Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 369 As Team Leader

Chapter 369 As Team Leader
Grabbed roughly by Eric with an energy arm transformed from a green light, the Atomic Skull fell on the ground in the posture of a dog chewing mud, and the round skull smashed a round pit on the ground that matched his head shape. .

This only made him more annoyed, he got up suddenly, and when he turned his head, he saw that Eric was already close in front of him.A lightsaber and battle ax made of green light appeared in his left and right palms respectively, alternately drawing dazzling green trails and swinging towards the atomic skull.The Atomic Skull blocked several rounds of attacks with bare hands, but finally failed to parry it.The trajectories of the sword and ax intertwined and cut on his body, causing him to groan in pain.

In fact, if the Atomic Skull is in full condition, it might be really difficult to deal with. Unfortunately, he was not in a good condition before fighting Eric, and his attitude of underestimating the enemy led to such a one-sided situation.

The last blow of the ax knocked the Atomic Skull back, and Eric threw away the sword and the axe: "The last blow, just came up with a good idea, let me try it with you."

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

The green light energy of the extreme output was extracted from the core, charged into the right hand, overflowed from the light ring, and turned into a transparent sphere out of thin air.The energy sphere that condensed the ultimate output power rapidly expanded and expanded in front of Eric, and finally reached the size of the diameter and the width of the shoulders and was finalized.

With a clear shout, Eric took off in the air, and slammed his leg on the light ball like a whip, just like a football player's finishing kick.The green energy ball roared out with a long trajectory, and roared towards the face of the atomic skull.

And just before the final blow hit, a black figure seemed to flash past from one side.Another wave of energy came in from the side unexpectedly, and hit the energy ball from the side angle. The heavy impact caused the ball to turn suddenly, sweeping away all obstacles along the way with an unstoppable momentum, and suddenly slammed into the energy ball from the other wall of the building. penetrated out.


Eric froze involuntarily, and glanced in the direction of the shock just now.The Atomic Skeleton hurriedly took the opportunity to soar into the air, broke through the roof, and fled out without looking back.

Eric did not pursue, and stood motionless in place.Without blinking his eyes, he scanned all the corners in front of him through the monitor in detail, searching for traces of the black figure who intervened.

nothing.Intuition told him that the guy had already left.

Erik sighed and lifted his armor.

For some reason, this unknown intervener gave him a very bad breath, which made people feel quite unhappy.

But no matter what, tonight's action is considered to have come to an end.Both Impulse and Supergirl, unconscious afterwards, were each found in their ambush positions, each seemingly brought down without the other noticing.

After returning to the base, everyone focused on the topic about the mysterious attacker.

"Being able to knock down Impulse and Super Girl one after another with a sneak attack in an instant, it seems like a pretty formidable opponent." Wing Knight thought.

"We must also consider the special circumstances - if the opponent is carrying kryptonite, then it is not a particularly rare thing to stun a super girl with one blow." Damian reminded, "But the one that can perfectly avoid her Super sensory, at least in terms of stealth is really powerful."

After a pause, he added confidently: "Of course I can do it too. It's not surprising that he can sneak attack to the pulse. His attention is only limited to the visible places, and almost everyone can do it."

I was not happy when I said this, and immediately said: "What did you say?"

"I'm just stating the facts." Damian said unceremoniously, "Maybe in the future you will inherit the title of The Flash, but you haven't made any progress until now."

"Oh? Make it sound like you're ready to inherit Batman when you're 20 years older."

"This has been ready since I was ten years old!"

Speaking of which, Eric was a little surprised when he learned that Damian Wayne in this world had grown to be in his 20s. So the timeline of this world should be at least ten years into the future of the DC main story. Years later, Batman should be at least 50 or [-] years old.In other words, the young Winged Knight, who currently looks like a teenager, should be a baby or not born at all in the timeline of the main story.
He was leaning against the wall pillar with his arms around him and thinking, but he saw the young leader walking towards him on his own initiative.

"It's really thanks to you that everyone is okay today." He said, "Thank you."

Eric smiled slightly: "No need. Anyway, I'm still a member of the team. I just did what I should do."

"Ah, so I don't know who is responsible for the situation that has developed today." Damian changed his temper again, "We can't rely on foreign aid every time in the future, can we?"

"Sorry." Wing Knight admitted bluntly, "It's my responsibility."

Damian walked up to him and said coldly: "The so-called team leader, apart from making a plan before taking action, also needs the ability to adapt to changing situations. In this respect, you are far behind your father. "

After all, he walked over arrogantly and left the room.

"Hey, that's really harsh." Eric commented to himself.

"Don't take it too seriously." The super girl smiled and patted the young Winged Knight's shoulder, "Take your time, you will be able to do it sooner or later. Your father said that you are ready, and you will be able to— —What you need most now is self-confidence.”

Pulse also said: "Okay, it's rare that everyone is here. Why don't we forget about these unpleasant things first, how about we prepare a party?"

The super girl smiled: "It sounds good too. Speaking of which, they also said that they will come back today. It should be about the same time?"

Eric was taken aback: "'They'?"

"It's our other two team members. They were not there when you came." Supergirl explained, "Ah, as I said just now, they seem to have just arrived. I heard their voices coming outside."

Any other members of the Night Raiders?It is true that there are many members of the team who have been away for a long time, and Eric has not heard of any other characters until now.
Just thinking of this, the sound of authentication came from the electronic door at the entrance.

"Number identification, team member code after verification, Captain Cold, welcome back."

"Number identification, the team member code is verified, Raven, welcome back."

The moment he heard the name, Eric's pupils shrank suddenly, and he was more shocked than hearing why Captain Cold, who was supposed to be the villain, was a member of the Night Raiders.

The automatic door slid open, and a familiar figure stepped in from behind the door.As always, she was wrapped in a pitch-black cloak, a sexy black uniform and stockings, half of her snow-white face was deeply buried in the black shadow under the hood, wasn't she the raven?

"Reraven?" Eric couldn't help shouting.

She turned her head sideways and asked suspiciously, "Sorry, but have we met?"

(Thanks to book friend 150824231 for the reward of 200 starting coins, book friend CaearBorgia for the reward of 700 starting coins, and book friend Ya Pafika for the reward of 1000 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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