Chapter 378
"Really, is that so?" Eric sighed slightly.

"You don't seem to be very surprised by this story," Roy said.

"It's very unexpected, but there's nothing unacceptable." Eric smiled wryly, "This should be 'see you soon', I've seen so many unreasonable and strange things, the story of fighting against the ultimate lunatic at the origin of time , it doesn’t sound so nonsense.”

"I'm sorry for what happened to you." Roy said, "Over the years, what happened to Almajo has caused you a lot of trouble, I can see that."

"Ah, yes." Eric stared at his hand in a daze, and said, "It's so unimaginable. Sometimes I can't help but think, if I don't get this power. If 15 years What would my life be like now that the ghost robot hadn't shown up?"

Indeed, this is one of the things that Eric thinks about most.

If this goddamn robot hadn't broken into that world and been discovered, then my father wouldn't have studied Amojo technology, and the three sets of armor, Alpha, Beta, and Omega, wouldn't have been born, and he would still have An ordinary life.Maybe his father is still alive, maybe they will be an enviable family of three, maybe he will go to a better university with peace of mind, and embark on the path of scientific research like his parents, making them proud of themselves.
Maybe everything should have been better.

As if seeing what he was thinking, Roy turned his gaze back to the computer screen, and said at the same time: "Maybe I am talking too much, but if you are dissatisfied with your current situation, you should stop thinking about it as soon as possible."

"But that's the truth." Eric smiled wryly. "This is completely different from the life I originally wanted. I just want to live an ordinary life with my family, without leaving any great deeds or regrets." ...and now, I'm a martyr who died with a mad robot, trapped in this completely alien world."

"But even if you think like this, you can't change anything, can you?" Roy turned his head and said lightly, "And even if you can change, how do you know that a different life won't be worse than it is now?"

"Where could it be worse?"

"That's because you didn't think about it carefully." Roy said, "Then suppose it goes according to what you think, you don't gain power, you are just an ordinary person, but in that case, how many important people you know now will you miss? Do you want to deny all the important people you meet in your life right now?"

Eric froze.

As Roy said, he never thought about it that way.He had always felt only that it was a misfortune that the power of Almadra's armor befell him, but he had never thought of what it had brought him.If he hadn't met Almadra Alpha armor back then, he would have a completely different life now, and he would have no intersection with Peter, Tony, Dick, Ruth and more.

And the most important thing is that he probably won't meet Raven, maybe even without his help, Raven may have been captured by her demon father and brought back to hell.

Is it really okay?
Eric hesitated.This is the first time, and he doesn't want any changes in his existing life.

It seemed that all he wanted to say was finished, and Roy returned his gaze to his computer and continued his previous work.

Eric looked behind in silence for a while, and finally couldn't help but ask: "There is one more question, I want to ask anyway. How can I become as strong as you?"

Roy stopped what he was doing, squinted at him, and said, "Theoretically, you have a variety of powerful superpowers similar to those of Almazo, and I just throw darts more accurately."

"But even if you don't have any special abilities, you have done a lot of incredible things, haven't you?" Eric asked, "To be honest, you have been fighting one after another, and the enemy has become stronger every time. I face people who care about me with a smiling face, but in fact, I have already been a little bit powerless. After being trapped in this world, I even had the idea of ​​​​"stay here and never go back". In the final analysis, I am not enough. Strong. If. If I could be as strong as you"

"Then you're wrong, I'm not particularly strong." Roy said calmly, "As you can see, I'm just a human being, a person who tries his best to solve problems."

He lay back on the seat again.

"Actually, from the very beginning, I was similar to you." Roy said, "Although I seem to have started the work of a vigilante, in fact, I didn't have the idea of ​​being a superhero and saving anyone at the beginning. Contrary to you One point, I can't bear a flat and calm life, that's why I took this path. Solving problems that others can't solve, pursuing exciting moments, that's the meaning of my walking on this path."

"But before I knew it, it was a little bit different." Roy closed his eyes gently, "Even if I am so emotionally indifferent, I have started to meet many people who care about me. I think it should be The thought of wanting to protect them must have led me to where I am today."

After a pause, he looked directly at Eric and said, "But I don't mean to persuade you to imitate me. The important thing is that you must insist on yourself."

"Hold on to yourself?"

"Actually, I've seen it since I saw you. You are very confused." Roy said, "Men who are confused are the easiest to be defeated. This must be the reason why you can't do what you want. In fact, is it To be a hero is only secondary. The important thing is to face yourself, find out what you really want to do, and then follow this path unswervingly no matter what you encounter. Maybe you will become a criminal, maybe you Or even become a dictator, who knows? But the only thing that matters is that it was your choice and you made it to the end with no regrets."

Is the inner self, the path you really want to take?Eric was lost in thought.

Roy turned off the computer and stood up.

"It's getting late, let's do it for today." He said, pushed the chair in and walked out, "You should go to rest early, there are other things to do tomorrow."

"Mr Green."

When Roy reached the door, Eric suddenly stopped him and said seriously, "Thank you."

Roy didn't look back, waved his hand, and left the meeting room.

(Thanks to the book friends for their rewards and strong support!)
(End of this chapter)

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