Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 386 VS Winged Knight

Chapter 386 VS Winged Knight

Fenrir, the most famous monster in Norse mythology, is a huge wolf-shaped monster. According to mythological records, it is the reason for the fall of the Norse gods-this is why Batman wants to create the armor of the Justice League Destroyer. Name it Project Fenrir.

And at this moment, appearing in front of Eric, this pure black behemoth driven by a winged knight is the battle armor developed by Roy inspired by the Fenrir plan. If it must be named, maybe it Should be called "Justice League Destroyer (Wing Knight Edition)".

In fact, Roy called this set of battle armor when he was just avoiding the pursuit of the Almazo robot, and when the armor arrived, Almezoo had been ravaged by Eric, and fled with his severely injured body It was gone, and only Eric who was still in a runaway state was left at the scene.

Obviously feeling the terrifying murderous intent from Eric, Roy kept a distance of more than [-] meters from him, and shouted through the armored loudspeaker: "Eric! Calm down, the battle is over, you have won!" !"

Eric twitched his neck, looking like he didn't quite understand.He slid his right foot back slightly and bowed his body slightly, like an athlete at the starting line who is about to start, waiting for the referee to shoot a gun and then rushing out.

The current flashed in Alpha's purple eyepiece, and a purple and black afterimage burst out.Like lightning tearing through the air, the ground in a straight line he sprinted was severed, and a cloud of purple mist wrapped in golden lightning rushed towards the black armor.


Unexpectedly, Roy manipulated the huge black armor and raised the huge palm that could crush a basketball, and firmly caught Eric's punch that was instantly lifted to supersonic speed.The thick black armor oozes a trace of air-conditioning, and the snow-white frost around its huge soles gradually spreads against the ground. The shrubs and tree trunks a little closer to the two are also covered with a layer of frost. Rapid drop.

This is the technology provided by Captain Cold - Frozen Force Field, which is specially designed for speeders.Using the extremely cold field to freeze the thermal movement of molecules makes the approaching speedsters greatly decelerate, and finally drops to a level that even human nerves can handle.

Roy took advantage of the situation and punched back, the cannonball-like black fist sent Eric flying upside down in the air, backflipping in the air, and landed firmly.

Eric did not pause at all, and then raised his hand to release the energy of the green light to transform into a heavy machine gun.The clip flew, and violent flames spewed out from the green barrel.The penetrating green bullet "ping ping pong pong" hit the whole body of the black armor, countless sparks burst out, and some small parts even fell off under the rain of bullets.

"Super mode, the output power is 100% fully charged."

Fiery red energy quickly poured into the eyepieces, the high temperature affected the air around the Alpha armor to distort, and two fiery beams whizzed out from the positions of the binoculars.

But Roy quickly manipulated the armor and raised his arm, and a light blue shield was formed immediately.The menacing thermal vision beams directly bombarded the blue shield, reflecting like light on the water, like a sharp blade cutting off an ancient tree.As Roy controlled the mech's arm to adjust the angle inch by inch, the mighty thermal vision beam reflected on the blue shield and cut several giant trees continuously along an arc, and the scorched trunks at the fractures fell to the ground one after another. .In the end, the thermal vision laser circled around a full circle, turned its head almost in the opposite direction, and bombarded Eric back directly.

After being sent flying for a long distance by the impact of his thermal vision, Eric fell back to the ground firmly, and the flying dust was three to five meters high.

Not to miss the opportunity, Roy's armor immediately raised his arm, raised a tiny rocket on the back of his hand, and roared towards Eric with a "whoosh" sound after being ignited.Although this thing is small in size, it was specially developed by the scientific research department of Wayne Enterprises. It is said that it condenses the destructive power of intercontinental missiles.

However, when the missile charged aggressively in front of Eric, the latter only raised one palm calmly.The rocket pierced into his palm, as if it had been forcibly stopped by irresistible resistance.It sprayed flames with all its strength from its tail, and released all its propulsion towards Eric's palm, but it still couldn't shake his arm even a little bit.

Until the tail flame of the missile was completely exhausted, five fingerprints were deeply dented on the alloy warhead.Eric raised his head and roared violently, holding the rocket upside down in his hand and flying up, flashing in front of Roy in an instant, the rocket in his hand stabbed fiercely like a dagger.


The missile exploded on the spot, and the impact of the intercontinental missile level blew both of them away.The monitor in front of Roy blurred briefly, and then quickly displayed multiple damages to the main part of the armor.Some shrapnel even pierced through the thick armor and pierced his body, bleeding profusely.

And not far away, the Alpha armor that was also blown away seemed unscathed, and the looming black air lingered all over his body, slowly got up, clenched his fists as if he was already preparing for the next round of attack.

At this moment, a mutation arose.

Two afterimages suddenly came from behind him, Eric didn't even have time to turn around, his body was hit hard and flew out again.Supergirl and Pulse flashed between Roy and Eric, Captain Cold and Raven jumped off the plane.

Supergirl jumped down and asked, "Roy, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Roy stood up and said, "Be careful, this guy."

"Don't worry, I will solve it very quickly!"


Before Roy finished speaking, Impulse shot out of his body, and the afterimage flashed in front of Eric in an instant, his fist dragging the electric current and blasting upwards.

However, his speed, which was too fast to be seen clearly, was extremely clear in Eric's eyes. Eric stepped back and sideways to avoid the punch. Taking advantage of the trend on Pulse's wrist, Pulse immediately rushed over his head and couldn't stop. The car smashed through the tree trunk behind Erik and rolled to the ground.

The super girl rushed forward, shouted and punched.And Eric didn't dodge or evade this time. He raised his hand and transformed into a sword blade of chaos magic. splash.

Eric turned around and kicked her away, turned his head, and bumped into Captain Cold's freezing beam head-on.The light blue ray immediately turned him into an ice sculpture and froze him in place. There were two seconds, but then the ice sculpture quickly climbed up the crack and shattered. team away.The Leng team hurriedly threw it sideways, but was still injured by the impact of the thermal vision explosion and was thrown far away.

Eric strode forward, and the roar of a beast erupted from under the helmet. He raised his fist and wanted to chase after him, but was restrained by a poisonous snake-like purple chain around his wrist, preventing him from moving.

Eric stopped and turned around angrily, but it was Raven who made the shot, and the purple chaos magic turned into a chain shape to bind his movements.

Eric roared angrily, pulled her light body with all his strength, and fell heavily to the ground.His eyes were already red, and without thinking about it, he raised his fist with the intention of hitting her face.

Raven gritted his teeth and raised his arms in front of him.

But that iron fist did not fall.

Eric maintained the punching posture for ten seconds, his body swayed, and finally he staggered back and fell to his knees. The armor was also lifted back to his back, revealing a pale and sweaty face. face.

He finally stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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