Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 387 The Finale of Yamazhuo

Chapter 387 The Finale of Yamazhuo
Gray sky, suffocating air.The land was desolate, and Eric stood on the barren plain, looking up at the wilderness, which made people feel a sense of desolation involuntarily.

About how he came here, and what he was going to do here, I can't remember at all.He only vaguely remembered that he seemed to accept the power of the awakening accessories and successfully broke the death knell, and then another battle broke out with the Amajo robot
The memory ends here, and the memory after that is only a mess.He only vaguely felt that he had been fighting fiercely with the enemy, the only emotion accumulated in his chest was anger, and the strong desire to defeat the enemy overwhelmed everything, and then he couldn't remember anything.

So where is he now?What happened after that?
A huge shadow slowly moved over, covering the area where he was standing.When Eric turned his head, he saw a mass of black clouds overwhelmingly oppressing his head, revealing two dark red eyes staring straight at him, and there seemed to be a thunderous and low-pitched mocking sound from deep in the clouds.

"You must be wondering where this is." The cloud said in a low voice, "This is your grave."

Following the scarlet eyes, Eric turned his head and saw a tombstone at his feet. It looked very lonely and desolate in this wilderness. Within a hundred miles, there were only a few stones beside the tombstone. Root weeds as companions.And in the center of the tombstone, his own name was impressively printed.

Suddenly it dawned on him—that cloud was the embodiment of the consciousness of the Almajo virus that he had been fighting with endlessly, and now they were inside his head.

"You lost, boy," said Almodra, ostentatiously. "It was a terrible loss. I took your mind, your body, your everything, and you lost everything. You are left with nothing. Soon, your consciousness will be gone too."

"Really?" Eric looked down at the tombstone and murmured, "That's right, I lost, so there's nothing I can do."

The wind blew past him, and a yellow leaf was patted on the tombstone, blocking the letters engraved with his name.

Yes, there is no other way.After all, I have persisted to this point, I have done everything that should be done, and I have really tried my best.He felt that he had been fighting for a long time, his body was covered with bruises, and there was a voice in his heart to persuade him to rest.

Now, he was finally able to let go of everything, think about nothing, and sleep peacefully.

Consciousness sank little by little, and the darkness rushed in like an impatient tide, as if it was going to completely engulf his body.Armagzo's triumphant laugh echoed in his ears, as if laughing at his defeat and his pointless efforts so far.

That's all right, I don't have to think about anything, and I can finally be freed.

Wait, something seems wrong.

Eric snapped his eyes open.

"You said I've already lost." He said to himself, "Then why are you wasting your tongue here?"

The approaching darkness came to a sudden stop, as if the rising tide had lost its stamina when it was only barely breaking the bank.

"You are bluffing." Eric raised his head firmly, "The one who has already lost is you. I have already defeated you."

As soon as the voice fell, the darkness was immediately dispelled.The sun pierced through the dark clouds and shone in, and the barren land immediately revived, and the darkness curled up in the corner, lingering on the only space left.

He was right, in the fight for dominance after the fusion with the Almajo virus, it was his will that had won, and Almajo was just bluffing.

"Why?" Yamazoo's dull and unwilling cry echoed in his mind, "Why do you just refuse to give up? You are obviously covered in bruises and you have reached your limit, why do you continue to fight?"

"Because I've made up my mind to move forward. An artifact like you will never understand."

"Do not!!!"

With the last roar of unwillingness, the only remaining darkness was finally dispelled by the light, which also symbolized the disappearance of Almajo's consciousness, and the spirit finally won the victory in the process of Eric's complete integration with the virus.

Slowly opening his eyes, Eric found himself back at the base, lying on a warm and comfortable bed.The warm sunlight poured in from the window, making it so warm that people didn't want to move.

Eric turned his head to one side, and saw Raven sitting on the edge of his bed, closing his eyes and meditating.Noticing that he woke up, she opened her eyes and asked lightly, "How do you feel?"

"Never been better," Eric replied with a smile. "Good morning."

at the same time.

"Check. The damage is too serious to be repaired"

The Almajo robot, which was beaten in many places by Eric, was suspended in the air. The removed arm still hadn't grown out, and there were two huge holes pierced by Eric in the abdomen. At this time, half of the The face shell has also been peeled off, and the exposed red mechanical eyes are rolling.

"Continue to execute unfinished tasks"

It landed slowly, and it seemed that the balance system had a problem when it landed. It hit the ground with its face for a distance of more than ten meters, and finally stopped until its head hit a big rock.It stood up staggeringly, and walked towards a villa just 100 meters away like a drunk man.

Just such a distance of 100 meters, it took more than ten minutes to roll and climb before finally crossing it.The robot withdrew from the door with difficulty with its still intact hand, supported its body with one hand and moved inch by inch into the threshold, peeling off countless parts along the way.

Eric not only injured its body, but also severely damaged the core of the robot hidden deep inside. It can no longer recover from such an injury.It is very clear that it is about to be scrapped, and from a human point of view, it may be similar to death.But it is not afraid, but continues to firmly implement the last instruction left by its creator, Dr. Ivo, which has been left to this day since 15 years ago.

At this time, that Dr. Ivo was sitting quietly on the recliner a few meters in front of it. His body had already withered and corroded, leaving only a dry corpse.

Yamazo exhausted his last strength and finally crawled to the side of the mummy, slowly raised his remaining hand and placed it on the lap of the dead Dr. Ivo.

"mission completed."

This is its last mission, and it is also Dr. Ivo's last hope - this mad scientist has no heirs in his life, and when he is about to die, his last wish is only to be accompanied by the bio-nanometer robot, which is the most satisfying masterpiece in his life. That's all.

Although it was too late, it finally completed the task.

The scarlet eyes of the robot gradually dimmed, and finally went out.Yamozhuo, who caused countless storms and the source of all tragedies, has finally found his belonging and withdrawn from the stage.

(End of this chapter)

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