Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 389 Nine-Headed Snake Mech

Chapter 389 Hydra Mech

No matter which world or dimension they are in, they all seem to have one thing in common—the world always fails to make people get what they want.

Four months ago, Raven experienced this deeply.Destiny always makes people lose what is important, takes away the meaning of their existence, and throws people into a hopeless situation close to loss of faith.

But life is a never-ending movement. No matter what happens, people always have to learn to stand up and move on with the pain.

Along the pier.

The huge metal feet landed on the concrete floor of the pier with a heavy buzzing sound, denting the ground deeply.A huge robot with a silver metal shell and complex black parts exposed at the joints stood upright on the shore of the pier, with a body more than 20 meters high.On the light green armor plate on the chest is the Hydra logo with teeth and claws conspicuously printed, as if it is its business card, revealing its identity to everyone.

Yes, this is a Hydra heavy mech.There was originally a Hydra team at the pier, but now all the agents of the team have been lying on the ground in disarray, the armored jeep with the Hydra logo overturned to the ground, and a truck crashed into it. A warehouse on the pier was silent.

The built-in generator of the Hydra mecha was running at high speed, and the loud hum that echoed in the port was like a roar.It raised its arm high, and protruded from the back of its hand was a miniature missile made by Hydra. It ignited suddenly and flew out with a "squeak" sound of breaking through the air, spinning and shooting towards a row of containers.

Nightwing had the misfortune to take cover behind the targeted container.The air seemed to be frozen, and in the almost still space, his eyes widened. The pupils under the black eyepatch clearly reflected the flight trajectory of the missile, blowing out beautiful and deadly tail flames and flying towards him.

A ball of golden lightning suddenly broke into the still field, and a group of golden afterimages vaguely resembling human figures flashed towards them, dragging Ye Yi with one hand involuntarily to avoid it, and fell to the side suddenly.Almost at the moment when the two fell to the ground, the container was immediately ignited by the exploding missile, and the box was thrown high into the air along with the demonic flames, and fell heavily back to the ground, being smashed completely flat.

Looking at the flames in front of him, Ye Yi couldn't help feeling lingering in his heart - if he had been delayed for half a second, he would have been buried in the sea of ​​flames right now.

Kid Lightning, who threw him down in time, got up in disgrace, and said to him, "You owe me once."

"You owed me once last time," Ye Yi said, "It's just a balance."

"Guys, I know it might be important for you to clear these things up," said Jessica the Spider-woman as she slid her webs nimbly through the robot's armpit, "but can't you just wait until this thing falls down?" .what!"

She was accidentally slapped by the other party's huge metal slap, and fell down like a slapped fly. Her soft body "bang" smashed some working materials piled up directly below.

She shook her head, but before she had time to get up, the hollow and huge gun barrel on the back of the robot's hand was already pointing at her, and the black muzzle had begun to spin, as if it was ready to be fired at any time.

At the moment when bullets rained down, the blue afterimage fell from the sky in front of her in time.The forearm of one arm of the blue beetle deformed into an indestructible shield to block all the bullets, and countless crushed bullet casings jingled and fell to the ground, as if dancing.

The blue beetle gritted its teeth, and the other hand quickly turned into a cannon barrel, and fired backhand. The blue shock wave hit the giant robot's chest, leaving a scorched black dent on its chest armor, causing it to stagger back.

Kitty the Phantom Cat took advantage of the situation and rushed out, took a deep breath when she sprinted at full speed close to the robot's feet, displayed her ability to penetrate objects, jumped up, and penetrated through the knee joint of the giant mech.Sparks and electric current burst out from the knee joints of the huge mecha, and the huge body couldn't help but knelt down on the ground.

This is another use for Kitty's ability-it can disable malfunctions when penetrating electronic equipment, and it is also a great killer when dealing with mechanical enemies.

At the same time, right in front of the Hydra machine, two beautiful figures, one red and one purple, lifted into the air at the same time.The Scarlet Witch and the Raven floated in mid-air, one left and one right, their bodies were both lingering in the thick chaos magic, and two water column-like rays of chaos magic spun out.The chaotic magic power of red and purple intertwined together, gathered into a more powerful impact and hit the head of the robot head-on. After blowing up the head of the robot, it cut vertically downwards like a sharp blade, smashing the steel body into pieces. The body was split in two from the middle, and fell heavily to the ground.

"Nice job." After the two of them landed one after another, Ye Yi stepped forward and said, "Now, let's see what Hydra guys are transporting at the pier."

"Sorry, Nightwing, but you don't have permission to see this."

The voice came from behind the crowd, and when they turned their heads, they saw a woman with light red hair in a black windbreaker and sunglasses who appeared at the pier at some point, and the agents in Aegis uniforms also arrived immediately. At the scene, start to clean up the mess.

"It's really 'just in time' for you to come." Ye Yi stepped forward and taunted unceremoniously, "You just came in time to finish."

The woman said with a blank expression: "The matters related to Hydra are classified as high-level secrets, and you have no authority to know. We thank you for your enthusiastic help, Ye Yi, but now you can take these children home. "

Ye Yi frowned slightly, a little displeased, but considering that he had no intention of letting Titan intervene in the mess between Aegis and Hydra, he didn't say much in the end, and immediately led everyone to retreat.

At the end of the battle, the tense nerves of the Titans were relaxed. Everyone talked and laughed on the way home, and the atmosphere was quite brisk.

The blue beetle asked excitedly: "Did you see what I did just now? Wow, I'm not even sure I can do this."

"As I said, be confident, Reyes." Ye Yi said, "You are no worse than any of us in this team, you just need to be confident."

"Yes, you did a great job." Jessica also smiled and praised, "You just saved my life, and I think I owe you."

She gently kissed the blue beetle's face through the mask, causing the blue beetle to petrify instantly, and the face under the helmet immediately turned red into an apple.

"Let's go out to have dinner together tomorrow," Ye Yi suggested, "I'll treat you."

Of course there is no reason to refuse, everyone agrees, only Rui Wen smiled lightly and said, "I'll forget it."

"What's wrong? What's the matter?" Ye Yi asked.

Raven said calmly: "Tomorrow is his birthday."

Everyone involuntarily stopped in their tracks, there was a moment of silence, and the atmosphere became vaguely heavy.

Ye Yi said slowly: "You know we can all be with you if you need it."

Raven shook his head. "It's okay, I'm fine. I just want to be alone. Thank you."

After finishing speaking, she soared into the air gently, like a black feather, and disappeared into the night.

(End of this chapter)

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