Chapter 388
Star Lab.

Eric followed Roy to the starry sky laboratory of this universe. When he saw Dr. Ivo's withered corpse lying side by side on the table, and the dilapidated remains of Almajo, he couldn't help being surprised.

"This is."

"This is the real Dr. Anthony Ivo, the father of Almajo, the first man who built the Almajo machine." Roy said, "But in fact, he has been dead for many years. "

As he said, he glanced at Yamajo: "We have also thoroughly studied this robot, and confirmed that it is completely irreparably damaged. We restored it from the remaining data on the hard disk of its brain mission log and found the only order it has received in the past 15 years."

"What is it?" Eric asked.

"Find Dr. Ivo, its creator...and stay by his side."

Eric froze.

He thought that this evil robot must have been given a mission full of unrealistic ambitions such as destroying the world, but he never expected that everything it did was for such a simple purpose.

Fifteen years ago, the Yamajo robot was accidentally involved in the chaotic time and space and fell into the world where Eric was, which triggered everything that followed.Because of this, Eric has always hated the culprit who messed up his life.But thinking about it now, it doesn't seem to have done anything wrong. Even if it caused the final riot in New York and fought fiercely with Eric to return to this world through the time and space channel, it was just looking for a way home and trying to get back to the world. to its own creator.

It's just a lost kid trying to get back to his father.

Thinking about it this way, the hatred for this robot and Dr. Ivo who created it seemed to fade away suddenly.After all, they are all dead, maybe it is the fate in the dark that guides everything to develop to this point.

But Roy called him out today not just to say this.

The fiery red whirlwind rolled from the street outside, piercing into the interior of the building in an instant like a bolt of lightning, rushed in along the long and narrow passage, and flashed in front of the two of them in an instant.

"The Flash?" Eric called out in surprise.

The person who came was clearly wearing a red uniform in the shape of the Flash, but it was slightly different.Compared with Eric's impression, the uniform on his body is closer to the alloy shape, with lightning-like golden patterns embedded on his body, coupled with the overflowing electric current all over his body, he looks quite handsome.

"Sorry, I'm late." The Flash said apologetically, "I guess you are the visitor from another world that Wing Knight mentioned, right?"

"Yes." Eric replied, paused for a while, but he was still very concerned, and couldn't help asking, "Your uniform."

"This?" The Flash smiled. "This is a new suit I just developed recently. I call it 'Speed ​​Force Armor'."

What an obvious and simple name, Eric thought to himself.

"It can monitor the connection between my body and the speed force field, and increase the utilization rate of the speed force energy. Well, but now is not the time to talk about that." He said, turning his gaze to Roy.

Roy explained: "Just this morning, according to the frequency recorded from your body, the researchers of Starry Sky Laboratory have locked onto the earth you came from."

Eric lifted his spirits and asked, "Is there a way to go back?"

Roy did not answer the question right away, but said: "The Starry Sky Lab has a project dedicated to observing the parallel world Earth. They call it the 'Dimension Telescope'. This is a photo of what they observed through the telescope this morning. ,You can have a look."

He said that a floating virtual screen had been projected in the air.Eric stared at the screen for a long time with wide-eyed eyes, but only saw a piece of darkness. After careful identification, he could vaguely see that the darkness seemed to be alive and moving slowly, like thousands of worms crawling in the chaos. climb up.

Eric frowned: "What is this?"

"As you can see." Roy said lightly.

The Flash said: "The starry sky laboratory has used various methods to test and observed from various angles, but they can't see what it is. There is only one thing that is certain, that is, your world is shrouded in darkness. It may be very dangerous for you to go back now."

"It's because of the danger, so I have to go back." Eric said firmly, "So I guess, you already have a solution?"

The Flash and Roy looked at each other and said, "This way."

Eric followed him through a room and into a more spacious hall next door.Eric looked around, and his eyes quickly fell on the protagonist in the middle of the room.

It was a treadmill, a black treadmill.Although the shape is not particularly eye-catching, it is obviously different from the general shape.

"This is my own invention," The Flash explained, "I call it the 'cosmic treadmill'. As long as it has a fast enough speed and a clear direction, it can help me open cracks in time and space. Or travel between parallel universes."

Of course Eric remembers the cosmic treadmill, which is a super artifact of the Lightning family in the comics. Although it looks ugly, its function is simply BUG level.This thing is indeed one of the few artifacts that can help him return to his original world.

"If you've already made up your mind, Flash can help you go back now," Roy said.

The Flash added: "But I must warn you that this journey may not be so smooth. Your dimension is surrounded by unknown darkness, it will prevent you from going back, and there may be a possibility that you will not even get there."

Eric closed his eyes gently.

"Even so, I have to go back. No, I have to go back." Eric turned to Roy and said seriously, "Thanks to you, I finally found the direction I should go. For the first time in a long time, I I was finally able to let go of my confusion and find my own path. Maybe we will never meet again, but I hope you know what you said means a lot to me."

"No need." Roy said, "In fact, from you, I also saw some shadows of my past self. As I told you, I didn't want to be a superhero at the beginning, but I finally got there Today's step. I think who we are going to be is already etched in our bones. All you need to do is just go with the flow and become the person you should be."

At this moment, The Flash had started the cosmic treadmill, and he was running at high speed on the fast-rotating tracks, his body instantly turned into a group of blurred images in motion, and the electric current filled the entire room.The high-heat energy converged on the equipment connected to the front end of the line, tearing a gap filled with chaos in the space, and the terrifying storm brought by the drastic change in air pressure swept across the entire room.

"Now!" The Flash yelled, "I'm not sure how long it will last."

Erik stared firmly at the gap, pausing for one last moment.

"I won't be confused anymore. No matter what is waiting for me in front of me, no matter how many battles I have to face next, I will never forget that I have been taken care of during this period of time."

Speaking of which, Yamozhuo Alpha armor has been put on again, and the ultimate composite mode has been opened directly.Erik made a wrong footstep, his figure turned into thunder and lightning, and rushed into the crack without hesitation!

(Thanks for the 1 starting point coins rewarded by Shu You Sheng Zhi Void 4000!)

(End of this chapter)

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