Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 356 Awakening

Chapter 356 Awakening
The Yamojo robot, which can replicate all superpowers and is almost incomprehensibly strong, has turned around when everyone almost begins to doubt whether there is really a way to defeat it.

Thanks to Batman's calm thinking and brilliant tactical mind, and the concerted efforts of the entire Justice League, this terrible machine was finally completely suppressed.Everyone took turns to attack, and the attack rhythm was as tight as a string of beads. The Yamozhuo robot just repeatedly wanted to activate different abilities to deal with different opponents, but because it couldn't keep up with the rhythm, it fell into complete chaos, basically reduced to Beaten sandbags.

It was another great opportunity, and almost everyone present felt that they had a chance to win. No one, including Batman, expected what would happen next.

Using multiple continuous attacks with different abilities to induce frequent switching of the opponent's abilities, so that they fall into a state of near-death, this is the method designed by Batman to defeat Yamajo.But this method is not without flaws. It is based on the premise that the opponent does not have any thinking ability, but just fights and switches instinctively like a written program.And if Yamozhuo had a little bit of IQ and didn't cooperate with the opponent to constantly switch abilities, the situation would be completely different.

Unfortunately, that's exactly what happened next.

When it was Flash's turn to attack again, he rode the wind and approached Almadra at super speed as he had done in previous rounds.However, this time, Yamazo didn't honestly try to use the simulated speed force to deal with it like the previous few times.Without any warning, the mouth part of its face suddenly opened a mouth, and the frozen breath copied from Superman roared out!

This kind of change was completely unexpected by Flash, he was completely caught off guard, and he didn't even have a chance to brake.Low temperature is the natural enemy of speeders. The extremely cold air can even freeze the thermal movement of molecules. The Flash had no chance, and was frozen into an ice sculpture on the spot!

Green Lantern roared, and rushed forward eagerly. The green light attached to his right hand turned into a mechanical gauntlet with a sharp blade, leaving a dazzling green trail in the air and blasting towards Amojo.

But this time, Yamozhuo still didn't use any other abilities, it directly punched it with brute force, and the overwhelming super power smashed Green Lantern's glove on the spot, shaking Green Lantern himself to fly upside down out.

This sudden change came so fast that no one could react.Batman stared at the suddenly smart robot through the white eyepiece, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Has this guy's AI recovered?

Before the others could make a move, the yamojo robot seemed to have suddenly lost the will to continue fighting.Its right forearm quickly deformed, transforming again into a sonic cannon imitating Cyborg, a member of the Justice League in the comics.It's just that this time it didn't aim at a certain target, but fired a cannon into the sky.

The transparent sound waves bloomed, forming ripples that covered the sky and covered the sky.The sound wave violently hit everyone's eardrums, and everyone was defenseless. They only felt a "buzz" in their brains, and they couldn't help but kneel down one after another, covering their ears.

One move worked, but Yamozhuo no longer had the intention to pursue it.An astonishing air wave exploded with a "bang" under its feet, and thick smoke swept out along with the airflow.The robot rushed into the sky in the blink of an eye like a rocket, leaving a loud bang in the air, and rushed all the way to the outside of the troposphere before stopping.

The Yamojo robot was suspended in the sky, with its hands stretched out in front of its face, as if looking at its own body incredulously.The locking frames in the eyeballs wandered around, analyzing and scanning everything in front of them.

It feels like it has been asleep for a century. In the fierce battle with the Justice League just now, the built-in AI of the Yamojo robot finally woke up at this moment.At this moment, it is trying to collect all the data of everything it sees around it, and the machine brain is running at full power, helping it to try to recall its goals and the meaning of being here.

"Mission status confirmation. The mission is not completed, continue to search for the necessary conditions." Yamozhuo's AI said to himself in a cold mechanical voice, "Confirm the target position, positioning. Synchronization rate comparison. Error, the earth information does not match. Conclusion, Earth located in a parallel universe. Priority mission changed, mission objective—return to the correct Earth. Search for necessary parts.”

The cold red mechanical eyes rolled for a moment, and finally locked on to a certain position on the earth below, as if marking a specific position on the map.The target was locked, and an astonishing wave of air exploded in the atmosphere. The afterimage transformed by Yamozhuo aggressively tore through the sky, and shot towards the selected direction on the ground.

STAR LAB, the full name of Advanced Science and Technology Research Laboratory, is one of the most famous laboratories in the DC comic universe.A large number of leading figures in the scientific field are concentrated in this laboratory, and the top technologies on the earth are gathered inside, and there may even be some unknown technologies that do not belong to this world.

And today, the world's top laboratory welcomes what may be the scariest guest ever.

When the afterimage of Almajo pierced through layers of ceilings, smashed straight into a certain room like a heavy lead ball, and landed on the composite gold floor in a half-squat, everyone inside was terrified and almost suffocated. .As a laboratory of such cutting-edge technology, the outer shell of the starry sky laboratory is said to be a composite gold synthesized by the world's most cutting-edge technology, which can withstand direct missile strikes.At this time, a robot so easily pierced through so many layers of alloy layers with its pedals and fell down, how could it be possible for people to remain calm?

Yamazo casually picked up a researcher in a white coat next to him like he was catching a chicken. The poor guy kept screaming, and he didn't even notice that his black square-rimmed glasses were tilted from the bridge of his nose.

Yamajo asked coldly: "Where is the model involving the theory of parallel universe travel? The starry sky laboratory should have this."

"You... what are you talking about?" the researcher stammered, "We don't have such a thing."

He wasn't lying, Almadra could tell by the beating of his heart.That is to say, the starry sky laboratory on this parallel earth has not done research in this field?
This is a bit troublesome.

But it hasn't given up yet.Yamozhuo casually threw the guy aside, swaggered through the laboratory, and came to the door with the words "Restricted Area".It pinched the door panel with both hands, completely ignoring the high-voltage current rushing to its body, and with brute force, it forcibly broke the ton-heavy door open, and threw it aside.

Yamozhuo went straight to a certain host behind the door, and his right hand transformed into a tentacle-like shape to plug into the host, and massive amounts of data quickly poured into its electronic brain, flashing dazzledly on the red eyeballs.

"Target confirmed. Plane movement model device position locked."

After finding what he needed, Yamazoo quickly took it back with the tentacles linked to the host.It didn't even look back, its body shot into the air with a "boom", and it disappeared in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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