Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 357 The Intention of Yamazhuo

Chapter 357 The Intention of Yamazhuo
Star Lab.

Less than 5 minutes after the Amojo robot left, a group of people including the Avengers, the Justice League, Eric and Omega all chased them to the starry sky laboratory.Looking down from the sky, everyone saw the huge hole on the top of the laboratory that had been pierced through layers, which was as eye-catching as the label that Yamozhuo had visited.

The inside of the laboratory is also a mess.After landing, the Flash swept through the scene like a red whirlwind, doing his job as a crime scene investigator, sweeping up all the clues in a few seconds.

"Our super robot didn't take anything away." After turning around, Flash braked back and said, "It doesn't look like it lost anything important, including in the 'restricted area' of the laboratory."

"Maybe it's just here to collect information." On the Avengers side, Iron Man said, "I think it's got what it wants. Give me a few minutes, and I can restore the data from the database a few minutes ago." All access records, it should be possible to find what it was looking for."

Batman frowned and said to him, "Take your team back, Stark. The Justice League has taken over here."

"Sorry, but as far as I can see, there is still work for the Avengers."

"I've seen you perform missions." Batman said bluntly, "Your mission efficiency is questionable."

"Oh, yeah?" Iron Man snorted, "You're talking like you've already taken care of some sort of Amojo machine."

"We will."

"Okay, then I can say the same."

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting worse, Flash flashed between the two of them to smooth things over: "Okay, okay, don't get excited. I think it's okay to cooperate just once today."

"I agree with The Flash." Superman also spoke. "The most important thing now is to find that Amojo robot before it causes more trouble. Maybe our two teams can indeed cooperate once. What do you think? "

The last question was asked by the Avengers, and Captain America also said, "No objection."

Batman still doesn't seem very satisfied, but since Superman's side has said so, he doesn't say anything more.

After a while, Iron Man successfully restored the records that Yamozhuo had just accessed in the database.According to Almajo's search keywords, Jarvis quickly listed a long list of information in his helmet.

"The theory of parallel world travel?" Iron Man was a little surprised, "What does this robot want this for?"

The moment he heard the word, Eric's heart skipped a beat, and he said, "I should be because it came from the parallel world Earth."

All eyes were on him, and it was clear in their eyes that this idea was very bold.

"The theory of parallel worlds is not unreasonable." Iron Man thought, "Although no one has ever successfully proved the existence of parallel earths, the credibility of this theory is indeed not low, and there are quite a few scientific signs that parallel worlds exist. It might actually exist."

"Wait," Green Lantern asked, "are you saying this robot is from another world?"

"It is likely to be so." Eric said, "Before it was in a state of intelligence damage and acted on instinct, but now its intelligence may have been restored due to the impact of the fierce battle just now, so it is looking for home way."

"Then maybe we should just let it roll back by itself, so as not to be troublesome," Iron Man said.

"No." Superman said sternly, "No matter which world it is in, Armazo is an extremely terrifying machine. If we just let it go back like this, it may cause huge losses to other worlds. We must Here, knock it down!"

Batman glanced at him, didn't seem to agree very much, but didn't speak after all.

He knew Clark well, and he knew that even if he asked him not to meddle in the affairs of other worlds, it would definitely be useless. This guy was sometimes more stubborn than a cow.

"Wait, I might find out where that robot is. It's looking for a device for moving models between planes. There seems to be only one person in this world who has a prototype of this device." Iron Man said, and paused for a while involuntarily. , "Fuck, can't you?"

"What's up, Iron Man?" Captain America asked, "Where did he go?"

"He seems to have gone to Latvinia."

At this moment, Latvinia.

When it comes to Latvinia, one has to mention Doctor Doom, the actual ruler of this country.I believe no one is unfamiliar with this first-line super villain in the Marvel world, and even Eric has fought against him several times.Doctor Doom is truly a well-deserved genius among human beings. His political talent, scientific attainments, and mastery of the occult, any one of them is enough to make him stand among the top human beings.And when all of these are concentrated in one person, the unique genius of Doctor Doom is created.

And now, just outside the gate of Doctor Doom's kingdom, the gloomy sky seemed to be torn apart in an instant.The afterimage roared in two arcs from the gap, approaching at a speed far exceeding any aircraft known on Earth.

It's Yamajo coming.

The automatic defense system was activated immediately, and countless turrets and rocket launchers rose out of nowhere on the ground, and the artillery shells and missiles all over the sky surrounded the approaching shadow in the air with their tail flames.But he saw that tiny shadow didn't dodge or dodge at all, and the direction of sprinting didn't change at all.Countless missiles exploded in the air, gorgeous like fireworks, the flames of war dyed the sky the color of flames, and shrapnel flew all over the sky.

Yamajo's body flew out of the scorching flames, piercing the ground like a sharp knife.

More cracks appeared on the ground, and neat rows of robot phalanxes rose from the ground.They all wore dark green cloaks and were covered in iron blue, inexplicably similar to Doctor Doom's body.Hundreds of robots stood up, raised their arms and fired all kinds of artillery fire at Yamajo. The light effect was like a gorgeous curtain covering the battlefield, and the scene was very gorgeous.

But of course that's also pointless.Yamozhuo launched at super speed, turned into an afterimage and shuttled through the phalanx of robots at super speed, with thermal vision and green light beams bowing left and right, just like a harvesting machine.In just 2 minutes, Doom's defensive army was completely defeated, and all of them were dismantled into pieces of broken copper and iron.

The last robot was also disassembled into pieces. Yamozhuo fell to the ground in a half-squat, slowly got up, turned around, and looked up into the sky calmly.

But Dr. Doom himself appeared behind it at some point, hovering in the air with jets of flames, his dark green cloak fluttering gently, staring indifferently at the sub-amojo robot below.

And Yamazo was also fearless, looking up at Doctor Doom, a looming energy field lingered around it.

The two big bosses of DC Marvel, the battle is imminent!
(End of this chapter)

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