Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 377 Time and Space Disorder

Chapter 377 Time and Space Disorder
Facing the unceremonious sarcasm of the winged knight, although the death knell was very annoyed, he had to admit that what he said was indeed true.

Indeed, the sheer power of Almadra's armor made Deathstroke a little too elated.Originally, Deathstroke was also a master tactician with a high IQ, and even had a proud record of defeating the Justice League completely by tactics.But today's performance, in all fairness, even he himself can't stand it.

Deathstroke is almost completely useless in battle today, making many mistakes that he would never have made in the past.The powerful power really made him a little hot-headed, and it was because of this that he was so easily grasped by the Wing Knight and defeated.

Even if he is very unwilling, today's defeat is already set.At this moment, Supergirl has also recovered a little bit, and she is also wary of his kryptonite dagger, and Eric over there is also a combat power that cannot be ignored.It is very difficult to win if you continue to fight like this, and it is meaningless, because what you want has already been obtained.

After calming down a little, Deathstroke made a decision immediately.

"It's fine if you win another round today, Winged Knight." He said lightly, "But it's harmless. I believe we will have a chance to meet again soon."

Having said that, he paused for a while and snorted softly.

"Then goodbye, Wing Knight, or Mr. Green"

After arrogantly leaving such a sentence, he flashed his figure, restarted the overspeed, and quickly left the place.

It is very obvious that the sentence of death knell is a demonstration, and what it wants to convey is the meaning of "I have mastered your true identity".

"Is that so?" Roy did not show too much surprise, as if he had expected it.

Supergirl panicked a little: "Roy? Did he mean?"

"Ah, he knows who I am." Roy said, and paused, "But don't worry so much, he should have known for a while, but he hasn't acted all the time, so I think he shouldn't Will do something about it.”

The super girl gave an "oh" and nodded, seeming to trust his judgment quite a bit.

Roy's eyes immediately fell on Eric, and Eric looked back at the same time.Eric remembers that this was the first time he met the eyes of this winged knight. The eyes under the black mask were really as sharp as a falcon, like a scanner that can penetrate the soul, giving you a feeling of being in touch. The illusion that the line of sight was completely seen through in an instant.

Roy returned to the base with them. Most of the team members were pleasantly surprised and greeted the former captain warmly.The only exception was this young winged knight.

When Roy slowly walked in front of him, Little Wing Knight II had a bandage on one hand and his head drooped to the side, like a student who failed to finish his homework on time, waiting for the teacher to scold him.

However, what he waited for was not scolding.

"You're doing great, Roy."

Roy is also the real name of this young Winged Knight, and he shares the same name as his father.Little Roy looked up at his father in surprise, who smiled slightly at him.

This was the rare occasion his father smiled at him since he was a child.

Roy reached out and patted his son's shoulder. Without saying a word, he turned around and wanted to leave.

After being stunned for a long time, little Roy finally spoke when his father was about to leave the door of his room.

"I will continue to work hard!" he said loudly, "I will become even better, until one day I can surpass you, father!"

Roy smiled in relief, without turning around, waved behind his back, and left the room.

That night, after everyone in the base fell asleep.

All the lights in the conference room went out, but the supercomputer kept running.The light blue fluorescence of the screen became the only light source in this dark room. Roy sat in front of the computer with one hand resting on his cheek, browsing the content on the screen intently.

"Are you still asleep?" He asked suddenly, as if talking to himself.

"Can't sleep." Eric appeared from the door of the conference room behind him, and said, "Aren't you still asleep?"

"I've been away for too long, and a lot of things have happened during this time." He said lightly, "I need to review the log during this time."

Erica opened the chair beside him and sat down. After a long silence, he asked, "I heard that you are a member of the Justice League?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

Eric thought for a moment and asked, "Then do you know about Almajo?"

"Amajo?" Roy repeated, "Why do you want to know this?"

"Because it is the culprit of everything, it is the starting point that disturbed my life and my world, and it is because of it that I am lost here." Eric said, "And as far as I know, it should Just from this world, but I've asked others and they don't seem to know. I thought maybe you would."

"Really?" Roy lay on the back of the seat, lost in memory, "So, your world has also been affected."

Eric was taken aback: "So, what do you really know?"

Roy was silent again for a while, as if he was organizing his words, and it took a while before he opened his mouth.

"Based on time, it should have happened 15 years ago."

Fifteen years ago, exactly when the Amajo robot was discovered, Erik thought to himself.

"Fifteen years ago, this world ushered in the greatest catastrophe since the birth of the universe." Roy said slowly, "And the origin of all this is a person on Earth."

"That is a human being who has obtained the power and authority of God. He has done something that no one has ever done in history. He has reached the end of time and the origin of all multiverses, intending to distort reality with his own power. Make the foundation of the existing world collapse, and then create a brand new world according to your own wishes."

Eric listened to the story in a daze, and couldn't help commenting: "It sounds like a myth."

"Similar." Roy said lightly, "but my wife, me, and other comrades-in-arms also reached the end of time. We fought a big battle there, and finally succeeded in stopping him."

Although he had no expression on his face when he said it, as if he was telling a trivial matter that had nothing to do with him, if it was true, even Eric could imagine how tragic the battle was.

Roy continued: "After that, the time was corrected, the stability of the multiverse returned to normal, and the catastrophe was erased from the memory of everyone else, only a few of us who participated in the decisive battle at the end of time Yes. But we came back to find out that although we prevented things from getting worse, some parts of reality were modified in that catastrophe. The multiverse was connected to each other in that brief moment, and some people's existence was destroyed. Erased, some people were replaced, some people fell into turbulence, and were assigned to universes that did not belong to them.”

Speaking of this, Eric has roughly realized what he said.

"It's like that Amojo robot, isn't it?" he said flatly.

(End of this chapter)

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