Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 381 Re-evolution

Chapter 381 Re-evolution

Seeing Eric stand up, Deathstroke couldn't help sneering: "Hey, as my defeated general, he can still have such courage, which is a bit commendable."

Eric said nothing, but silently clenched his fists.

He has been hesitating all this time, always trying to make room for an ordinary and clean life in a life that has been out of control.But the fact is that the warning his mother gave him was right - from the moment he accepted the awakening accessories in the New York virus incident, he had no second choice at all.

It wasn't until what Roy said to him last night that he finally woke up.For the first time in a long time, he felt he could see the world and his place in it.The life of the so-called ordinary people has long existed only in his memory, and it has been nothing but his unwillingness to face it.

And as Roy told him-people must always look forward, he has stagnated for too long, and it is time to take a new step.

Almajo Alpha armor was put on immediately, Eric and Deathstroke were only three or five steps away, and they looked at each other coldly through the eyepiece.

Then, Death Knell let out a dull groan in his throat.

"Copy, Flash."

The speed exploded in an instant, and the lightning flashed like ten thousand thunder snakes.The death knell disappeared on the spot in an instant, as if turning into a cloud of air waves and rushing domineeringly in front of Eric, hitting his face like billowing waves.

The shell of the Alpha armor rubbed against the air to make a harsh sound, Eric's body was blasted out like a cannonball.The walls of the building were penetrated with a "boom", and the broken bricks and stones were like splashes on the water. The Alpha armor stuck to the ground and slid far away, turning up a lot of black soil along the way, shooting straight into a dense forest.

The death knell flew out and chased after Eric along the trajectory that Eric flew out.Like a black arrow, he pierced through the space fiercely, and rushed to Eric at an astonishing speed, and the moment his footsteps landed and stopped, dust splashed like a curtain.The alloy iron fist with a bursting wind was blasting towards the face of Eric's helmet like a heavy cannon.

Already having the experience of the last fight, Deathstroke knew the limit of Eric's armor. He was confident that this punch was superior to the opponent in terms of speed and strength, and Eric had no reason to catch it.


The loud sound of metal collisions echoed in the dense forest, and echoes echoed from the depths.A frightening wave of air swept out from where the two fists intersected, and the air flow seemed to turn into a blade and rolled out against the ground.The black soil was lifted several meters high, and the fallen leaves that were sucked up flew all over the sky.

Eric caught the punch.

Under the surprised eyes of the death knell, Eric lowered his head and squatted on the ground, holding the fist of the death knell firmly with one hand.He could vaguely feel a huge energy brewing in Eric's half-squatting body, and the air around his body was distorted by the radiated part.

With a slight swing of Eric's palm, he opened Deathstroke's fist, and hit his lower abdomen hard with an elbow with his backhand.The Alpha armor, which was clearly in its basic form, exploded with unbelievable arm strength, and the majestic arm strength poured into Deathstroke's body like a mountain, shocking him back again and again, and staring at Eric in amazement.

At this time, the energy of the awakening accessories dormant on Eric's back seemed to be brewing to the extreme, like a volcano on the verge of eruption that would erupt at any time.He clenched his teeth, his face under the helmet was distorted due to the pain, his whole body was trembling uncontrollably, and the purple electric current was throbbing all over his armor.

The voice that had been whispering to him was now clearer than ever.But this time, he didn't resist, but shouted at it: "Come if you have one!"

There is no way out, Eric can only move forward along the current path.For this, he needs strength, needs to become stronger, and if he continues to be afraid of the future, he will never be able to move forward.

He had to take this step.

The voice circling in his mind exploded with a roar, which suddenly poured into his consciousness, followed by an indescribable majestic force.Eric felt that his mind was about to burst, and the thick purple mist covered the whole body of the Alpha armor, spinning into the sky like a storm, as if it was going to plunge straight into the sky.

Seeing that the situation is not good, how can Deathstroke obediently watch from the sidelines?With a loud roar, he flew up and swung his fist with all his strength.

"Copy, Superman."

The powerful power copied from Superman was poured into the arm, and each punch hit the outer edge of the purple storm with terrifying force.But unexpectedly, a stronger force rebounded than him, knocking him back to the ground.A terrifying air wave swept over, shaking the surrounding trees violently, and the leaves all over the sky were fluttering and falling.

In an instant, an indescribably terrifying energy erupted from the center of the storm, blowing away the dense fog, and the Alpha armor appeared in the center with a brand new attitude.The original dark red stripes wrapped around his body have all turned purple at this moment, and the silver armor plate on his chest is also full of crack-like marks, which are filled with dark purple energy, flowing like a liquid.The pair of eyepieces of the helmet are also filled with purple energy, exuding a strong evil spirit all over his body.


With an earth-shattering roar, the air flow swept across like a typhoon, even the sky and the earth were eclipsed by it!
At this moment, at a villa in the suburbs of Gotham.

Little Roy slowly pushed open the heavy door, and a nauseating musty smell came out from behind the door immediately. He had to stand aside for a while before covering his nose in order to prevent himself from being poisoned.

Although the matter of Dr. Ivo has already been investigated by his father, if his father has not found any clues, in theory, he should have no conditions to find out.But his father also told him that sometimes inspiration is more important than logical thinking for an excellent detective, and now is the time when he feels the sudden inspiration.

This is Dr. Ivo's old house that has been abandoned for a long time. He was thoroughly searched by the Justice League many years ago when he was being tracked down, and it will never be the focus of the search now.

But the detective's inspiration sometimes cannot be explained. Little Roy's intuition told him what he could find here, so he came here.

And what he found in it was beyond his original expectation.

It was a completely withered corpse, lying quietly on a recliner in the dark, the black eye sockets of the skull seemed to be staring at the door with endless resentment, as if cursing all the visitors who came.

Little Roy calmly extracted a small amount of DNA from the mummy, connected it to the base's supercomputer database with a mobile terminal on his wrist, and quickly compared and analyzed it.After a while, the supercomputer fed back the identity of the mummy.

It is Dr. Anthony Ivo.

(End of this chapter)

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