Chapter 394 Reunion

New York, four o'clock in the morning, Raven's home.

At this time, Raven, who had fallen into a deep sleep, opened his eyes suddenly, and sat up like an electric shock. A strange light flashed in his eyes, as if he had sensed something suddenly.

She got out of bed in a hurry, didn't even have time to change clothes, and left the room in only her thin pajamas—of course, she didn't make the slightest movement.While the rest of the family was still fast asleep, she passed soundlessly through the wall of her room, out into the blustery night sky, and headed in a certain direction along the street.

The crooked moon gradually revealed her figure from behind the black clouds. The cold wind howled into her thin pajamas and brushed her black hair, but she didn't seem to notice it.She couldn't tell the reason, but she could feel that the person she was waiting for had returned.

Raven flew across the familiar streets, and came to the old house again - that was Eric's residence.She has been here many times in the past four months, but only today, the location of the bedroom in this house has been relit.The incandescent light from the window was so soft and hopeful in her eyes at this moment that she couldn't restrain her heartbeat.

She landed gently, approached the house step by step, penetrated the door and entered the house, and slowly came to the door of the bedroom step by step.

As if in a dream, the person she cared about day and night was really here, and when she noticed her coming, she turned her head unexpectedly and met her eyes.

Ruiwen suddenly felt short of breath, and swallowed all the words that should have been endless, and couldn't squeeze out a word.

She couldn't even tell if it was real.

A few seconds later, Eric smiled apologetically and said, "Sorry, I thought you were already asleep at this time and I didn't want to disturb you, so I originally wanted to see you tomorrow."

Raven bit his lip, and immediately said softly: "It's really late to come back."

"Yeah, I was a little surprised." Eric said, "I'm really sorry for making you worry."

"I'm not particularly worried." She said lightly, but after a pause, her tone was still loose, "Welcome back."

Eric stepped forward and gently held her in his arms, feeling the softness and warmth of her body through a pajamas.

"Really, I'm very sorry." Eric whispered in her ear, "But I promise, I will never leave you again in the future."

"I've heard people say it's best not to make promises you can't keep. Someday, you'll have something to do, right?"

Eric was silent because he knew she was right.

But Raven smiled.

"It doesn't matter." She also whispered in Eric's ear, "I am very happy if you have such an idea. No matter what you do in the future, I will definitely do my best to support you."

Eric's heart moved, and he looked at the girl seriously, and couldn't help but feel that she was more beautiful than what he remembered.

"Thank you."

He couldn't help but leaned over and kissed.Raven gently closed his eyes without any resistance.

Eric picked her up, put her on the bed, and bent down.Raven's body was so light, as light as a child's.

She still had her eyes closed, her hands tightly clutching his skirt, as if she was afraid that he would go away again.

Hours later, early in the morning.

Raven put a plate of pancakes on a plate and brought them to the dining table with a blank expression. Eric looked at the pancakes carefully and found that Raven must have put a lot of effort into this craft these days.At least it had the character and color of a normal pancake, and it smelled pretty good too.

Eric picked up a piece and tasted it, and couldn't help but praise sincerely: "It's delicious, it seems that you haven't been idle for a while."

Raven smiled slightly: "I have been working hard."

"Speaking of which, you're already in college, right?"

"Well, it's at Imperial University in the city." She said, and asked, "Where's Eric? Any plans for the future?"

"Ah, I've probably already made up my mind." He said, with a slight smile, "I've been avoiding all this time, but from now on, I'm going to fight, because that's me, and it's my destined path. I've already understood , the life of being an ordinary person that I have been refusing to let go has actually gone away from me long ago, and that only belongs to the past. But people always have to look forward."

"Then I'll be with you too."

Eric smiled easily.

"It's just my decision," Eric said, "You don't have to give up like me. I know that you are like going to college and entering society like ordinary people. That's your dream too, isn't it?"

Raven hesitated: "But."

"It's okay." Eric smiled slightly, "No matter what, our relationship will not change. I will be very happy that you can finish reading the book with peace of mind."

Raven lowered his head, stared at the table for a long time, and finally couldn't help asking: "That, your body"

Eric smiled slightly: "Sure enough, did you notice it?"

Raven looked at him worriedly.

"It's okay." He patted her head after a long absence, "I'm fine, and I know what's going on with me. The armor has indeed merged with me further, but I'm still me, nothing has changed."

After hearing what he said, Raven just nodded and didn't say anything more.

But has nothing really changed?
Asking this in his heart, Eric couldn't give an answer himself.

Somewhere, in a room shrouded in darkness.

A circle of figures hidden in the darkness sat around a round table, and the light blue fluorescence emitted by the round table was the only light source in the room.The faces of the participating members were hidden in the darkness that the light could not reach, which made this meeting very mysterious.

Everyone who comes here has an extraordinary status, and the power and resources in the hands of the forces each of them represent are enough to make waves in this world.

And they were waiting for someone.


In the darkness, the sound of unlocking the verification sounded, and the light was thrown into the room from behind the opened door, illuminating the bare head of the person who appeared at the door.

"Luther." A person at the table said dissatisfiedly, "You are late."

"Sorry, everyone." Lex Luthor walked to the table and sat down, "Because there are a lot of things to deal with."

"Hmph, it seems that being a lackey of the government keeps you very busy."

Luther narrowed his eyes and surveyed everyone else in the room.Everyone else at the table seemed to cast dissatisfied glances at him from the darkness.

(Thanks to book friend NormanLHP for the 100 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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