Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 392 Satellite Railgun

Chapter 392 Satellite Railgun

Pulse laser guns, automatic defense laser anti-aircraft towers, and advanced Hydra mecha units. These seemingly powerful equipment are not actually the strongest weapons in the base of Hydra.These are all just means used by the high-level executives in the base to delay time for evacuation, because if they use the final weapon before they evacuate, even they themselves will not be able to survive the bombardment of that terrible weapon.

"Urgent retreat!"

When Iron Man broke through the ceiling of the base, he loudly reminded all his teammates on the public channel, without even having the time to explain the situation.

But at this moment, it may still be a step too late.

The night sky seemed to be suddenly lit up, and the sky suddenly turned into a blood-stained curtain.The stars all disappeared, and a small red dot faintly appeared in the center of the clouds, expanding rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The fiery red light beam pierced the black cloud in an instant, and fell from the sky.It seemed to be a punishment from heaven, a pillar of the sky, descending with unparalleled power.The dark clouds collapsed in fear, leaving a huge hole in the dark clouds, and a fire-colored beam of light shot down vertically from the center of the hole, aiming straight at the direction of the base.


The terrifying energy bombarded the ground, hitting the Hydra base head-on.The outer shell of the building instantly fell apart under the shroud of red light, and the terrifying shock wave rolled up thick smoke and dust that spread in all directions.Earth-colored dust rose several people high, covering the sky like a sandstorm.The steel mechs of Hydra immediately disintegrated under the impact of this majestic energy, as vulnerable as tofu.

The bombardment lasted for more than ten seconds, and the continuous shock waves almost flattened everything within a radius of one kilometer.A heavy sound reverberated in the valley, and even the topography of the valley was changed by the power of this blow, its horror can be seen.

The light finally dissipated, and the high-heat energy still remained in the flying dust.Iron Man lifted up the ruins of the building on his body, half of the armor shell on his body was damaged, and the exposed wires hissed and sparked.He looked around and asked, "Is everyone okay?"

Hulk and Thor came out of the ruins first, and the two with the highest defense in the team were of course fine.The black panther, who was wearing a vibrating gold uniform all over his body, was naturally fine. Although the captain was injured, fortunately, he just found a good bunker and was protected by a vibrating gold shield, so he was fine.

However, the Hydra soldiers were not so lucky.All the Hydra fighters in the battle were within the attack range of the shot just now, and unfortunately they became victims, and none of them escaped.

"What's that?" asked the captain.

"Satellite rail gun." Tony said solemnly, "This is also a very advanced technology. As far as I know, no government in the world has used it for armament. I didn't expect Hydra to have such a dangerous thing in its hands. Son."

In fact, even if Hydra wants to use such a level of weapon, it is not that simple. Hydra is distributed in so many bases around the world, and only a few have the button to activate the satellite orbital gun.Unfortunately, the base they raided was a high-level base with such authority.

"Wait," Tony's face changed again, "That thing...there's a second shot."

Everyone's expression changed upon hearing this.

"Wait a minute, I'm trying to establish a link with the satellite above my head," Tony said, "give me a few more minutes, I should be able to hack it"

However, at this time, the sky has brightened up again.The red light seemed to extend all the way to the horizon, and the beam of light with a destructive momentum seemed to fall down again at any moment.

Thor has already started to swing his hammer to take off, and the hurricane rolled up with the rotation of Thor's hammer.But he obviously couldn't catch up, the red light spot had already appeared in the air far away, as if it was about to fall.

Everyone's palms were sweating—they were not sure of surviving the next round of shocks.With that level of impact, even if you don't die, you will have to shed your skin.

Almost at the last moment, when everyone was nervous, the red dot in the sky suddenly disappeared.The sky instantly returned to pitch black, as if nothing had happened.

Tony was taken aback for a moment, and then said in disbelief, "That satellite...disappeared suddenly!?"

"What do you mean?" asked the captain.

"I'm not sure," Tony frowned, "but suddenly I couldn't connect to the satellite that fired at us, and it went offline all of a sudden."

But soon, they all understood what happened—a burning meteor pierced the night sky and fell from the sky with a dazzling trail.The scorched machine wreckage wrapped in the hot fireball was undoubtedly the satellite that just opened fire on them, but now it has been completely smashed into a pile of scrap iron, and it is flying towards the satellite about ten kilometers away from them. The valley fell past.

About ten kilometers away, on a road along the mountain.

The Hydra executives in the base escaped early when the Avengers were attracted by the frontal fire, accompanied by only a convoy.When they confirmed that they had escaped out of the firing range of the satellite railgun, Don even activated the final weapon.

And now, General Hydra sitting on a military jeep is staring at the mobile terminal in his hand, wondering why the satellite lost contact with the manipulator in his hand.

At this moment, the jeep made a sharp turn, the tires rubbing against the road made a sharp noise, half of the car's buttocks drifted to the edge of the cliff on one side, and almost fell into the abyss just a little bit.The general was caught off guard, and his nose hit the back of the front seat in embarrassment.Just two seconds after the jeep drifted and braked, a burning meteor fell from the sky, cutting off the road directly in front of the convoy like a precision-strike missile, and most of the road was blown to pieces on the spot, splashing gravel.

The general of Hydra adjusted his glasses and looked through the car window, only to see the wreckage in the flame that cut off their way. Isn't it the satellite controlled by the terminal in his hand.At the same time, a black shadow also stopped in front of the convoy.

It was a man in armor.The armor is dominated by domineering black, with dark red stripes painted on the left and right sides, purple accessories on the shoulders, waist, etc., and the eyepieces are also shining with evil purple light.He exuded an invisible domineering aura all over his body, against the backdrop of the burning fire on the satellite wreckage behind him, he looked awe-inspiring like a god.

The moment they saw him, almost everyone in the entire team had such a thought for no reason——

— will die here.

(End of this chapter)

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