Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 384 Consciousness Invasion

Chapter 384 Consciousness Invasion

The building with the white outer wall suddenly burst into dazzling flames, and the raging flames engulfed half of the building in an instant.A black shadow pierced the flames and shot out from the flames, rolling to the ground, it was Roy.

It was less than half a second before he stopped, and Roy immediately activated the Allen system of the suit instinctively.The black figure immediately vibrated at high speed on the spot, and the next moment, the gray afterimage pierced through him.Although his excellent reaction saved his life, the impact of the iron fist hitting the ground was still unavoidable.The domineering air wave was dyed an earthy yellow color by the dust, like a raging typhoon suddenly lifted Roy's body, and he flew tens of meters away when he landed.

At this moment, Roy was staring intently at the sea of ​​flames, with an extremely dignified expression as if he was facing an enemy, as if there was some kind of extremely vicious monster hidden behind the layer of flames.

The flame was split from it at that moment, and the drastic change in air pressure cut the sea of ​​flames sharply like an invisible sharp blade.Wei'an's gray figure suddenly burst out from behind the sea of ​​flames, the footsteps of the Yamajo robot landed lightly on the ground, the red mechanical eyes rolled in the eye sockets of the machine, and the gaze revealed a dangerous yet slightly dazed look.

Roy didn't move, and calmly stayed where he was, observing the other party's movements.

At this moment, the afterimage was wrapped in a cloud of purple light, as if a gorgeous meteor had fallen from the sky.The strong light hit Yamozhuo's side heavily, knocking him hard and flying a certain distance.Ericon reappeared on the stage, and the moment his footsteps landed on the ground, it seemed that the entire site was shaken.

Through the purple eyepiece, Eric locked his eyes on Almazo as if staring at an enemy, and gritted his teeth: "You bastard, aren't you finished yet?"

At that time, after falling into this world from the space channel and waking up, Eric could not find any trace of Almajo around him.The best situation is of course that it has been completely disintegrated and turned into dust during the time travel process, but unfortunately things obviously did not go so smoothly.

Switching to the new composite mode of the Amojo Armor, under the influence of the Amojo virus, Eric's emotions were already extremely irritable, and at this moment he couldn't control himself when he saw the enemy, and he burst out immediately .He roared violently, his wings spread out behind him immediately, his whole body was covered in purple light, and he rushed towards Yamajo aggressively with violent turbulence.

Almajo's scarlet pupils reflected his movements like a slow-motion camera, and he also stepped forward. A terrifying force gathered in the mechanical arms, and he blasted towards Eric without any weakness.

The moment the metal fists collided, it was like a mountain avalanche and the ground cracked, and it sounded like rolling thunder from a distance.As the huge force was transmitted back to the arm through the arm, Eric felt that the entire arm was almost numb, and his shoulder was so sore that it seemed to be dislocated.

But he still didn't stop, the other hand clenched his fist and struck with even stronger force.The fists of both sides continued to clash violently, and the remnants of energy were mixed in circles of air waves and spread in a sweeping manner.The giant rocks that were closer to them were affected by the space and quickly covered with cracks, breaking into pieces one after another.

With the last collision, the transparent ripples were pushed flat in all directions in a circular shape like ocean waves, and all the trees in the dense forest within a mile radius were cut off.Both Erik and Yamazo flew a long way backwards from the point of collision.

A trace of black smoke rose from the huge pit, Eric struggled to climb out of the pit, and saw the Almajo robot climbing up in the same disgraceful distance three miles away, the latter was twisting its head mechanically, as if Calibrating.

Yamozhuo's strength is obviously not as strong as in the last fight, and it seems that even the biological nanorobots have suffered a lot of vitality in that battle.In the confrontation just now, neither side was able to please each other, and both sides suffered a bit.

No, if you want to count, it should be Eric who suffers more.

With the stimulation of the majestic energy just now, the voice of the Yamojo virus in Eric's mind became more and more irresistible.He felt that his brain was about to explode, and a consciousness that did not belong to him was desperately squeezing into his territory, trying to take his body as his own.

He wanted to stop it, but at the same time he needed strength.Accepting stronger power also means further accepting the Yamajo virus. With the further penetration of the virus, it is really unknown how far his own consciousness can persist.

Eric half-kneeled down while pressing his head, barely resisting another burst of the virus.But in the middle of the battle, Yamazhuo obviously wouldn't quietly give him time to breathe. After the robot was adjusted, its figure flickered, and it flashed in front of Eric across a distance of three miles in an instant. A punch hit his jaw hard, causing him to retreat violently, smashing the boulder heavily, and lying down.

The virus and Yamazo attacked from inside and outside, giving Eric a double burden.At this moment, his consciousness has gradually dimmed, and he feels as if he is sinking into the bottom of the water, and the voices he hears gradually become muddy.The consciousness became more and more tired, exhausted the last consciousness and finally only moved his fingers, and then fell into a deep sleep.

The figure of the Yamojo robot flashed again, and appeared in front of Eric, who was lying down among the gravel, and stopped.

It slowly raised its right hand, and a gray blade slowly grew from the back of the hand, with shocking sawtooth on the blade.It raised its hand high, and its blade was aimed at Eric's neck, ready to fall.

That's it, the last effort seems to be over, he has done his best.

He lost.


Metallic sparks flew through the air, and the serrated blade slammed into the raised arm of the Almajo Alpha armor, as if it had been cut on steel and remained motionless.

Completely caught off guard, Erik, who was lying on the ground, swept his right leg, like a whirlwind on the ground, and suddenly swept Yamazo down.At the same time, his body suddenly rose from the ground, and his other leg volleyed fiercely at the waist of the fallen robot. With such a huge force, the robot broke countless ancient trees in succession and flew out!

The feet fell to the ground again, the silver wings spread out, Eric stood up slowly, and the purple light filled in the armor eyepiece seemed to be thicker.The looming black air lingers around him, and the invisible force field drags the stones at his feet to suck up and spin slowly along a specific trajectory. The scene is truly terrifying.

However, at this time, inside the armor, Eric, the wearer, still closed his eyes tightly, as if he was asleep, and made a fighting posture as if controlled by a puppet string, revealing a chilling and penetrating look. Breath, the image is like a gloomy god of death.

(End of this chapter)

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