Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 375 The Legend Appears

Chapter 375 The Legend Appears
The moment neither of them could react, Deathstroke, who was wearing a completely new set of Armor, showed a crystal clear green krypton dagger in his hand, leaving a graceful arc in the air towards the super girl. Come.

The sharp green krypton cut open the white skin of the super girl, and bright red blood splashed out from the wound.The super girl swayed weakly, one hand limply propped on the wall, her beautiful face showed a touch of green under the influence of green krypton, and she sat limply on the ground.

"You Kryptonians are indeed very powerful, but as long as you have this" Deathstroke played with the green krypton dagger in his hand, pointed at the super girl who had almost lost her resistance on the ground, and stabbed down.

"... It's easy to deal with you!"

But the green dagger failed to fall again after all. With a crisp sound of "Dang", it was intertwined with a light blade that was also green but made entirely of energy.Eric held the green light dagger tightly in one hand to block the chop of the death knell, and simultaneously transformed into a chainsaw in the palm of the other hand, and the saw teeth suddenly slashed across the door of the death knell's helmet.There was a loud noise, sparks splashed from his face, the death knell screamed "ah", and he retreated in embarrassment.

Eric stopped in front of the super girl, stared at the green krypton dagger in Deathstroke's hand for a moment, and said, "So that's it. So when I ambushed the atomic skeleton a few days ago, you were the one who secretly attacked, right?"

Deathstroke grunted, without denying it.He put away the dagger conveniently, kicked his feet and rushed forward again at full speed, his figure was like a swift cheetah.

Putting him close again is undoubtedly one of the stupidest moves. Regardless of the performance attributes of the armor itself, Eric is definitely not an opponent of a master fighter like Deathstroke in close combat.So he immediately chose to strike first, using the energy of the green light, a large amount of green light condensed in front of him to form a neat row of heavy barrels, and all the barrels pointed at the death knell rushing forward.

"Bang bang bang bang!!!!"

The cannons sounded in unison, and the green flames formed a curtain of light to meet the death knell.The shells condensed from pure energy landed on the left and right of Death Knell's fast-moving body one after another, leaving deep pits one after another.As the frequency of firing became higher and higher, the shells became denser and denser, quickly blocking the space for Death Knell to dodge and move.

"Copy, Martian Manhunter."

The sound fell, and afterimages burst out of the light curtain.Deathstroke and the body of the armor simulated the Martian Manhunter's ability and turned into a transparent virtual image, passing through layers of firepower as if it did not exist on the physical level, and rushed to Eric in an instant.

"Complete speed mode is online."

The pupils contracted suddenly, and Eric almost without thinking, the armor switched modes in response, dragging sparks and lightning to the side at high speed, narrowly avoiding the palm of the death knell.He moved his footsteps, his figure flashed, and in the next second he turned into an afterimage and disappeared in the sight of the death knell.

"Copy, Flash."

Deathstroke, who had lost his opponent's whereabouts, didn't panic at all, and immediately switched to high-speed gear. He raised his hand suddenly to catch Eric's punch that was bombarded at his eyepiece at super speed, and used his backhand to shake Eric. backed away.

Immediately afterwards, the death knell also moved its feet, and the armor flew out with incomparable lightness.But after hearing two sounds of "Shu Shu", two afterimages chased out one after the other.Looking down from above, it seems that two long ribbons shuttled back and forth between the buildings, collided with each other, left the prison at a very fast speed, and rushed into the houses across the street.The two whirlwinds swept from the first floor to the top floor within a second, which was breathtakingly fast.

But if the same high speed is maintained, it really is Eric who suffers - not to mention that Deathstroke's speed attribute is obviously ahead of Alpha armor's unenhanced speed mode.The iron door in the stairwell on the top floor was knocked open with a "boom", and Eric's body was pushed against the deformed door panel, lying on his back on the ground and drifting for a long distance, sparks flew violently along the way.

Supergirl, whose body was still quite weak under the influence of kryptonite, reluctantly followed, and hurriedly stepped forward to help him up after seeing the situation in the field: "Are you all right?"

"It's okay." Eric got up and said, "It's just a little careless."

"You really dare to say big things."

The figure of the death knell arrived almost at the same time as the sound, and the afterimage of the high-speed vibration of the armor flashed in front of the two of them as if moving in an instant, and approached the two of them leisurely with their hands folded around their chests.

Eric frowned slightly.

Regardless of the later enhancements, the armor that Deathstroke is wearing now is undoubtedly much stronger than the three original sets in Eric's own world, and the armor's ability mode seems to be different.In contrast, Deathstroke's suit of armor feels closer to the real Amojo robot in terms of ability simulation.

The armor performance and combat skills are not comparable to the death knell, so it is impossible to win if this continues.But overall assessing the opponent's combat power, it is not difficult to win, as long as you use that.
As soon as this thought occurred to her, severe labor pains came from her back.The electric current seemed to be directly transmitted from the back of the armor to the nerve center of the brain, stimulating Eric to half kneel on the ground, grinning and moaning in pain.

"Shut up." Eric gritted his teeth and said to himself.

It is an awakening accessory.Since the final battle with Almadra and coming to this world through the portal of the plane, the awakening accessories cannot be removed from the armor.The armor changed back to the form of a backpack and it retracted accordingly. After wearing the armor as the basic mode, the awakening device was placed on the back of the armor in a form similar to a backpack.

Erik knows that with a single thought he can activate the Awakening Accessory again, and this time with greater power than ever before.But at the same time, his intuition told him that using it again might really lead to irreversible consequences.

In fact, he already felt distinctly different.Now even when he wasn't carrying the Almadra armor on his back, he could often hear a certain voice lingering in his head.He couldn't sleep peacefully day and night, and almost every night when he closed his eyes, he could see a muddy black figure walking towards him while whispering, persuading him to let go of the armor and insist on accepting it as a part of him.

If he accepts it, he may indeed cease to be himself.

"Hey, boy, where do you look in battle?"

After a moment of hesitation, the eyepiece of Deathstroke's helmet was already close at hand when he came back to his senses.He slapped Erik's cheek with one hand like thunder, knocking him to the ground so fast that he couldn't avoid it.

"You are the first one to lose your mind during the battle with me." Death Knell said coldly, "As a price, let me send you on your way."

After speaking, he was about to make a move when a gunshot suddenly pierced the night sky.Death Knell turned his head to one side, and through the eyepiece, he saw a cannonball trailing a trail of thick smoke, flying towards him like in slow motion.

The death knell bowed slightly to avoid it, but saw that the cannonball exploded like a spiritual "boom" at the moment it missed from his side.The firestorm erupted in an instant.The zero-distance explosion knocked Death Knell to the ground abruptly, and there was no defense at all.

It was a heavy artillery shell detonated by thermal induction, and it would detonate automatically when it approached the target within a certain range.

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw under the moonlight, a figure in a black uniform standing majestically on a high place, holding a dark large-caliber heavy gun in one hand, with a trace of blue smoke emitting from the muzzle.He wears a cross-sectional black mask, but only from his sharp eyes and tall and straight body, one can see an extraordinary aura, giving the person facing him an invisible sense of oppression.

The moment the super girl saw him, she immediately beamed with joy: "Roy!? Are you back?"

(End of this chapter)

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