Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 368 New World

Chapter 368 New World

This is four months after the final battle with Almajo, and four months after Erik was trapped in another world.

According to the information collected after coming to this world, it seems that this place should be a pure DC universe.This world also has the Justice League, but unlike Eric's previous world, the Justice League here seems to have been established for more than 20 years.

The team that took him in this world is called "Night Raiders", and the leader of the team is the kid named "Wing Knight". Eric racked his brains and couldn't think of such a character in the original work.The Winged Knight seemed to be the youngest member of the team. Eric was a little surprised when he heard that he was the team leader.However, according to other team members, it seems that his father was the founder of this team and a man who had created countless miracles. Everyone in the team had absolute trust in that man, so they voted to let him go after he left the team. His son continues to succeed the team leader.

Eric didn't really care about these people, he was just a passer-by who was trapped here, and he joined this team because it might be easier to find a way to return to his own world.But since the other party has accepted him and provided him with a temporary home in this completely strange world, he is also willing to help them as much as he can—this is his principle.

Right now, for example, the Night Raiders seem to need his help.

Riding a motorcycle violently smashed through the wall and broke into the battle, and kicked the Atomic Skull flying, Eric crossed the motorcycle and stopped in front of Damian and Wing Knight, and said lazily: "Sorry for being late, Newcomer Amozo-Alpha, here to report."

"Didn't you go to the starry sky laboratory to ask questions about plane travel?" Wing Knight asked, "Also, is it my motorcycle you rode in?"

"First question, I did go to the Starry Sky Lab in Metropolis, but I came back an hour ago, and my intuition tells me that you may need my help." Eric got off the motorcycle, "Second Just a question, yes, this is your motorcycle, I've wanted to ride it for a long time, it's really cool."

"You rode my bike and crashed it through the wall?"

"Don't be so stingy, it's very strong, it's a big deal to scrape off a little paint." Eric waved his hand, "Okay, okay, anyway, just leave the next thing to me."

Atomic Skull got out of a pile of broken boxes, saw the guy in armor walking towards him swaggeringly, searched carefully in his mind for a while, and confirmed that neither the Justice League nor the Night Raiders seemed to have seen such a guy. No. [-] person, couldn't help snorting softly: "Is there another unknown newcomer who came out of nowhere this time? It seems that I didn't get enough attention."

"It's okay," Eric smiled, "I'll make sure you get enough 'value'."

"Don't be arrogant, rookie kid." Atomic Skull snorted, strode up, and shouted, "Let me teach you a lesson—it's not easy to be a superhero!"

As he said that, he already raised his huge fist, whizzing towards him with an unparalleled wind.

"Complete super mode is online."

Eric shrank his body and turned his head to avoid the direct fist of the atomic skull. The armor on his body deformed and switched modes at the same time, transforming into a super mode.The power system on the arm was operating with a soft "hum", and the fist that had accumulated amazing strength hit the atomic skull's abdomen hard, causing him to back up again and again, and he couldn't help being shocked.

Although the Winged Knight absorbed some radiation energy and reduced its combat effectiveness, the Atomic Skull is a superhuman villain after all, and now it has suffered a loss in the hands of an unknown armor-wearing person. be surprised.

However, if it was the super mode of the previous Alpha armor, it would not be able to deal with opponents of the level of the Atomic Skull, but in the final battle between Eric and Amajo, the Alpha armor absorbed from the Avengers and every member of the Justice League. Part of the energy is lost, and the armor itself has also been greatly enhanced. Even without the awakening accessories, the super mode has only been greatly strengthened in terms of strength and defense attributes, and the attributes have produced a qualitative leap.

In fact, even so, the physical fitness of the Atomic Skull should still be slightly ahead, but unfortunately he really has no fighting talent, and he has no fighting skills.Generally speaking, this may not be a big problem for a villain of his level, but it may become a fatal problem when facing an opponent with similar strength.

Atomic Skull took the initiative to punch again, but his movements were too simple.Eric took half a step back, sideways to avoid three or five punches in a row, and the moment the opponent swung his next punch, he took advantage of the situation and grabbed his wrist, pulled him in the direction of his force, and then flew away. He kicked him on the calf.Atomic Skull's own momentum and the power of Eric's leg were superimposed and tripped him to the ground, but Eric raised his knee just before he fell, and slammed upwards. On its abdomen, the vertical force caused the Atomic Skull's entire body to flip around in the air, and fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment.

Eric ruthlessly patched the lying atomic skull, and the huge force traversed the burly body, causing him to soar into the air again, and he landed again after several rounds of tumbling, flying up into the air. house dust.

"Do you feel a little 'valued' now?" Eric chuckled ironically.

The Atomic Skull got up annoyed, and the whole person was suspended directly. When he stretched out his arms, the palms of his palms suddenly ignited with dazzling purple flames.

With a loud roar, the energy radiation was projected into a beam of light and rushed towards Eric violently.Eric only had time to raise his arm to block it, and the purple energy exploded immediately.The Winged Knight and Damian hurriedly took cover to avoid each other, and the purple flame spread instantly, covering most of the building.Eric's position was completely engulfed in flames, and even the outline could not be seen clearly.

"Complete green light mode is online."

The green light rushed out of the flames unexpectedly, concretized into the shape of a hand, involuntarily pinched the ankle of the atomic skull in mid-air, pulled him out of the air, and smashed him back to the ground.

Eric walked out of the flames slowly, and also received a greatly upgraded shield in green light mode to help him perfectly isolate the radiation attack.He stopped in front of the atomic skull lightly, and the green light in the ring flickered.

"Be prepared, Skeleton Head." Eric, "It's almost time to end."

(Thanks to the book friend Zhenglian Zhengtai Captain for rewarding 500 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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