Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 359 The Last Calm

Chapter 359 The Last Calm
early morning.

Eric went home and selected a student outfit from his closet that looked as casual as possible.It took him a total of 5 minutes to wash up briefly, and the clock on the clock had just turned to the "7" position when he went out.

Today's weather is rare in recent days. The bright sun shines down, making people feel lighter involuntarily.Eric leisurely walked towards the school on the road he had walked for three years, thinking that this might be the last time he would set foot on this road as a student.

Yesterday, after Batman activated the "brother eye" system to start scanning, Omega and Eric left the Justice League's watchtower together.Eric finally listened to his suggestion and went back to school one last time, but he was really concerned about Omega's sudden change.

He has never figured out what the bionic body that imitated his father was thinking.

When he came to the intersection of the street two blocks away from the school gate, he was not surprised to see Raven leaning against the lamppost and waiting for him.They usually meet here if they go to school together, and no matter how early Eric arrives she always seems to be there earlier, like some kind of magic.Then every time Eric said "Sorry to keep you waiting", Raven would always reply with a slight smile, "It's okay, I just arrived."

If Eric had to say when Raven looks the most beautiful, it should be this time—when the sky is not yet fully lit, and the girl waits alone by the street lamp, her curvaceous figure looks like A melancholic flower, giving people a sacred and inviolable beauty.

There was a slight fish belly behind the clouds, and the two walked side by side towards the school. The atmosphere was so relaxed that people even felt unreal, as if yesterday's fierce battle was a false dream.

"Today, maybe this is the last time." Raven said softly.


After a little silence, Raven asked, "Then have you thought about what to do next?"

After thinking for a while, Eric asked back: "What about you? What are your plans? Continue to study in college, or devote yourself to Titan?"

"I don't know." Raven glanced aside, as if talking to himself, "Maybe. Maybe I don't care anyway, I just want to be with you."

Eric was silent again.

In fact, he already knew that sooner or later he would have to face this problem, and now it seemed that the time had finally come when he could not escape.At the beginning, he always wanted to avoid all disputes and just live as an ordinary person, but after going through so much, he finally had to accept the fact that it was just a luxury.

From the moment he got the armor and gained strength, he was doomed not to be able to live like an ordinary person anymore.He once thought that he might be able to find a balance between being a superpower and living as an ordinary person, but from the experience of less than a year, it seems that it is not so easy.

And even now, with the continued use of the armor, his body is further integrated with the Amojo system, so it is impossible to be sure what will happen in the future.
He shook his head.

"I don't know." Eric stared at the lines on the concrete floor under his feet, and said, "Let's take a step and take a look. Anyway, let's deal with that robot first."

Raven nodded, and did not bring up the topic again.

The two said they had arrived at the school.Today's campus is extremely lively, from the playground to the roof of the teaching building, almost everywhere is crowded with people.Students are divided into groups according to their social circles, clubs or classes, and various activities are held, which is simply very lively.

"But there are so many people today." Eric was a little surprised.

"Well, because it's the last time to go back to school. Many students from other grades also came to join in the fun." Raven said.

"Where's Parker?"

"Peter and Mary Jane don't seem to be here today," Raven said. "He seems to say it's because of Gwen Stacy, another student in his class."

"Gwen?" Eric then remembered that Gwen was also attacked by Almajo, but there were too many things that happened later that he forgot.

"He didn't say much about the specific situation, and I don't know much about it."

In this way, since he was attacked by Amojo, it means that Gwen is also infected with Amojo virus?Which means she also retains some sort of superpower.
It sounds like it has something to do with me.Eric smiled wryly.

The two wandered around the campus casually, recalling the little things in the past three years in the familiar playground, stairs and corridors, and suddenly felt that even the smallest detail was so memorable.

Eric's class seems to be gathering in the classroom to play a group game similar to the truth, but now he is not in the mood to play the game, just went to say hello to everyone, exchanged a simple greeting and left.

Unexpectedly, a girl chased him out.

Demi Carnegie, a lively girl with outstanding appearance and high popularity in her class, with blond hair and a single-tail braid, is the kind of energetic woman.

According to Eric's impression, he should have nothing to do with her, but she really surprised him today.

"Student Eric, in fact, I have always had a crush on you."

Although she was a little embarrassed, it was quite generous for her to say so in person, even when the other party's girlfriend was by her side.

Ruiwen wasn't annoyed at all, instead he smiled lightly: "It's really shameful to poach a wall in front of the other's girlfriend."

Demi smiled heartily, shook her head and said, "Don't worry, I don't mean that. I just want to be able to successfully say this to the boy I like before the end of high school without any regrets."

"But, why?" Eric asked suspiciously, "I remember that we don't seem to be very familiar with each other, right?"

Demi laughed out loud: "Wow, Eric is really not self-conscious at all. You have always been far ahead in grades, you are so excellent in all aspects, and you are also handsome. Although you seldom communicate with other students all day long, But that is even more mysterious and unreachable. You don't seem to be conscious at all, but in fact everyone secretly admires you."

Eric froze.

He never felt that his high school career as a student was special, and it really was like Demi said-not at all self-conscious.It turns out that in the eyes of others, he is already a person who does not belong to this group?
Although Demi was unintentional, she suddenly reminded him of the fact that he is not ordinary at all, even if he pretends to be an ordinary student and mixes with everyone, he will not become an ordinary member of them.

Demi bid farewell to the two and returned to the classroom, but he still thought about it for a while.

Maybe in the future, he really has to consider choosing a new path.

What he still doesn't know is that even this last day of peace is coming to an end with a countdown of seconds.

Justice League, on the watchtower, the "Brother's Eye" system suddenly sounded a piercing alarm, which made everyone nervous immediately.

"Did you find the location of that bastard Yamojo?" Green Lantern asked eagerly.

"It seems to be, but."

Batman frowned.

Faintly aware that something was wrong, Superman asked, "Where did he go?"

"...Midtown High School."

(End of this chapter)

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