Chapter 393 Doubts
A warrior in black armor stood in front of the hydra like a divine soldier, as if a cliff that Wei Ran could not cross blocked their way.

But these soldiers were all well-trained desperadoes, they jumped out of the car one by one, and raised their guns at the black soldier one after another.Pulse lasers poured down overwhelmingly, the light blue energy surrounded the man in a circle, and sparks flew from the black armor.

However this still doesn't seem to work.I saw the man squeezed his fist against the dense firepower as if nothing happened, then moved his feet, and suddenly flashed like thunder to the middle of the formation of Hydra soldiers. A soldier was hit by his shoulder and flew into the air immediately , falling down from the cliff with a long howl.

The soldiers reacted quickly, but it was useless.Their pulsed light beams couldn't break through the solid shell of the black battle armor at all. This guy was rampaging through the crowd with crossed firepower. Everywhere the figure flashed, people were turned on their backs, as if they were a god of war.

The soldiers hastily changed into light blue fluorescent photon daggers, which are also armed with the world's top technology, and can easily cut through the shell of an armored vehicle with a single knife. Unfortunately, their opponent's body seems to be stronger than the shell of an armored vehicle.The black warrior was still arrogant, and even grabbed a photon dagger with his bare hands, crushing the extremely sharp photon blade into scrap iron.

Several soldiers were sitting in an armored jeep and fired at him with the large-caliber Gatling on the vehicle.The howling bullets splashed wildly on the pitch-black armor, and the shrapnel scattered all over the ground.But the guy just glanced at this side with disdain, his figure flashed to the side of the car, he raised his leg and kicked at the side of the car body, and the thick armored car door was dented immediately by the force of the kick , The car body rolled over on the spot, kicking up a lot of dust.

The entire battle lasted only 2 minutes, and the team was all down—no, it shouldn't be called a battle at all, because they couldn't even be considered as effective resistance.

When the Avengers arrived, the battle was over. All they saw were roads cut off by flames, burning satellite wreckage, hydra soldiers whose life and death were uncertain, and the armor with the front of the car embedded in the mountain wall. jeep.The warrior in the black armor turned his back to the crowd, lifted the Hydra general with one hand, and released a Terminator-like aura against the background of raging flames.

After staring at his back for a while, Tony asked in disbelief, "Is that Eric!?"

Although the appearance and color have been slightly changed, the armor does still retain most of the styling characteristics of the Alpha armor of Almozo.Hearing his shout, the man also let go of the Hydra general who had fallen into a coma, and turned his head to look at the crowd.

"Long time no see." He opened his helmet, revealed his face, and greeted lightly.

Everyone was shocked, speechless for a long time.

He was supposed to be dead, and everyone but Raven believed so.But now, four months later, he appeared in front of them safe and sound, in such a natural state.

Despite the doubts in his heart, after Iron Man's armor fully scanned the young man in front of him, he also fed back the unmistakable result that he was Eric himself.Tony stepped forward and asked, "Where have you been for so long?"

"It's a long story. To put it simply, I went to the world at the other end of the wormhole." Eric replied lightly.

Then he didn't say anything about what happened to him in the other world, and only assured everyone that the amojo robot was completely finished and would never come back to cause trouble.

"Anyway, it's good to be back." Tony breathed a sigh of relief, "You know? You missed the school season. I can arrange for you to enter any college you want, you can"

Before he finished speaking, Eric smiled and waved his hand.

"Thank you, but there's no need." He said lightly, "I have my own plans in the future."

Tony was taken aback for a moment, as if he saw something in Eric's eyes that he didn't have four months ago. Although he couldn't tell what it was, he always felt like a different person.

"That's it." Eric said, the mask was closed again, and the person had already lifted off the ground. "It's nice to see you again."

After finishing speaking, he rushed into the sky with a "swoosh", broke through the sound barrier in an instant, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Aegis, Sanfei as the building, in the wee hours of the morning.

Hawkeye returned to Washington on a special plane from Russia at about one o'clock in the morning, and immediately rushed to the director's office in Sanfeishi Building to report the situation to Luthor.At this point, the light in Lex Luthor's office was still on. He dragged his chin and sat at his desk, focusing all his attention on the message that was locked from him.

He has been suffering from this headache for a day, and if he doesn't figure out what's going on, he may never be able to sleep peacefully.

Hawkeye came to him and saluted standardly.

"You're back." Luther temporarily turned his attention away from the screen on his desk, and said, "This field trip is really hard for you."

"I'm just doing my job, sir." Hawkeye said calmly, looking ahead.

"Ah, of course." Luthor said with a smile, "It's this kind of work attitude, that's why Nick Fury values ​​you so much."

"I earned trust with my ability."

"That's natural. No one can question your ability. You are the best agent. You and Natasha."

Luthor refers to the Black Widow. She and Hawkeye are indeed the two super agents who are the aces of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"You were both deeply trusted by Nick Fury," Luthor asked some seemingly insignificant topics, but his sharp eyes kept carefully looking up and down Hawkeye, "I heard that you have always had a good relationship. "

"We are partners." Hawkeye replied flatly, "We have always been good partners."

When he answered, there was no fluctuation in his facial expression, and his eyes were as still as water, and Luthor couldn't see anything from them.

"That's good." Luther said, paused, and finally asked, "I know you have worked here for a long time, and you are also a very experienced agent. Based on these, I hope to hear your opinion .”

".Do you think that among the personnel above the seventh level of authority, there may be someone who has other intentions?"

Hawkeye raised his eyebrows.

"You mean we have traitors among us, sir?"

"No, that's an ugly word."

"I don't know, sir," Hawkeye replied bluntly.

Luther stared at him for a long moment.

"Just asking." Finally, Luther said, "It's nothing, you can go back. It's getting late, and the tasks during this period must have made you very tired, so take a good rest."

(Thank you for the 001 starting coins rewarded by book friends Paida 500!)

(End of this chapter)

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