Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 385 Berserker Alpha

Chapter 385 Berserker Alpha
Yamajo, who was knocked to the ground, slowly got up. When he scanned again, the energy value lingering on Eric's body was obviously much stronger. In a half-sleepwalking state, he assumed a fighting posture, which looked quite strange.

No, to be precise, it should be sleepwalking, because Eric himself, the wearer, is still unconscious, his half-opened eyes are devoid of consciousness, and the blurred figure of the other party is only vaguely projected on the retina , the concept only vaguely remembers that this is an enemy that needs to be defeated.

No, it should be said that as long as it sees and moves, it is an enemy to be defeated!

A wave of evil energy burst out along with the wings, Eric moved his feet, and rushed towards the opponent like a beast acting wildly.As a robot, Yamozhuo is of course fearless. A trident copied from Aquaman was transformed into the palm of his hand, and he danced a light blue energy wave to meet Eric.

Eric made a short body and rolled to avoid it from below. Although the action posture was not very good-looking, it was very effective.His whole body bounced up, and he turned around quickly. The energy released from the green light ring immediately turned into the shape of a long spear, and with a spiral airflow, he stabbed backhand at Yamazo's abdomen.

But Yamozhuo finally reacted, and the trident hit the green light energy spear at the same high speed, perfectly blocking Eric's shot.The collision between the trident and the spear caused sparks and green light spots to splash, and if you look closely, it seems that Erik suffered the disadvantage.

The two sides speed up at the same time, the green light gun and the trident disappeared at the same time, the green and blue energy surged rapidly, and the spear and halberd seemed to simultaneously transform into countless afterimages. Hundreds of collisions occurred in one second, and even the space seemed to be torn apart. crack.

And in the end, Green Lantern's spear couldn't hold it anymore, and the materialized gun shaft shattered like porcelain under the hundreds of collisions. The trident broke through the line of defense and pierced Eric's armor with unstoppable momentum. On his left shoulder, three bloody spikes juxtaposed pierced through his back.

Eric, however, seemed oblivious to the piercing pain, and his right foot flew up suddenly, hitting Almadra hard almost at the same time Almadra's trident pierced his body.The leg strength of a hundred tons made it back again and again, and the footsteps that stepped on the ground trampled the ground like an earthquake.

Eric easily pulled out the trident stuck in his right shoulder, with flesh and blood on the tip of the halberd.Blood gurgled down the pierced hole on the shoulder armor like running water, and he didn't seem to feel it, and flew up with the trident in hand.He rushed to Almadra with golden lightning all over his body, and the trident stabbed at the pair of scarlet eyes.

Just before the trident stabbed, the robot's body suddenly became transparent.Eric and the trident penetrated through the body of the virtual Almajo robot, and with unparalleled strength and speed, the halberd violently pierced a giant tree in the middle, and the trunk fell heavily to the ground. Joined the ranks of tree trunks that had already been lying all over the ground.

Eric, who was rushing over his head, barely stopped the car. When he turned his head, Almajo slapped him with a backhand, and slammed him to the ground. The trident came out, and the rock not far away was crushed like cheese. Pierces easily.

Almadra followed closely in front of him, and Erik quickly fell to the ground and swept his legs to grab his lower body, and Almadra once again shrewdly blurred his body, avoiding Eric's attack again.And just after Eric's sweeping leg fell to the ground, he made another kick, and the heavy leg force caused Eric to fly high into the air, and was dragged back to the ground heavily by gravity. .

Yamozhuo continued to take advantage of the victory to pursue, and once again pursued at supersonic speed.Eric rolled back and stood up, raised his right hand high as if he had grabbed something, and slashed at Yamojo fiercely.

The robot did the same, and the body activated the ability copied from the Martian Manhunter again and entered the virtual state, waiting for Eric's move to fail.

Unfortunately, this time, things didn't go as expected.

The storm of purple chaotic magic condensed in Eric's palm, and a burning long sword was born from the center of the chaotic storm. The sword body swayed in the strong wind, and its shape was erratic.

A sword slashed down, and the purple sword marks crossed Yamozhuo's body in the "phaseless" state, and the body that was almost immune to all damage was actually hit.Yamozhuo's body immediately became solid under the sword marks, leaving a deep purple sword mark on his chest, and a large number of sparks splashed from the sword marks like the blood of a robot.

Martian Manhunter's "Phaseless" state may be able to penetrate all physical shocks, but it is by no means completely invincible. For example, the Chaos Magic left to him by Raven can still hit targets in the "Phaseless" state.

Erik took advantage of the situation and strode forward. Yamazo subconsciously raised his right hand, and his forearm activated the ability of the blue beetle armor and began to change into the shape of pincers.But seeing Eric rushing past it, the purple sword light flashed along with it, Yamazoo's entire arm was severed from the elbow before it could change completely, and the severed limb was thrown high with sparks rise.

At this time Eric had already rushed behind Yamajo, and the free hand immediately transformed into another long sword with the energy of the green light.He turned around quickly, and a pair of green and purple swords pierced out from Yamajo's steely belly at the same time, sparks also flew.

At this time, Yamozhuo finally almost completely lost the ability to resist.After analysis, its fast-running machine brain quickly came to the conclusion that there was no chance of winning, and immediately decided to make a last-ditch effort.I saw that its eyes were filled with fiery energy at zero distance, and its thermal vision suddenly roared out. Eric, who was piercing the double swords into his body, was inevitably hit by the front, and his body was like a piece of paper. It was rolled up high like a leaf, and fell heavily to the ground.

This time it seemed fierce, but in fact it couldn't even break through the defense of Erik's armor.But when Eric rolled twice and got up again, the robot had already taken advantage of such a short time to run away without a trace.

It felt like the anger in his heart suddenly lost the target to vent. He roared out of dissatisfaction, and the evil spirit in his body became more intense.He raised his fist high and slammed it on the ground. The ground immediately began to collapse centered on the point of the fist, and a huge pit with a radius of several kilometers collapsed before it stopped.

It's not over yet, there are more enemies to take down.At this time, the purple energy in the Alpha armored eyepiece was like a raging fire, and the entire world reflected in the eyepiece was engulfed in flames.He must continue to fight, he must bring down everything!
Just when he desperately needed an opponent, the heavy sound of a blunt object falling to the ground caught his attention.I saw a huge black steel block crashing to the ground. It was more than five meters high and shaped like a giant half-volted wolf.

Roy was sitting in the cockpit of the big man's abdomen, and several locking frames in front of him had already locked multiple parts of the Alpha armor, ready to fight at any time!
(End of this chapter)

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