Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 360 Campus Decisive Battle

Chapter 360 Campus Decisive Battle
The disaster seemed to come in an instant. A minute ago, Midtown High School was full of joy and laughter, and the playground was as lively as a vegetable market.And now, 1 minute later, it seems to have turned into a forest on fire—all the students are running around like birds and beasts, fleeing from an extremely dangerous existence in panic.

The Yamojo robot landed from the air like a meteorite. The moment it landed, its feet made a huge hole in the middle of the playground. The expensive land on the runway was violently overturned by the air waves. But he was sent flying out dodgingly.

It completely ignored the crowds fleeing like a turbulent current, its eyes fixed on a certain direction, and walked forward through layers of crowds.

At the same time, on its way forward, Erik held the box of the awakening device in his hand, and also walked forward in the direction of the flow of people, and did not stop until the other party appeared in each other's vision. Down.In the midst of the flustered flow of people, a machine and a person stood facing each other, like two rocks in the middle of the torrent, which looked rather strange.

"Target, confirm." Yamojo stared at Eric, and said in a low voice, "Amojo virus is a special mutant individual, and the recovery value is extremely high. The priority of execution is higher than all other tasks."

Without saying a word, Eric lifted the suitcase of the awakening device and activated the system.

At this time, Demi, who was hiding in the classroom above the teaching building and looking down, had just confessed to Eric, noticed the situation on the playground, and hurriedly greeted the students: "Hey, look, isn't that Eric?" ?”

"Really? What is that kid doing there?"

At this time, Eric was completely unaware that his former classmates noticed him, or even if they did, they would not care at all.

"Awakening, please complete"

The backpack-shaped armor and awakening accessories are activated at the same time, and the awakening accessories are equipped the moment the armor is put on.Immediately after half a second, it was quickly activated to super mode, the "S" indicator light lit up on the chest armor plate, and the helmet eyepiece switched to red.

There was a sudden commotion among the students, especially the classmates who used to be in the same class as Eric, who were surprised from ear to ear.

Maybe many people have had this idea, even Eric himself - if one day, he suddenly shows superhuman strength in front of all the people he is familiar with, leaving a domineering back, think about it, he should be very stylish .

And when this moment really came, and he really became a metal back in the eyes of familiar people in his life circle, he suddenly understood what it meant—it meant that you completely divided yourself into another person who was different from them. in the world.

Unexpectedly, this day truly became his last day as a student.At this moment, countless mobile phone cameras have been aimed at the scene, and there should be many people who took pictures of the moment when he was dressed.But when he stood in the middle of the familiar playground and put on his armor, he had already made a choice.

With a loud roar, Erik shot out like an arrow from the string in an instant, and his fists rushed towards Yamazo's abdomen with a whirlpool of air.

There are too many students here, and the casualties caused by fighting may be immeasurable.The most urgent task now is to drag this robot to a relatively less crowded place outside the school to minimize the battle damage as much as possible.

It's a pity that his opponent is the extremely terrifying Yamojo, and it's impossible for him to get what he wants so easily.

Eric rushed straight to Yamajo with the momentum of a rocket launching into the sky, and the force contained in each of his fists was enough to smash the mountains.But Yamozhuo, as calm as before, stood there as if nothing happened, and slapped Eric's two fists away with two "slaps" with one hand casually, and then flew up with one leg in the middle of the door, kicking Erik flipped over in the air and fell back.

As soon as his body landed on the ground, before Eric had time to regain his balance, he seemed to see a sudden flash of red light in front of him out of the corner of his eyes.He pushed his hands on the ground violently, and his body rolled over at a low altitude almost close to the ground. Two heat vision beams almost shot at the armor on his abdomen, and fused the pillars of the basketball hoop behind.

There was a burning pain in his abdomen, but he didn't have time to worry about it.After the tumbling, Eric tried to get up immediately, but he was still half-kneeling on the ground, and Yamazo rushed to him like lightning, and slashed down with a saw-toothed sickle that changed into a blade.

Unable to dodge, Eric had to raise his arms dully to block.But the severe pain expected did not strike.The moment before the scythe fell, the arrow of magic came through the air with a sharp whistling, hitting Yamojo's wrist.Yamazoo shook his right hand, and the sickle moved half a meter away from Eric's side, and it was deeply embedded in the ground with a "clang".

Without thinking too much, Eric hurriedly kicked the opponent's abdomen, and Yamajo flew out backwards, across the playground, smashed through the gate of the school cafeteria and flew in.

Eric tilted his head, as expected, it was Raven who helped him.She also gave up hiding, and directly turned into a raven like a magical girl in front of everyone, causing another commotion.

Raven flew to Eric, stretched out his hand and pulled him up.Eric asked slightly dissatisfied: "Didn't you be asked to evacuate the students?"

"You know that once there is a fight, it is impossible for so many students to evacuate." Raven said lightly, "You just don't want me to participate in the fight, right?"

Eric sighed: "This time is different from the past. The opponent this time. To be honest, maybe no one in this world can stop it. I just don't want to see you get hurt."

"Then I am the same." Raven said flatly but stubbornly, "I don't want to see you get hurt either."

"Well, I knew you would say that." Eric turned his gaze back to the first floor of the collapsed cafeteria, where the Amojo robot had lifted the ruins and walked out slowly.

"Then be careful." Eric said, "Don't hang up."


The two sides have regained their posture, and the battle is ready to resume at any time.But at this moment, another person broke into the battle.

It was the reaction of the Almedra virus—Eric and Almedra both looked in that direction at the same time.But Dr. Patrick Charlotte's bionic body was wearing a very inconspicuous gray coat, a peaked cap, and a pair of sunglasses, appearing here with a very discordant image.

This was the first time that his father's bionic body appeared in front of Eric as an ordinary middle-aged man, not a mad scientist who had been dreaming of middle school all day long.

"Why are you here? Have you been following me?" Eric asked.

Without answering, the bionic body threw off its coat directly, revealing a metal backpack with white stripes embedded in it.

The armor is activated, and the fluorescence lights up, like glowing blood flowing into the armor's body along the lines.The armor quickly covered the bionic body, and the energy field mixed with a variety of different energy signals exploded centered on him, and the Omega armor with compound abilities was dressed immediately!
(End of this chapter)

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