Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 361 Absorption

Chapter 361 Absorption
On the campus of Midtown High School, Eric, Raven, and Omega stood around the Yamojo machine in a double-team situation. The four of them were all fixed in place like wooden stakes, each looking for a shot. Right opportunity.

The students hid in the teaching building or other places where they thought they were safe, but they didn't know that the strength level of these people had exceeded their cognition. Once they fought, there was no safe place in this area.

"call out!"

Finally there was movement in the field, but it was Yamozhuo who moved first.At a speed that even Eric's super-mode armor couldn't see clearly, Almazo's figure seemed to be split in two, turning into two afterimages that flashed in front of him and Raven respectively.Both of them didn't have time to react, Eric only raised his arm dully to block it, and Raven subconsciously released the magic protection in front of him, each of them was thrown backwards by Yamazo.

Almost at the same time, Almajo flashed in front of Omega again, and his fist roared towards Omega with electric current.However, Omega kept up with its speed, and slapped the robot's fist with the same invisible palm. The electric currents released by both sides collided violently, and a large number of electric snakes fell to the ground and danced continuously.

Only two sounds of "Shu Shu" broke through the air, and Omega and Yamozhuo broke through the speed of sound at the same time and disappeared in place, and afterimages almost began to flash all over the sky.People can no longer see their battles with the naked eye, but they can see that the ground is constantly being blasted out of huge craters, buildings are constantly being smashed, and broken stones and rubble are flying all over the sky.

"Complete speed mode is online."

Switching to the awakening speed mode, Eric also entered the high speed synchronized with the two, and flew to join the battle. The Alpha and Omega armors were like two metal whirlwinds, fighting around the Almajo machine.

The three of them rushed out of the campus almost chasing each other, and shuttled along the block at high speed.The whirlwind they sprinted through the asphalt road like blades, and the air pressure of the speeding speed threw the lighter car on its side.No one could see the figures in the battle, but people could see the sparks of metal collisions splashing among the streets, and dissipated in the air in an instant.

Eric was finally the first to fail to keep up—at this time, the defect of the Alpha armor that could only simulate a single ability through mode switching was exposed.The other two guys can still use other abilities to fight while maintaining the speed ability, and if Eric uses the speed mode to keep up with their speed, it means that he has to give up attack and defense power.

An electromagnetic cannon simulated by Yamozhuo hit the chest, and Eric, who was moving at super speed, shot through a truck from the side like an armor-piercing bullet, crashed into a shopping mall, and almost smashed through all the shops in a straight line. Shelves, counters and load-bearing columns were finally nailed to a wall full of clocks.

Eric withdrew from the battle, and Omega's pressure suddenly increased.After waving the green lantern, he turned into a short soldier and received a few more moves, but Yamazo finally broke through the defense and kicked him in the chest.An indescribably terrifying force pierced through the armor, causing his body to shoot backwards into an office building.Fortunately, his armor is a bionic body. If he is a real person, his internal organs may be deformed by now.

Almadra moved forward slowly, twisting its mechanical head slowly.At this time, Eric has also walked out of the shopping mall he crashed into, and the armor has switched to the awakening green light mode. The green light energy has turned into Gatling, large-caliber heavy artillery, and rocket launchers are loaded everywhere on his body. Armed with the Armazar Alpha Armor, it became a Gundam with full firepower.

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

With a loud roar, all the weapons transformed by the green light were fired!Missiles, energy cannons, and bullets rained down on Almajo, and the whole street was shrouded in light and dyed a holy green.

All the firepower actually hit its body, and the terrifying impact was like a storm.The road quickly cracked, and the running water sprayed out from the cobweb-like cracks like a fountain, and the thick smoke instantly engulfed the robot's figure.

Yet it remained unscathed—as expected.Almajo twisted his neck and turned his head, his eyes shifted to Erik.

Caught off guard, one of its metal arms suddenly stretched like a noodle, and it grabbed at Eric at a super fast speed.Eric's pupils shrank, and he hurriedly rolled sideways to avoid it, but saw that the arm split in the middle, turning into several slender tentacles and chasing after Eric's dodging direction.

The shape transformation of the body is another ability copied from the Martian Manhunter.Eric only had time to barely avoid the vital points of his body, but he still couldn't completely avoid it.The extremely sharp tentacles pierced through the force field of the green light. Superman-like super power was concentrated in a point at the tip of the tentacles, and instantly penetrated the armor, piercing Eric's arm, waist and On the inside of the thigh, blood spattered from the crack in the armor.

Eric fell on the roof of a small car, the heavy armor violently crushed the roof, and the windshields on both sides were instantly turned into shards.

The tentacles retracted, but Almadra's entire arm pierced forward like a poisonous snake, and the light blue light radiated from the open palm, intending to recover the virus in Eric and Alpha's armor.

Bleeding so much from his arms and legs, Erik struggled to even get up off the roof of the car, let alone dodge an attack.He barely had time to roll off the roof of the car and onto the ground, but after all he couldn't seem to escape Almadra's outstretched arms.That palm was like a devil's claw, grabbing at Eric's forehead.

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

The electronic sound sounded from the side of it almost at the same time. Omega seized this opportunity and completed charging in an instant. It gathered a variety of abilities and colorful energy gorgeously gathered in the sickle transformed from his armored right hand, dragging a heavy The band of light swooped towards Yamajo!
Out of the corner of Almajo's eye, he caught a glimpse of his movement, and the arm that shot at Erik turned abruptly, turning around and rushing towards Omega at an unrivaled speed as if spiritually!

Before he could react in time, Omega was instantly pinned on the face by the other party.Yamajo's palm suddenly became brighter, and Omega could clearly feel the energy in his body being pulled away from the opponent's palm like a wave, and the energy condensed on the sickle in his right hand dissipated instantly.

In just a few tens of seconds, the energy field surrounding the Omega armor had completely dissipated, and the armor instantly returned to its original mode.Erik endured the severe pain in his arms and legs, and struggled to get up. The energy of the green light transformed into a heavy hammer again, trying to interfere with Almajo's movements, but was pierced by the other party's hot gaze, and he also Shocked back out.

"The absorption is complete." When Almadra said in a low voice, the Omega armor had been completely removed and returned to the form of the backpack.The robot casually threw Dr. Charlotte's bionic body aside.

"The collection of the new type of virus is completed, the mission is completed, there is no need to continue the redundant battle. The new mission returns to the original earth."

After making the final judgment, Yamozhuo immediately lifted off into the sky and rushed straight into the sky.

(Thank you for the 500 starting point coins rewarded by the half-volume love letter from book friends!)

(End of this chapter)

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