Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 376 Weakest?

Chapter 376 Weakest?
"Roy!? Are you back?"

Seeing the super girl's reaction, Eric immediately understood - the black knight under the moonlight is obviously the famous Winged Knight among the crowd.

Roy jumped from a high place, put one hand on the ground and landed in a half-squat, and said lightly: "Be careful next time, super girl, don't call your teammates by their names outside."

"I'm sorry, because I was excited at the moment, so I just"

Although the death knell was caught off guard by the hurricane detonated by the shells, it was actually not really damaged.He stood up unhurriedly, patted the dust off his body, looked directly at the Winged Knight who suddenly entered the arena, and couldn't help sneering.

"You're still here." Deathstroke snorted, "It's really like fate——no matter what kind of mission I take on recently, it seems that you always come to make trouble. Thanks to you, my reputation is not as good now. In the past, business was not as easy as it used to be.”

Immediately, the one eye under the armor's eyepiece immediately revealed a cold light, staring straight at the calm face of the Winged Knight, as if turning his gaze into a sharp blade to pierce him.

"So this means that you have to be aware of paying the price."

"I think you should also know that my ears are numb from hearing similar words." Roy said calmly, "And now I am still standing here."

"Be careful," Supergirl reminded, "This guy's armor seems to be able to replicate many different superpowers, which is very tricky."

"Just like Almajo, right, I know." Roy said lightly.

The death knell shook his head, and then his feet suddenly moved, and his body shot out like a sharp arrow.The Amozo armor endowed him with super speed comparable to the Flash, and he seemed to disappear from everyone's eyes in an instant, and his claws had strangled Roy's throat in an instant shorter than the blink of an eye.

"You know, this attitude of yours has always been the most irritating!" Death Knell threw him aside and quickly kicked him over, "You always act like you are confident and defiant. It feels like you're belittling me every single time!"

Wuying punched Roy on the cheek, and the latter spit out a mouthful of blood immediately, and rolled a few times in the direction of the punch.

"Let's see now, whose fist is harder!?"

The death knell said that it launched the rapid catch-up again, and was ready to continue the pursuit.But this time, just as he took two steps, his body stopped the car involuntarily.

Death knell lowered his head, and saw that his legs were submerged in the quick-setting clay from the ankle to immobilize at some point.The clay, which was originally used to temporarily support buildings whose frames were damaged and about to collapse in disasters such as earthquakes, can quickly solidify and set in a fraction of a second after it comes into contact with the air.When he was beaten just now, Roy threw a few inconspicuous spheres on the ground without anyone noticing. Deathstroke, who was chasing in full swing, didn't pay attention at all, and stepped on them at super high speed.

"Hmph, little trick, do you think this kind of thing can trap me?"

"Copy, Martian Manhunter."

The electronic sound sounded, and the armor of the death knell immediately changed into a "phaseless" penetrating state. Like a soul, it penetrated through the clay that stuck to his feet, and quickly flew towards Roy. A palm stabbed straight at the heart of Roy's chest.

"go to hell!"

The metal palm really sank into the Winged Knight's chest, reaching straight towards the heart.Even Supergirl couldn't help exclaiming in worry, as if she had seen his heart go bloody through Deathstroke.

However, unexpectedly, it was the death knell who screamed.The moment the blue electric arc penetrated Winged Knight's body with one hand, he surrounded him. The electric arc flickered continuously, causing the death knell to scream "ah", and the body also turned back to the entity, kneeling down in pain In front of Roy.

Looking down at the death knell that was covered in black smoke, Roy said indifferently: "Although I don't know where you got the ability of Martians to blur their bodies, I have also studied this ability. As long as you record The frequency of your body, then at the moment you invade, my battle suit will automatically decipher your ability to fight back."

"Copy, Superman."

Deathstroke suddenly raised his head, and his fierce eyes suddenly locked on Roy.His figure exploded in an instant, the metal fist tore through the air, and blasted out with the sound of scraping against the air, like a terrifying tank gun.


There was a loud noise like thunder, and smoke and dust were everywhere, and the flying dust instantly enveloped the entire attic.The square hut at the exit of the stairwell was shattered by the force of this punch, and a lot of rubble and bricks were thrown far away from the roof with amazing inertia.

But Deathstroke clearly felt that the punch had failed.The fist that was swung at such a speed at a near-zero distance, the reflex nerves should be that the normal human Winged Knight has no reason to dodge it, but he clearly felt that the fist did not hit the flesh.

A strange movement was caught in his ears, and when Deathstroke turned his head, he saw that Roy was still standing on the spot, and his whole body became a little blurred under the high-speed vibration. The punch with amazing power just now seemed to have penetrated directly from him past.

"This is called the 'Allen System'. Adjusting specific frequency vibrations can enable the wearer to penetrate various entities." Roy said lightly, with one hand already attached to the chest of the death knell armor, "In addition, it has recently developed Another function, it happened to be the first actual combat test today."

I saw that the black glove pressed on the death knell's chest vibrated at a higher frequency, and it seemed to drive the armor to vibrate.Death Knell's chest seemed to be slightly distorted, his eyes widened, and he watched the blue electric snake looming on his chest in disbelief, and an ominous premonition hit his heart.


It felt as if tons of super-concentrated explosives exploded in the chest. The death knell exploded in the chest, and the body was bounced out like a shell that had been fired, and swept across the roof.The walls of the building across the street were as flimsy as paper. The death knell easily penetrated through several walls, and finally embedded its body in a large font on a certain wall inside the building. There was no movement for a long time.

Roy swung into the opposite building with the help of the zip line on the back of his hand, and walked in front of him along the layers of holes pierced by the death knell.

"You think this set of armor gives you strength and helps you become stronger." Roy said lightly, "You are wrong. Too much power makes you rely on it and give up tactical thinking. So you have to What I said, in so many fights with you"

" is your weakest."

(Thanks to book friend S Liming for the 700 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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