuo's side was already bursting out as if to prove what he said.Its speed was so fast that even Superman couldn't react at this distance.The robot's fist turned into a fuzzy afterimage and whizzed towards Superman's face with a bang, causing his body to shoot straight through several mountain walls behind him like a speeding bullet, and he didn't know where he landed .

Green Lantern and Eric shot at almost the same time. One of the green light ring and the simulated light ring of the armor turned into a rocket with green tail flames, and the other turned into a whining train. On Yamazhuo.The rocket and the train pushed Almajo's tiny body violently and slammed into the rock wall behind. The solid rock was easily crushed like tofu and sank deeply.

But only about three to five meters in, both of them encountered irresistible resistance and were stopped. No matter how the rocket spewed fire backwards or the train tires spun sharply on the rails, they couldn't move forward. Advance half point.

I saw that in the deep pit that was knocked out on the mountain wall, Yamozhuo was holding the train and the rocket that turned into a green light with his hands respectively, and there was a faint momentum to push back outwards.The scarlet eyes of the robot flashed, and Eric and Hal, the Green Lantern, felt a surge of force passing through the concrete representation of the Green Lantern.In the next second, the objects produced by the two of them shattered like glass products, and the invisible impact knocked them out, and each of them fell to the ground.

Amojo was walking slowly out of the huge hole that was knocked out, but bumped into Wonder Woman head-on.Without even thinking about it, it punched the heroine with a buzzing wind.

The action of the robot was clearly reflected in the jet-black pupils, and she had already predicted the intention of Armajo's punching at the moment before it punched.She nimbly avoided it sideways, her long hair flying with the high-speed movement of her body.Almadra's fist passed through her silky hair, and she caught the knuckles with a deft grappling technique.

In terms of strength and speed alone, Wonder Woman may still not be able to match the Amojo machine, but in terms of combat skills, she is a super master.With just a simple move in the face, Yamozhuo was restrained, and received a heavy blow from the heroine on the face and chest, and finally turned around and slammed it back onto the mountain wall with an elbow. The whole mountain seemed to vibrate, and gravel fell from the top of the mountain.

Wonder Woman took advantage of the victory and pursued, punching her opponent's door immediately afterward.But at this moment, there seemed to be electricity flashing in Yamajo's scarlet eyes, and the machine's figure seemed to shake vaguely, and then disappeared in place.The female hero's powerful punch immediately pierced through an afterimage left by the robot, and drove it into the solid rock behind like a pile driver.

In an instant, the Yamojo robot seemed to have transformed into countless clones, and surrounded Wonder Woman from all directions at the same time - because its moving speed was too fast, these were the afterimages left by its super-speed movement.Even if Wonder Woman possessed superb skills, she couldn't cope with such a fast speed. After being punched back by Yamazoo several times in a row, she was finally hit so hard that she flew far away.When the Flash saw her, he hurriedly chased after her to catch her, and helped her decelerate and brake to remove the shock.

And the Martian Manhunter has switched to the "Phasingless" state at this moment, sneaking out from behind Yamazo without anyone noticing.When Almadra turned his head sharply, Martian Manhunter's translucent palm had already penetrated its indestructible shell and penetrated into its body.

"No matter how powerful and powerful you are, you are still just a robot." Martian Manhunter said, "I can destroy your internal structure, completely destroy your structure, and turn you back into a pile of scrap metal!"

Seems to be working!From the moment Martian Manhunter put his hand into it, its limbs twitched like an epilepsy, the electric current all over its body was sizzling, and its scarlet eyes flickered.

This is the closest to a successful fight against Yamazo so far. If there were two more seconds, maybe the Martian Manhunter would have succeeded in scrapping it.

It's a pity that sometimes many things are just a little bit worse, and God is not always as expected.

Just before he was about to succeed, Almadra's scarlet eyes completely reflected Martian Manhunter's whole body.Numerous and complex ability analysis and data analysis were all completed in an instant. The Martian Manhunter's ability was transformed into pure data and flowed into the electronic brain of the nano-biological robot, which was completely analyzed in an instant.

The robot stretched out its right hand, and unexpectedly grabbed Martian Manhunter's "phaseless" wrist.

"What!?" Martian Manhunter was stunned, "This is impossible!?"

But that's what happened.The Amojo robot pinched his wrist that should have been able to penetrate all objects, and with absolute brute force broke it out of his body, then grabbed the wrist and slammed Martian Manhunter over his shoulder onto the ground. The ground was so powerful that the entire valley trembled.

Immediately afterwards, the robot raised its palm high, pointing at the Martian Manhunter on the ground like a dagger, intending to stab him down.With its strength, if this stab really hits, the Martian Manhunter may be either killed or injured.

And at this moment, a large amount of broken rocks piled up in the distance suddenly exploded like a volcanic eruption, and red and blue afterimages suddenly burst out from below, flying towards with a piercing sound, and Yamo was caught off guard. The Zhuo robot bumped off the Martian Manhunter and flew a long way.

It's Superman.

Yamozhuo volleyed backwards and fell to the ground, and stood firmly again.But I saw Superman speeding up again, roaring at an astonishing speed again, and the whole body was like an intercontinental missile biting the target. A powerful aura that armor and even robots cannot [-]% replicate.

Unfortunately, the robot didn't mean to confront him head-on this time.At the moment when Superman's afterimage was violently killed, this guy's body switched to a "phaseless" state that is immune to any physical attack like a Martian manhunter.Superman, who was sprinting at supersonic speed, pierced through it in a flash, and knocked down a mountain peak behind him, causing dust to fly all over the sky.But when he hurriedly stopped the car and turned his head sharply, he ran into the heat vision impact from Yamajo's mighty head-on, and was knocked to the ground violently.

By this time, even the Justice League with all its members has been suppressed by this almost invincible robot, and its combat effectiveness can only be described as abnormal.Is it true that no one in this world can stop this out-of-control fighting machine anymore?
No, it's not all of them, and there's one person who hasn't made a shot so far.

I have been indifferently observing that the current Batman suddenly spoke through the spiritual link established by the Martian Manhunter in the entire alliance: "Everyone, listen carefully now, I have a plan. Maybe it is to defeat this machine. The only way."

(End of this chapter)

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