Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 355 Defeating Yamozhuo?

Chapter 355 Defeating Yamozhuo?
Batman is perhaps the most overlooked member of the Justice League.As an ordinary man caught between the gods, his existence often seems the smallest, so he is always overlooked, and this is often the biggest mistake made by the Justice League's terrible enemies.

So far, Batman seems to be busy dodging debris from a fight between a group of immortal teammates and an even more immortal robot, trying not to be caught by the aftermath of a blow and just go straight away.But in fact, his gaze never left the center of the battle for a moment, and his head didn't stop analyzing and thinking for a second.

And in the end, he always has a way.

"Everyone, completely obey my command from now on." Through the spiritual communication established by the Martian Manhunter in everyone's mind, Batman said, "Please take this as our only chance to defeat it, and don't make any mistakes."

No one disagrees.Although Batman is just a human being, everyone in the Justice League knows what he is capable of. Since he said so, then just trust him.

With Batman at the center, the Justice League reunited and re-formed against the invincible Amojo robots.


Following Batman's order, The Flash was the first to strike.The fastest man in the world turned into a golden bolt of lightning, broke through the sound barrier almost as soon as he ran out, and flashed in front of Yamajo at a speed comparable to teleportation, his fist turned into a ball The red afterimage flew away covering his head and face.

The moment the Speed ​​Force's reaction was detected, a similar electric current flashed in Almadra's eyes.The body of the robot quickly oscillated into a blurred afterimage, and at the same high speed, it sideways avoided Flash's punch. At the same time, it raised its leg silently and quickly, and slammed its knee towards Flash.

But seeing that the Flash had no intention of fighting with him at all, he dragged his afterimage and moved sideways to avoid it, and then he lay down on the lower body, and slid past the robot's feet with a "swish" on the ground, and quickly pulled away. distance.

And while the robot's attention was moving with the Flash, Green Lantern made another move.Unknowingly, the light of the green light has formed a hemispherical pot lid directly above the robot's head, accelerating and falling from mid-air.Yamojo's eyes followed the Flash and turned half a circle, completely oblivious to the pot lid falling from above his head, and was immediately thrown upside down.

But of course it is impossible to trap it with this kind of thing. At this moment, Almadra simply can't count the number of ways to break free.It directly chose to enter the "phaseless" mode of the Martian Manhunter, directly penetrated from the solid body of the green light pot lid, and floated into the air.

But the Martian Manhunter has long been waiting for it to do so.The moment the robot escaped from the confinement, he had already rushed forward, thrust his hand into Yamazoo's illusory body, abruptly dragged it back to its normal phase, and his body turned back into reality.

Yamazo directly pushed the Martian Manhunter back with an elbow with astonishing brute force, but a stronger wind blew from behind his head.He turned his head to one side, and saw that Superman and Wonder Woman were both approaching very close, and two destructive fists were blasting towards its nose with an unparalleled wind.

With the combined power of Superman and Wonder Woman, no one on this planet could withstand such a blow, not even this mighty robot.The robot's fighting instinct obviously helped it make such a judgment, so it immediately chose to avoid it.

The current simulating the speed force flashed in the red eyes again, and the body of the bio-nano robot seemed to vibrate at high speed again.
It didn't seem to go so well this time.

Electric sparks "cracked" across the robot's body, not the kind of current that simulates the energy of the Speed ​​Force, but more like electric sparks jumping when electronic equipment is overloaded and running to the limit.

Hit!The Amojo robot, which obviously possessed the speed of The Flash and was absolutely able to avoid the fists of Superman and Wonder Woman, was hit head-on by two punches, and flew out like a cannonball with a circle of air waves visible to the naked eye!

Seeing this invincible robot being hit head-on, "booming" through layers of rocks, and almost smashing down an entire mountain, everyone showed surprise expressions, only Batman remained expressionless.

As calculated.

From the beginning of the engagement, Batman noticed a vital question that everyone else ignored-why didn't the robot use all of its abilities at the same time?
Yes, the Almajo robot seems to have all kinds of superpowers emerging one after another, which has made it difficult for the world's most powerful heroes to cope, but in Batman's eyes, it looks like it hasn't used its full strength yet.For example, if it has maintained the Flash's high speed, superhuman strength, and iron and steel bones, it has continued to use green light energy to transform various weapons to assist in combat, or even maintain the "phaseless" state of Martian Manhunter to make itself immune to immortality. Most injuries, who else can win with such an existence?
But according to the observations so far, the fact is that although the Yamozhuo robot is terrifyingly strong, everyone was not completely crushed and unable to move during the fight with it.While always at a disadvantage, the Justice League still has room to fight back and even create a chance for victory.

So Batman came to this conclusion - it can't easily use multiple superpowers at the same time.Maybe using multiple abilities at the same time will make it unbalanced, maybe the attributes of a single ability will be weakened, and it may even directly crash it-just like a computer that executes multiple large applications at the same time will crash.

Whatever the possibility, this can be a breakthrough to attack it.

And the reality is not much different from what he expected.First of all, Flash's super-speed assault lures Yamozhuo to activate the super-speed ability, and the restraint of the green light makes it activate the ability of Martian Manhunter. After Martian Manhunter forcibly released its "phaseless state", it immediately activated its super power. Superman, Wonder Woman once again tried to activate the speed ability when the first two punches fell.And this whole process of ups and downs only happened in a little over a second.Such high-frequency ability switching really made it show signs of overload, and it was finally dealt a heavy blow.

"Everyone, don't relax." Batman continued through telepathy, "Keep the attack sequence just now, and the attack should not be interrupted. The main purpose is to force it to switch different abilities to respond. Once the goal is achieved, it can be temporarily withdrawn by other People take over."

After listening to his words, everyone cheered up and had a high fighting spirit.

If this continues, we can win!
(Thanks to the half-volume love letter from the book friend, and the 500 starting point coins rewarded by Yabofeika!)

(End of this chapter)

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