Chapter 380
Dr. Ivo's hidden hut along the coast.

When Roy easily picked the simple lock of the hut and pushed open the old wooden door, a musty smell in the air suddenly hit his face, forcing people to retreat.

Eric followed Roy into the living room of this cabin.There are no lights for as far as the eye can see along the coastline, and in this cabin there is nowhere to be seen.Eric tried to press the light switch in the living room, but nothing happened.

Roy turned on the flashlight of the wrist device, and a light yellow circle of light was projected into the darkness.This hut is not big, there are only four rooms including the bathroom, and there is no trace of living people in any of the rooms.

The moment the bedroom door was pushed open, the airflow brought thick dust to the air, and a large amount of dust flew under the beam of the flashlight, like goose feathers and snow.

"Well, it doesn't look like there's anything worth discovering here." Erik waved away the thick smoke in front of him, and said, "No one has come back for at least two or three years."

The furnishing in the bedroom is quite simple. For a mad scientist with huge ambitions, this kind of ascetic retirement place really seems so incongruous.On the bookshelf beside the bed are photos of him when he was young, as well as various amazing scientific awards that Dr. Ivo has won, silently telling the life of a genius.

"He has no family." Roy said abruptly.

After his reminder, Eric noticed that there was nothing related to his family in the entire bedroom, and all the things that could recall Dr. Ivo's life here were only about himself.Although this old man had inflated evil ambitions in his later years, it is undeniable that he was also a person who devoted his whole life to science, and he didn't even have a family in his whole life. In terms of this alone, he is an admirable figure.

But it doesn't look like there's really much to discover here.All traces indicated that if Dr. Ivo had been here, it was at least several years ago.

After stopping for a moment, Roy's communication device rang.He pressed the headset in the helmet to connect to the line, and asked, "Oracle, what did you find?"

Is the oracle Barbara Gordon?Eric thought to himself.

Just as he guessed, the other end of the communication was Barbara Gordon.She was Batgirl when she was young, and now she has stepped back to serve as "Oracle" as Roy's logistical support.What Eric doesn't know is that Barbara in this world is still Roy's wife.

"According to what you said, I carefully checked all the information left by Dr. Ivo in the past and found his only bank account that has not been frozen." Barbara said, "Then comes the interesting part-a A month ago, a huge sum of 1000 million US dollars was withdrawn from this account, all of which were cashed out, but the purpose could not be traced.”

"It's not difficult to guess." Roy said lightly, "That's Deathstroke's mercenary money—this is Deathstroke's own habit. Unlike most mercenaries and assassins who now accept payment in the form of electronic transfers, Deathstroke doesn't trust such a new method. Technology, he's a relatively old-fashioned guy who only accepts cash and checks as payment."

"Very sensible," Barbara commented.

"But in this way, you can roughly guess where he is now." Roy said, "Death Knell has a total of four hiding places in Gotham, which are the strongholds he used to rest when he came here to perform missions. He I thought that these positions were very hidden, but in fact I knew them well.”

"You know everything." Barbara said, paused, and complained, "except how to make women happy."

That night, hours later, the hiding place of Deathstroke.

Dr. Ivo's short body huddled in front of the computer console, staring intently at the light blue screen, operating quickly with his hands.Deathstroke stood behind him with his hands folded across his chest, watching his movements indifferently.

"So you've got everything you want, why hasn't that robot started yet?" Deathstroke asked.

"It's Yamajo, the most powerful machine in the history of the world." Dr. Ivo turned his small eyeballs, and after reminding him dissatisfiedly, he said, "The preparations have been completed long ago, and now I'm just recalibrating Its AI, make sure it wakes up and doesn't roast you and me into steaks."

After a pause, he turned his head and continued to operate, while saying, "Also, you assured me that this stronghold is absolutely hidden."

"It's absolutely hidden." Deathstroke said, "Whether it's Batman or Winged Knight, they will never find it here."

"That's interesting." Dr. Ivo squinted at him, and said in a low voice, "Because the sensor I installed just discovered that two bedbugs got in."

Deathstroke frowned slightly.

At the same time, in the ventilation duct above.

Eric followed behind Roy, and walked around the ventilation duct for a long time. His sense of direction was already in chaos, and he couldn't find the south, east, north, and west at all.He couldn't help secretly admiring Roy's sense of direction, he could still find his way through such a mess of ventilation pipes, which should be regarded as a special talent.

Suddenly, Roy stopped.

Eric climbed forward and looked down through the gap in the ventilation grille below.I saw that the death knell was standing directly below them, with his back turned in their direction, and he didn't know what he was doing.

"He doesn't seem to notice us?" Eric asked. "What now?"

"Now," Roy said, "let's go down."


Eric was stunned for a moment, but before he could react, Roy kicked the ventilation grill down with a "bang" and jumped to the floor.

Death Bell sneered, and turned around without seeming surprised at all: "It's a good thing you noticed, should it be called Winged Knight? Sure enough, it's not that easy to deceive."

"Death knell." Roy said coldly, "So are you working for that old Ivo now?"

The death knell shrugged: "Generally speaking, I don't disclose any information about the client, but it doesn't seem to matter at this point. So yes, it's the old man Ivo."

"What is his purpose?"

"Sorry, no comment then. Also."

Deathstroke said at this time, the backpack on his back had been quickly activated and unfolded, and the Amojo armor covered his whole body.

" don't have time to worry about other things."

Without saying a word, Roy took a half step backwards, ready to face the battle.

The atmosphere is tense, and the two old opponents who know each other and know each other are already on the line, waiting for each other's opportunity, as if they are ready to strike every second.

At this moment, Eric also jumped down and stopped in front of Roy.

"Sorry," he stared at the death knell, and said lightly, "but this battle...can you leave it to me?"

(Thanks to book friend kabuto555 for the reward of 500 starting coins, and book friend Ye Yeye for the reward of 600 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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