Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 358 Balance Point

Chapter 358 Balance Point

After Iron Man tracked the mad robot to Latvinia, everyone immediately set off to chase it.Unfortunately, when they arrived, it was already one step too late.

In front of the gate of Doctor Doom's kingdom, the ground is already in a mess. Broken robot parts are scattered all over the ground. Shrapnel from artillery shells has been blown up on the ground, and the thick smoke has not dissipated yet.

"Well, I think the opening question of 'did the crazy robot come' can be saved." Iron Man said, looking at the debris all over the floor, "I don't know how our mad scientist is now."

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, his deep voice responded, "If you're looking for that Almadra robot, you can go back. It just came, but it's gone."

When everyone turned their heads, they saw Doctor Doom appearing in the crowd like a ghost at some time, and even Superman with super hearing didn't catch even the slightest bit of wind.

"There is no physical information, and Dum's body is not here." After being taken aback, Iron Man quickly scanned the body of Doctor Doom who suddenly appeared, and said, "There is a signal reaction similar to magic, which should be some kind of projected magic. His body is projected here from the castle to speak to us."

"This is the territory of Latvinia." Doctor Doom said indifferently, "Before I sue you for violating territorial sovereignty, give me a conscious mind to leave."

"Wait a minute." Superman flew forward and said, "We don't want to cause trouble, we just want to clarify something. That robot, it's here to snatch the prototype equipment for plane travel, right?"

"Of course, I'm the only one in the world who can develop something like this." Dum said flatly but confidently.

"Okay, so it got what it wanted?"

The doctor didn't say a word, but that seemed to be acquiescing.Iron Man couldn't help but find it funny, because he could imagine the mighty Doctor Doom being shrunken by the Yamajo robot a while ago, and he couldn't help but want to laugh out loud.

"We need to know how that thing is used." Batman asked coldly, "What are the activation conditions for it?"

Doom cast a icy stare, and seemed rather displeased with the way he was asking the question.But in contrast, at this moment, his desire to dismantle the arrogant robot that had left him deflated just now finally prevailed and made him open his mouth.

"At present, the technology of plane travel is still in the theoretical stage." The doctor said, "I have only developed a theoretically feasible prototype chip for the time being, which can be compatible with my own armor to theoretically realize the shuttle between parallel universes. But due to The limitations of multiple conditions have not been successfully tested. I think the most basic frequency between different parallel worlds should be different, and before you want to travel between planes, it is best to input the correct frequency of the parallel earth you want to go to. The important part; secondly, it is best to find the place where the link between our plane and the target plane is the weakest, it will be more convenient for the opening of the passage and the progress of crossing."

"That is to say, as long as it finds the weak point of the link first, we can make arrangements there and wait for the rabbit?" Green Lantern said.

"In fact, when the plane shuttle theory was established, I thought about using super speed to shuttle. Theoretically speaking, it should be easier to run if it has a fast enough speed." Doctor Doom said, paused, He glanced at The Flash intentionally or unintentionally, before continuing, "Unfortunately, it didn't go well."

The Flash was stunned for a moment, then pointed at himself in surprise: "You mean it is possible for me to travel to a parallel universe?"

Doom didn't answer anymore.

"Wait a minute, I thought of another question." Iron Man said, "If your chip needs to be compatible with your armor to operate, what about that robot?"

He paused at this point, and suddenly remembered something, and said with a gloating tone: "Wait a minute, haha, your armor was also copied by that guy, right?"

Doom gave him a savage look.

"I've said what I have to say, now get out of my country. Otherwise, I will sue you for violating sovereignty."

After throwing the last sentence, Dum's figure disappeared without a trace.

Helpless, everyone had to go back home first.The Avengers returned to the Avengers Building in New York, while Eric and Omega followed the Justice League back to the watchtower, continuing to try to locate the location of Almajo.

After Batman operated on the console of the watchtower for a while, a certain system seemed to be activated on the screen, unfolding the whole picture of the earth in front of everyone.

"This is my personal tracking program. It has the ability to detect various abnormal energy changes and abnormal signals." Batman said, "Maybe it can help us locate the robot."

Green Lantern was overjoyed: "Ha, there is such a good thing that you have been hiding it and not showing it?"

Eric seemed to recognize Batman's system called "Brother's Eye".It was a very powerful smart satellite, created by Batman to monitor all superpowers on earth, including the Justice League. In the original work of the "Brother's Eye" system, the rampage caused the crisis of the extinction of all mankind, and it should be regarded as one of the biggest deaths Batman has ever done.

But judging from the current situation, the "Brother's Eye" system may be the best chance to find Yamozhuo.

At this moment, the communicator on his body rang quite inappropriately. It was originally a communicator used between the titans, and Raven specially asked for one for him for the convenience of communication.

"Raven?" Eric got through the communication, "Is something wrong?"

"No, I'm just a little worried." Raven asked, "Is the robot solved?"

"Not yet, but don't worry, it will be resolved."

"Oh." Raven sounded a little disappointed, hesitated, and said, "Actually...tomorrow is the last back-to-school party for our high school graduation, do you remember?"

No, he had completely forgotten such a thing.

"Ah, sorry, but I may not be able to go." Eric said, "You know, my problem here has not been solved yet"

"just go."

Eric turned around in astonishment, and confirmed that the voice just now came from Omega's mouth.

Omega said casually: "Anyway, until you find that guy, you have nothing to do even if you stay here. Why don't you just go to the last party in high school?"

It sounds like this is indeed the truth.But when the words came from Omega - the crazy ambitious scientist who was supposed to be his enemy - it was very jarring.

If you think about it so carefully, it seems that since the cooperation was proposed, Omega always feels a little different, like a different person.

"He's right, kid," said Superman. "It's a common problem for all of us here—finding the balance between this part of your life and the normal part. The little things in the book are not as insignificant as you think, they are probably just a constant reminder of who you are. So go back and relax, and we will let you know if there is any progress."

Since Superman said so
"Okay." Eric raised the communicator again, "Are you still there, Raven? Wait for me. I'll go back now."

(End of this chapter)

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