Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 371 Teammates

Chapter 371 Teammates
"Atomic Skull? Come out to make trouble again?" Impulse said eagerly, "Did he forget so quickly that we beat him up yesterday and fled?"

"To be precise, you just lay unconscious." Raven activated the poisonous tongue attribute in her characteristic cold tone.

Pulse paused in embarrassment: "Well, that was a mistake last time. This time I will definitely take revenge!"

Winged Knight thought for a moment, and said: "This time you go first, I have to stay, there may be some things to be resolved."

10 minutes later, in the city.

Purple flames danced on the wreckage of the knocked-down walls, and an unsettling and strange energy lingered between the blocks, setting off a terrifying atmosphere.All kinds of dismantled cars fell on the ground in a haphazard manner, and the broken lampposts were as miserable as dead flowers.

And the culprit of all this, the burning skull head, at this time, flaunted his power and lifted a ton-heavy transport truck with one hand, and threw it into the building across the street. plugged in.The Gotham police tried to dispatch special police to fight him, but their conventional weapons couldn't hurt the guy even a little bit.After several assault armored vehicles were continuously blown up by purple flames, the police wisely chose to temporarily evade.

This type of criminals is no longer in the category they can deal with, and needs to be handed over to more professional people to deal with.

"What? There are no more superheroes in this city?" Atomic Skull yelled loudly, and the flames on his head flashed, "I'm going to fall asleep from boredom."

As if in response to his words, the high-speed spinning Frisbee came flying with a sharp piercing sound.The Atomic Skull caught the ear-piercing sound, turned around and slapped it backhand, the sewer cover, which contained amazing arm strength, was immediately deformed under the squeeze of two huge forces, deflated into a ball and flew far away.

Atomic Skull turned his head, only to see Eric appearing in front of him again.The Amojo Alpha armor is still in the same super mode as last time, and the "S" mark on the chest is shining with eye-catching red fluorescence.

"Finally," the Atomic Skull snorted, stretched his ten fingers, and made a "click" sound like bones rubbing against each other, "I'm still wondering how much destruction it takes to attract a guy who looks like a hero come out."

"Seriously, are you so eager to be arrested?" Eric sneered, "Have you forgotten how miserable it was when we met last night? If so, your memory is really bad."

Atomic Skull said angrily: "I was careless that time, and I was in a bad state. I don't know where you came from, kid, but this time, I will make you regret messing with someone you shouldn't have!"

"Really?" Eric squeezed the wrist of his right hand, and at the same time activated the limit output of the armor. The red energy flowed out from the "S" mark on the chest, transmitted along the limbs and bones, and then charged into the right fist. in the glove.

".Then I really will wait and see."

The two exploded neatly, as if two racing cars with fully charged engines exploded out.The metal fist rushed forward dragging the fire-colored light band, and the Atomic Skull's punch was brewing with purple radiant energy to meet it without fear.Before the two touched each other, the two-color airflow had already mixed together, blowing sand and rocks, debris and debris across the field.


The two fists clashed loudly, and all the glass products along the street were neatly shattered, as if thunder was exploding on the street.

The astonishing power poured into the body along the armor of the right arm, shaking Eric's body and flying upside down, like stones floating in water one after another on the ground full of wreckage, with a "bang" and a car that was caught by him The dented truck crashed into buildings along the street.

Unhurriedly lifting off the building wreckage on his body, Eric slowly crawled out of the building wreckage.On the other hand, the Atomic Skull still stood there calmly, with drag marks sliding several meters backwards on its feet, and its arrogance seemed to be even more arrogant.

"How is it? Do you regret it a little bit?" Atomic Skull said arrogantly, "This is my strength when I am in good condition, and I haven't even used my full strength yet."

"So that's it." Eric said calmly, "There are indeed a few brushes. But unfortunately, I haven't tried my best yet."

Atomic Skull sneered disdainfully: "It's a bluff."

"It's hard to say." Eric said, and put on a posture, "Then let you see my hidden backhand. Look, the name of this trick is called."

The Atomic Skull seemed to be taking it seriously, and involuntarily put on a serious posture, staring at Eric's movements and preparing to meet the enemy.

And he never expected that in this sudden moment, red and blue afterimages flashed from the corner of his eyes, and before he had time to react, a beautiful figure had already appeared beside him.The Atomic Skull turned his head subconsciously, and a powerful iron fist landed on his skull's cheek.An almost indescribably powerful force made a "click" on the neck of his skeleton, and his whole body flew upside down.

It was a super girl, and she rushed forward at the speed of sound when the Atomic Skull attracted Eric's full attention, and gave him a big blow with a hard punch.

Impulse, Robin, and Cold Team also arrived one after another, and Eric chuckled and added this sentence.

"The name of this trick is called. Backup."

Meanwhile, Night Raider Base.


The crisp electronic sound representing the verification passed echoed in the empty hall, and the electronic door slowly slid open.With his hands behind his back, Deathstroke swaggered in through the door, as easy as walking into his own living room.He went straight to the supercomputer on the console, took out a terminal device from behind and plugged it in.The computer screen lit up quickly, and the password lock was automatically unlocked after only ten seconds of pause on the interface for entering the password, and the computer opened up all the secrets to him without hindrance.

The security protocol of the Night Raider base is among the top in the world, and it is impossible for even the most powerful hacker in the world to crack it remotely.The only explanation for Death Knell's unimpeded entry as if he had entered his own home was that he had obtained the code of the base's security protocol in advance, and the virus had been written in advance by a genius in a related field.

At this moment, a slight piercing sound sounded from behind his head.Death knell didn't turn his head back, and stretched out two fingers with his backhand, which just pinched a black bat-shaped dart impartially and accurately.

The Winged Knight appeared behind him silently at some point, and threw a bat dart at him.

For some reason, he already had a premonition—the Atomic Skull was just a bait to lure the tiger away from the mountain, and the enemy actually had other plans.As it turned out, his guess was correct.

Deathstroke turned and glanced at him with one eye.

"The new Winged Knight?" He said coldly, "Speaking of which, your father and I know each other well, so let me test it for him. His kid should weigh a few pounds and a few taels."

(End of this chapter)

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