Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 370 Winged Knight

Chapter 370 Winged Knight

"Winged Knight?" Raven revealed a look of reminiscence, and unconsciously turned his eyes to the dark night outside the window.

After thinking for a while, she said, "How should I put it? He is an incredible person."

"Unbelievable?" Eric repeated the word.

"Well." Raven said, "Although he doesn't have any superpowers compared to us, he can always be the most reliable of all of us. So far we night raiders—no, it should be the world Encountered countless unimaginable crises, some of which almost everyone in the world lost hope, but he didn't. No matter what kind of situation, no matter what kind of crisis he encountered, he would never panic, and would always be able to Find a way out of the impasse."

"Ha, you really gave a very high evaluation." Eric said.

Raven shrugged: "I'm being to the point, go ask Supergirl, and you'll hear her description is even more exaggerated."

After a pause, she continued: "Actually, whether it's me or Supergirl, almost all of us have received his help at critical moments. It should be said that without him, the world would have been destroyed. I don't know." How many times?"

"It's such a powerful character." Eric said, "Listening to what you said, I want to see such a legendary character with my own eyes."

Raven smiled slightly: "Maybe there is a chance. He has some things in the Justice League these days, and Batman left Gotham, it should be about seven months ago. But the mission seems to be almost over, Should be back soon."

"Really?" Eric laughed, "That's really looking forward to it."

There was nothing more to say about the second half of the night.The team members were excited until the clock ticked, and Eric's thoughts in the second half of the night were completely on the mysterious Winged Knight, and his attention was completely out of here.

Winged Knight Eric secretly remembered this name in his heart.

The next day, after noon, the current Winged Knight held another meeting.

In the meeting room, a virtual screen was projected with a three-dimensional holographic image. The light blue fluorescence outlined the three-dimensional image of an atomic skeleton, and even the burning skull was lifelike.On the side, his real name, origin and detailed information are listed in text.

"This is all the information we have about the Atomic Skull so far." Wing Knight said, "What we know so far is that his real name is Joseph Martin. The affected facial skin was destroyed and gained superpowers. But until last year, Joseph had been in a state of insanity. He mistakenly regarded himself as a superhero in a TV series, and regarded other superheroes as villains in a TV series. Keep making trouble."

After a pause, he continued: "But judging from the last few fights, he should have recovered his sanity. And I summed up his recent attacks, and I don't seem to find any connection"

"Do you think there is something hidden behind this?" Captain Cold raised his eyebrows.

"Well, I'm basically sure that there should be someone else instigating behind him, and they are still helping him in secret." Wing Knight said, "The last time our raid should have been seamless, but someone knew it one step ahead of time. Our whereabouts, and before we ambush the atomic skeletons, we brought down the two members who were the most threatening at that time. I think this can explain at least two problems. First, the other party has long been prepared, and the atomic skeletons are just their subordinates Little pawn, things should all be part of their plan now."

Deliberately paused at this place, Wing Knight said: "And the second point, I think. The enemy should be quite familiar with us, or at least they have done a thorough research and investigation. If they can subdue Pulse and Super Girl in an instant, even if they are A sneak attack should have been prepared in advance. I don't think it should be ruled out that there may be an old opponent we have known for a long time among the enemies."

After listening to his analysis, everyone showed an expression of "so that's it".Eric listened quietly, secretly praising this kid's analytical ability is indeed not bad, no wonder so many people are willing to let him lead the team, it seems that it is not entirely because of his father.It seems that what the super girl said is correct. What this young Winged Knight needs most now is a little self-confidence. He always feels that he still lacks a little courage as a leader.

"And then there are some personal opinions on the direction of the next investigation." Wing Knight continued, "If you take the position of the atomic skull and assume that I am Joseph Martin, if I suddenly regain my sanity and find that I have become What should I do about a hideous monster whose skin has been destroyed by radiation?"

Impulse scratched his head: "Try to reform and become a good person? Or decide to retaliate against society even more?"

"Should you want to return to normal?" Supergirl asked.

"I also think this is more likely." The Wing Knight nodded, "The data show that the radiation has a considerable impact on him if he maintains that skeleton state for a long time, and he may suffer unimaginable pain. If If I were him, I think I should try my best to find someone who has the ability to heal me, right?"

"So that's it." Eric couldn't help but said, "Do you want to say that the motive of the Atomic Skull's actions now is probably to heal himself, that is to say, the person who ordered him behind the scenes should be someone who has the ability to heal him? "

"Or someone under him who has the resources to heal him." Wing Knight nodded and said, "But in any case, Joseph's current situation is no longer curable by ordinary experts. The person who may heal him must be in the biological and People with Phoebe's ordinary accomplishments in the field of physics, there should not be many such people in the world."

In this way, the range of suspects was instantly reduced to the operable range.Eric couldn't help but look at this young Winged Knight with admiration again, it seemed that his mind was really good.

"Or maybe it doesn't need to be so troublesome." Damian said suddenly, "Maybe you can ask him face to face after you catch this guy."

As he spoke, he turned the screen projected by the mobile computer on his wrist, showing everyone the real-time news that was being broadcast.

"Atomic Skull seems to have popped up again, this time in a chemical factory." Damian said, "He is really a troublesome guy."

(Thanks to book friend 160410061618149 for the reward of 500 starting coins, and book friend 1603210031 for the reward of 100 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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