Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 391 The Action of the Avengers

Chapter 391 The Action of the Avengers
Appalachian Mountains, Hydra Base.

This base is one of Hydra's relatively high-level security bases, and it is also a very important stronghold for the Hydra organization.And just 10 minutes ago, gunshots rang out in this place without warning, and the flames of war escalated.

It's the Avengers.

Earlier today, the Avengers Hydra's top-secret stronghold in the Appalachian Mountains was sent from SHIELD, and according to intelligence, there are a lot of extremely dangerous technologies hidden in this base, and the conventional army can't deal with it at all .For this reason, the work of the raid was of course handed over to the Avengers. After all, they are responsible for performing tasks that ordinary people cannot.

And once the fire was fired, the Avengers found that what Luthor said was true.It's not that the Avengers have never attacked Hydra's stronghold, but it is really the first time they have encountered such fierce resistance as today.

The sound of the engine of the off-road motorcycle was like the neighing of a horse resounding through the jungle. The black locomotive jumped up from the hill, and the fast rolling tires kicked up a lot of dust like a huge curtain.The soaring locomotive maintained a super high speed, and the tires "bang" heavily smashed a Hydra military jeep from the front.The windshield of the Jeep shattered, the hood collapsed suddenly, the front of the car tilted in embarrassment, the bumper broke against a tree trunk on one side, and black smoke began to emit from the deformed hood.

The convoy stopped immediately, and the Hydra soldiers who were almost armed to the teeth jumped out of the car one after another, and the protective gear on their bodies looked extremely thick.Each of them held advanced pulse laser guns in their hands, and their destructive power and accuracy were nothing compared to traditional weapons.

Captain America jumped off immediately behind the leaping motorcycle, and rolled into the enemy's formation on the spot.The vibrating gold shield came out of his hand, whirled and knocked down several people in a row, and then bounced back into his hand on the stone wall inexplicably, just blocking two smooth pulses for him.The captain closed the distance with the shooter with a sliding shovel, got up and quickly launched a counterattack, and within a few strokes of the rabbit's ups and downs, several people nearby had already fallen down.

At this time, Iron Man flew over their heads at a low altitude, releasing repulsive beams with both hands downward one after another, blowing up the Hydra team on their backs.But before he had time to be arrogant, a light beam shot from an advanced anti-aircraft tower with a sci-fi style on the hill not far away, hitting Iron Man who was moving at high speed impartially, and shot him down.

Iron Man smashed into the mud in some embarrassment, and just got up, the pulse guns in the hands of the Hydra soldiers fired at him one after another.The intensive firepower pushed him back to the ground, leaving him almost no time to breathe.

Captain America knocked down two people in a row with joint skills, and quickly killed Iron Man. He raised his shield to protect him from the firepower, and said in his mouth, "What? You didn't count this move?"

"It's a bit careless. The weapons of these hydra cubs are still a little stronger than I thought."

Iron Man, who got a breather, was relieved, stood up, and the monitor in the helmet quickly locked every Hydra soldier in front of him.The shoulders of his armor suddenly opened, exposing several gun holes. Countless bullets and small missiles flew out at the same time, hitting all the targets at the same time within a second interval, and the team surrounding them fell down immediately. Down.

"Show off," the captain muttered.

Looking at another Hydra team that was approaching not far away, Iron Man re-launched and said: "The ones over there are yours, Captain, I'll go find a way to get rid of those annoying air defense towers."

With the fierce offensive of the Avengers, the defense lines on the outside of Hydra were broken in a blink of an eye, and the battle line was getting closer and closer to the core of the base.When another checkpoint was breached, Hydra finally seemed to be unable to hold back.A team of mechas about ten meters tall was dispatched from the inside of the base, and quickly charged into the battle.

But to deal with these heavy weapons, the Avengers also have specialized players.Seeing this huge team of iron lumps coming, Hulk was the first to greet him with a roar.It was as if a green whirlwind swept away, and the next second the two mechas directly in front had crashed down.

Seeing Hulk's heroic charge, Thor, the god of thunder who always liked to compete with him in the team, was of course not to be outdone.He swung his hammer like a whirlwind, causing his body to rush into the air at high speed, and his whole body seemed to turn into a cannonball and dive downward.Thor's Hammer was so powerful that it took Thor through the bodies of several machines in a row.Huge mechs fell one after another, electric sparks flickered in the pierced cavity, and the body seemed to be still twitching.

And while most of the people were attracting most of the firepower from the front, the panthers touched the enemy's flank without anyone noticing.He climbed up the outer wall on the side of the base, like a ninja flying over the eaves and climbing into the wall, and silently touched behind the soldiers guarding behind the wall.

He shot fiercely and quickly. In terms of fighting ability alone, he may not be as good as Captain America in the team, but if he is better than the ability to silently knock down when sneaking in, then the captain has to obey him.In just a few minutes, the Panthers had pierced through the soldiers guarding the wall from the rear, found the console of this layer of defense, and shut down all systems including the anti-aircraft tower.

"Stark, I've taken care of the anti-aircraft tower." Seeing that other Hydra soldiers had noticed his movement and approached this way, the Panther said loudly, "The work behind is yours!"

"Great job, but I was just about done with the flak towers."

As Iron Man spoke, his feet accelerated suddenly, and his steel body turned into a flame-spraying afterimage and rushed towards the center building.

With a loud bang, the ceiling of the hall suddenly collapsed.Iron Man fell from the sky mixed with a large number of falling rocks, and when he landed in the center of the hall, almost all kinds of weapons were displayed all over his body.

"Okay, everyone stay still now, obediently"

Before Tony finished speaking, he suddenly stopped, because there was no one in the huge hall.

The senior cadres in this base—those real big fishes—had already fled ahead of time when they saw that the situation was not good, leaving only an empty shell base here.

"It slipped pretty fast."

Iron Man muttered, put away the hidden gun barrels, and walked slowly to the console in the hall.I saw that everything on the screen was dimmed, leaving only a line of bright red countdown in the middle part, and it had already counted down to 30 seconds.

He went to the computer to check it, his expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly connected to the public channel of the Avengers.

"Avengers, the situation has changed!" He fired the thrusters and rushed out of the building without looking back, shouting, "Urgent retreat!"

(End of this chapter)

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