Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 362 The End of Omega

Chapter 362 The End of Omega

New York, tens of thousands of miles in the air.

The dark clouds seemed to be summoned without warning in an instant, covering a large area of ​​the sky in the center of the city in darkness.Bursts of white light flickered behind the dark clouds, like lightning before a rainstorm, but it seemed different.

That's Almajo.At this moment, it has activated the chip used for plane crossing from Doctor Doom, and locked to the frequency of the earth where it was originally located.Yamozhuo was suspended in the sky thousands of miles away, releasing an astonishingly majestic energy from his whole body.A hole was slowly opened in the shining center of the cloud, as if it had been torn apart with bare hands.The gust of wind rose along the trend, stirring the black airflow into a vortex, forming a miniature black hole embellished with lightning and light, and continuously expanding as it rotated.

That's the way it goes home.

And just when the project was at its most critical, the spoiler arrived.

"Hey, crazy robot!"

Yamazo turned around following the sound, only to see that the Avengers and all members of the Justice League on the Quinjet fighter plane had appeared behind it and surrounded it.Iron Man raised a palm, pointed the cannon directly at its forehead, and said, "Let's say 'eggplant'."

Meanwhile, on the ground.

In the sky, Amojo and all the superheroes have been fighting fiercely. The shock waves are constantly exploding, and the light effect is flashing like lightning. Even standing on the ground, you can see the battle situation through the changes in the airflow between the dark clouds. intense.

But Eric didn't care to pay attention to those at this time, all his attention was focused on the bionic body of Dr. Charlotte lying on the ground dying, standing silently beside him.

Once again, Omega's bionic body was caught by Amojo in order to save himself and was sucked dry of the virus. Omega's armor that lost the Amojo virus was forcibly disarmed immediately.

And even though all this happened right before his eyes, even if he saw it with his own eyes, he still couldn't believe it—that Omega who has been disturbing his life and causing endless troubles all day long, actually That's it.And what's even more absurd is that it was to save himself.

"Hey, cheer up a little bit." Eric stood beside the bionic body, looked down at him and said indifferently, "It's not good enough at this level, it's really embarrassing."

The bionic body smiled bitterly, and the voice sounded like an old man who was dying.

"That's really sorry," he said, "but as you can see, I'm really finished—my body was designed to fit the Omega armor, and we can be said to be parts of each other. Now as an Omega The Amojo virus at the core of the armor has been sucked away by the robot, the armor has lost all functions, and there is a huge gap in my program as a bionic body bound to the armor, I believe it will soon be paralyzed , The brain is burned."

After a pause, he said again: "Using your human concept, I don't know if it counts as 'death'?"

"There is no living thing at all, so why is it going to die?" Eric said expressionlessly, "But don't think about slipping away so easily, our decisive battle has not yet come to fruition, right? You can only be defeated by me , until then I won't allow you to get fucked like this. We can go to the Avengers, go to Stark, maybe he'll figure it out"

"Ha, no need. I have the memory of a doctor anyway, and I know it can't be saved. The bionic body technology was not very mature 15 years ago. Without the binding of Omega armor, I should have reached the end of my life long ago. .”

After a pause, he emphasized his tone: "I'm sorry, Eric."

Eric was surprised for a moment: "What are you talking about now?"

"No, I'm really very sorry," he said. "I've always given you the impression that your father was an ambitious man and that all this happened because of him, and that's not the case. Your father, Pat Dr. Derek Charlotte is a very good scientist. It is true that he developed the Armor of the Armazo series, or maybe he did have the ambition to become the ultimate existence in his heart. But it must be just the bottom of his heart It’s just the thoughts in the book, human beings will have more or less.”

Eric frowned: "What do you mean?"

"It means that I was deceived." The bionic body sighed, "I have always thought that I inherited all the memories and thinking of Dr. Charlotte, and I thought that I was following the meaning of this great man before plan, but I was wrong. At the beginning, Dr. Charlotte didn’t think about how ambitious he was going to be. The reason why he implanted his own thinking into a bionic body was because he was already terminally ill.”

Eric froze suddenly.

"You said that your father is terminally ill?"

"Yes, and he didn't tell anyone. Using bionics to inherit his own memories and thoughts, that's what Dr. Charlotte really wants to do. Because he still has too many concerns and unfinished things in this world "The bionic body looked up at the sky, and said, "Unfortunately, Lex Luthor discovered my existence and thought I could be used. He tampered with my memory and made me forget that certain things in Dr. Charlotte's memory What was unnecessary to him, and then led me to do what he actually wanted to do. At the end of the day, I just became his pawn."

Lex Luthor Eric clenched his fists involuntarily, with unstoppable anger showing in his eyes.

"But now, I remember what Dr. Charlotte originally thought." The bionic body stared at Eric seriously, as if it really became his father himself at this moment.

".That means your father loves you, no less than any other father in the world."

Eric felt a sudden movement in his heart, and his throat suddenly seemed to be blocked.

It was the first time in so many years that he heard such words, even if they were not spoken by his father himself, but they were equally powerful to him.

"It's been 15 years, I'm really sorry. But if you are willing to believe me... your father never expected anything from you. The only hope is that you can live happily. So don't carry too many things on your back, Charlotte The Doctor never wanted you to be a hero, or do anything with that suit of armor. Even if you don't want it, it's okay to just throw it away."

Eric stood beside him, not speaking.

The eyes of the bionic body are already blurred, and Eric's face can no longer be seen clearly in his artificial retina.Memories that were once deleted flooded into my mind like a flood, like a revolving lantern before death.Through the eyes of Dr. Charlotte, he saw Eric the moment he was born, the moment he walked for the first time, the moment he was 100 days old, and every birthday
I really want to finally touch my son once.
Even if it's just an inanimate artificial object, even if it's not Dr. Charlotte himself, only that thought and memory are genuine.

He slowly stretched out his trembling hand towards the blurred son in his vision.

Eric squatted down subconsciously, and also reached out to try to grab it.

But he still couldn't hold it.

The moment before his hand was only a few centimeters away, the opponent's hand suddenly dropped, and the luster in his eyes completely lost.

Eric's outstretched hand just froze there, as if stunned.After a long time, he slowly stood up.

"As I said before, you are not my father." He turned his back to the bionic body and said to himself.

".But what you wanted to convey to me, did receive my father."

(End of this chapter)

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