Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 374 New Armor

Chapter 374 New Armor
"Is he referring to the Winged Knight?" Eric asked.

Supergirl nodded slightly.

"Raven told me a little bit about him." Eric said, "It really sounds like an incredible person. Speaking of which, you also have a crush on him, right?"

This question was caught off guard, the super girl's cheeks were slightly red, and she asked a little embarrassedly: "How do you know?"

"It's not that hard to see."

"Really?" She quickly returned to normal, and admitted generously, "Yes, I did like him before, and I tried to convey this feeling to him. It's a pity that I was dumped."

Seeing her talking about this past in such a natural and slightly ironic way, it seems that she has already passed that hurdle in her heart and can deal with that past with ease.But this made Eric even more curious about the Winged Knight.

"Even dare to dump an extraordinary girl like you, it sounds really different."

The super girl smiled slightly: "Actually, I'm nothing special, and I don't think it's incomprehensible. After all, I was a little childish at that time. But when it comes to him, every time I fight side by side with him, it's obvious that I should He is the one who has the ability to go to heaven and earth, but he always has to rely on him, it is really incredible to say that.”

The moment she said this, all the light tubes in the entire corridor suddenly went out without warning.The sound of "hum" like an engine stalling spread throughout the prison, and the long-awaited darkness rushed over and engulfed the entire building.

In the aisle two areas away from where the two were, gunshots suddenly rang out.The flickering muzzle flames illuminated the aisle ahead like a strobe, and only a vague figure could be seen approaching rapidly in the direction of the gunfire.The lightning-like silver light cut through the darkness, and the continuous screams suddenly sounded, followed by a series of falling to the ground, and the gunshots stopped.

"It seems to come from over there." Eric looked somewhere in the darkness, "What's going on over there?"

"This way." Without saying a word, the super girl has already flown towards the depths of the tunnel. Obviously, the darkness is not the slightest obstacle to the Kryptonians who have super senses.Eric didn't ask much, and immediately followed.

The two rushed to the scene of the incident quickly.In the aisle where the two of them went, a large number of guards fell to the ground in disorder.Without exception, they were injured by sharp objects, and their bodies were covered with blood. The blood pools became one piece, and the scene was quite terrifying.

The purpose of the assailant did not seem to be too difficult to guess, because the only prison door in the entire area was pried open.Eric and Supergirl rushed to the door of the cell, but saw that the door sign showed that this was the cell where a super criminal named Electric Girl was being held.The electric girl was originally a criminal in the metropolis, with the superpower of absorbing electric energy, but she has been imprisoned in Gotham Central Prison since she was subdued by Batman in Gotham last year.

When they arrived, the blue-skinned female criminal had fallen unconscious on the floor of the cell.Deathstroke was slowly standing up from her side, holding a glass tube that had collected something unknown in his hand.

"Deathstroke?" Eric asked unexpectedly. "What are you doing here?"

He glanced sideways at the two, shook the glass tube in his hand, put it away, and said indifferently: "It's just work, my new boss wants this thing, I don't know what he wants to do , and I don’t intend to ask.”

"Sorry, but this kind of explanation can't fool us." Supergirl clenched her fists and said coldly, "I'll let you explain more about your mission and your employer, even if it's hard .”

Death Bell sneered, stretched out his hand to his shoulder without saying a word and pressed it lightly.

It was only at the moment when the black device on his back was activated that the two noticed that it was a metal backpack—it was exactly the same color as the Deathstroke uniform, and it was perfectly hidden like a chameleon.Under Eric's shocked eyes, the backpack unfolded into a complete set of armor, and the light black shell covered Deathstroke's whole body in an instant.

A strong feeling of palpitations hit my heart instantly, causing Eric's pupils to constrict suddenly - there is no mistake, this is the reaction of the Yamajo virus, and it is very strong.

This is without a doubt a brand new set of Armor for Almadra!
Eric was shocked: "Why would you?"

"Who knows." Deathstroke said indifferently, "The employer gave it to me, and I never ask if the employer doesn't say much. You just need to know that I can easily defeat you with the power of this thing, and that's enough .”

Eric quickly regained his composure: "That's hard to say."

"Complete green light mode is online."


As soon as the electronic sound fell, Eric shot up.Green lights flashed in the palms of his hands, and in one hand a submachine gun spewed out flames for cover, while in the other hand a battle ax appeared and swung upwards.

"Copy, Green Lantern."

The same electronic sound sounded on the side of the death knell, and the green light immediately turned into a lightsaber and condensed in the hands of the death knell.But seeing him stepping forward, the sword light flashed, and the blade in Eric's hand flew out of the air with a crisp sound.Eric couldn't even see the opponent's movements clearly. The green sword light had already passed by the side of his breastplate, and the huge shock caused him to roll over to the side.

The powerful performance is wrong, not just the performance of the armor.It was a complete crushing of Deathstroke's sword skills just now, and Eric was completely suppressed with just one move. Sure enough, it is not a wise choice to fight Deathstroke in close quarters.

The super girl also moved at this time, her body rushed out with a "boom", like a cannonball fired from the chamber at zero distance, approaching the death knell.

"Copy, Martian Manhunter."

Before the electronic sound fell, the entire armor of the death knell had been blurred into a layer of virtual image.The super girl charged aggressively but pierced through the middle of his body, knocking the wall behind the cell to collapse.

Eric watched the movement of the death knell and couldn't help frowning slightly.

This set of Yamozhuo armor always feels completely different from the three sets I have seen so far.

The super girl who rushed over her head barely stopped the car, but the death knell had already turned around and came behind her.When he saw that very special green light flashing in his palm, Eric closed his pupils and subconsciously shouted: "Be careful!"

But it's too late.When the super girl turned her head, the green dagger was reflected in her pupils. The crystal clear green light was so beautiful, but at the same time so deadly.

It was a kryptonite dagger.

The next moment, bright red blood droplets flew out, splashing all over the prison walls.

(End of this chapter)

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