Chapter 379 Dr. Ivo
Roy stretched out his hand, swiped a few times on an electronic desktop, and dragged out a virtual screen with light blue fluorescence with his fingertips.After a while of simple operations, a three-dimensional hologram of a metal-like heavy armor was clearly projected on the screen.

"Is this the suit that Deathstroke wore yesterday?" Eric asked after looking at it for a moment.

"Not bad." Roy said lightly, "And according to the scan data, it can also detect a reaction similar to the virus on the Yamajo robot."

Eric was not surprised at this point - the armor of the death knell was the Armor of Almajo, which Eric had already sensed when they met.

Roy then flicked the screen with his fingertips, and the virtual screen was cut into a photo of an old man with wretched eyes but still sharp, and a large amount of personal information about the old man was attached.

Eric raised his eyebrows: "This guy is Dr. Ivo?"

"you recognize?"

"There's this guy in my world too," Erik explained, "and he did have a hand in the Almajo incident."

In fact, Eric knew more than that. Dr. Anthony Ivo was the developer of the Yamajo robot in the original DC comics. It was he who developed this terrible machine that caused the Justice League to struggle many times.

"In this world, Dr. Ivo is the one who developed the Armazo machine. If anyone wants to say that someone has built a set of armor using Armaco technology for Deathstroke, then this person must be Dr. Ivo. ’” Roy explained.

It's this guy.

Thinking of this, Eric couldn't help but cast an angry look at the culprit in the photo who had disrupted his life.

"Dr. Anthony Ivo used to be the chief scientific research genius of the Lex Group, and he was a scientific genius with a terrifying mind." Roy introduced, "In the past, he and his Amojo robot have brought the Justice League many times. It’s not a small trouble, but it has disappeared for many years. The last time Dr. Ivo had news should have been seven or eight years ago, and no one even knows whether he is still alive.”

As Roy said, he operated on the screen again, and the floating screen was quickly cut to a flat map overlooking it.The angle of view quickly extended to the coastal position with the red landmark, pointing to a very inconspicuous open space on the coast.

"this is?"

"Dr. Ivo's last hiding place." Before Eric finished asking, Roy replied, "This should be Dr. Ivo's most hidden stronghold, far away from the suburbs and near the sea, I think it should be him The place that was originally planned to be used for the elderly. If Dr. Ivo is really the person behind all this, this should be the most likely place for him to be."

"It's really a good position in terms of pension, and he's really a guy who can enjoy himself." Eric said.

"I have also arranged for others to conduct a thorough investigation of some private information including Dr. Ivo's hidden account. If there is something, she should be able to find out soon." Roy said, paused, and asked , "Speaking of which, you should have a lot of experience and experience in fighting against Yamozhuo, right?"

"That's it."

Roy nodded and said, "Then tonight, let's go to Dr. Ivo's hut to investigate and see what tricks he hides."

Meanwhile, somewhere.

Deathstroke took an iron box from his short, stooped employer, and after opening it to check the stuffed green bills, he couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

"It's quite refreshing to pay—I like to work with employers like you." Death Bell closed the tin box and said.

The hunchbacked old man in a black coat walked towards the inside of the room, and said in his characteristic muddy voice: "As long as you pay the equivalent amount of labor, you will naturally get the equivalent reward. So far, you have not disappointed me." , this is the foundation of our cooperative relationship. By the way, did you feel any discomfort after using that new armor?"

"No, not at all." Deathstroke said, carrying the box and following him through an electronic door and into a laboratory.

"This set of armor has not been tested on humans before, and you are the first person to wear it." The old man said, "In fact, before this, I didn't know what negative effects it might have on the human body, but So far the system appears to be working well."

The death knell didn't take it seriously: "As long as you pay an extra fee, everything is easy to talk about."

"That's natural."

Watching the old man unlock another door lock with complicated procedures, Deathstroke finally couldn't help asking: "Although I usually don't inquire about the purpose of the employer, if you don't mind, I still want to ask a little bit. Dr. Ivo, What do you want the physical power of Electric Girl and Atomic Skull for?"

The old man whom he called Dr. Ivo paused and glanced back.

"It's okay to tell you." He said in a turbid and heavy voice, and after unlocking the last door, he walked to a thick long container, which looked a bit like a coffin.

"Have you heard of Almajo?" Dr. Ivo asked abruptly.

Deathstroke thought for a while, and said: "I've heard of it a little bit. I heard that it's a robot that copied all kinds of messy abilities?"

"It's the ultimate robot." Dr. Ivo chuckled twice before saying, "It has the possibility of infinite evolution, and one day it will become the ultimate existence in the universe. Now, what you see in front of your eyes That's it."

Only then did Death Knell take a serious look at the coffin-shaped thing.Through the glass left on the black alloy square cover, he did vaguely see a humanoid thing lying quietly inside, its body looking gray.

"Is it out of service?" Deathstroke sarcastically said, "This look doesn't look like 'Ultimate'."

Dr. Ivo laughed strangely again.If he hadn't been a great benefactor willing to pay, even Deathstroke would not have been able to bear his voice worse than a crow.

"Oh, yes, the child was lost for a while." Dr. Ivo said, "but fortunately it has been found. Whether it is the atomic skull or the electric girl, their biological energy has special properties, and has The potential to be able to reawaken it. Now it's just the last step - when I overwrite and correct its mind and reawaken it, I will regain control of Almazo's ultimate power!"

After finishing speaking, the short little old man seemed to have fallen into his own world, and began to laugh arrogantly.Deathstroke glanced at him disapprovingly, but finally said nothing.

As long as the other party is willing to pay, it doesn't matter even if the other party is a lunatic who wants to destroy the universe. This is his principle.

(End of this chapter)

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