Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 396 Farewell

Chapter 396 Farewell
Hudson River, along the banks.

Few people may know that there is such a dilapidated old house on the Hudson River, because this area is usually deserted.The old house is entirely made of wood. Judging from the degree of corrosion of the outer shell, it should have been here for more than ten years.But no one knows who made it, and even the person who made it may have forgotten it, so no one cares about it for so many years.

Eric stepped on the soft and wet mud along the coast and found the old house.It took him a lot of effort to find this place, because he was sure that there was someone who was very important to him, someone he had to meet no matter what.

When the wooden door was pushed open, there was a loud "squeak" sound, which even sounded harsh.A ray of light penetrated into the room from the half-opened door, and it didn't match the dirty appearance outside, the inside of the room looked quite clean and tidy.The concrete floor is spotless. A simple bed and a clean wooden chair give people a simple and crisp impression.

And the person Eric was looking for was sitting on that bed, still dressed in black from head to toe, wearing a black bowler hat, and even his face was covered by a layer of black veil.

That was Yvette Charlotte, his mother.

After Eric came in, she just sat there motionless, smiling and saying, "You're here."

"Well, I'm back," Eric replied, noticing his mother's rapid and irregular breathing.

Yvette took off her black gloves, revealing her white palms, and slowly raised them towards him as if with great difficulty.Eric stepped forward, sat on the edge of the bed, and let her palm lightly fall on his cheek.

"Sorry," he said softly, "I'm late."

Yvette smiled and shook her head.

"No, it's timely enough," she said. "If it's after today, maybe it's really late."

"Your body."

"It was destined to be so," Yvette said calmly.

Eric was silent for a moment, then said: "Sure enough... is it because of the virus?"

Yvette nodded lightly: "The Yamajo virus has been lurking in my body for so many years, and it seems that I finally can't escape this fate."

"It's okay." Eric said softly, "We can find someone to help, Stark is my friend, he should be able to"

Yvette shook her head again, and said with a calm smile: "No need, I have studied the Yamajo virus for so long, at least I can tell when the infected person is not saved. But I don't mind It’s easy to complain, I don’t have too many regrets left, and this kind of life was eventually ended by the Yamojo virus, it should be the inevitable fate.”

After a pause, she caressed Eric's face lovingly, and said in a slightly trembling voice: "But if there is any regret, it is only you, Eric, I feel the most sorry in my life, It's you. I've failed at being a mother so much that I haven't even hugged you once in all these years."

"It's okay." Eric said calmly, "That's all over, Mom."

"You've come this far, haven't you?" Yvette sighed.

Eric knew what she was referring to and nodded: "Yeah."

Yvette, who has also been deeply integrated with the Yamazo virus, can of course be aware of Eric's changes. Now Yamazo and him have almost merged into one, and they are inseparable from each other. Has merged into his consciousness.Although he still holds the dominance, he has more or less merged into Almajo's consciousness, and even Eric himself is not sure whether he is still himself in a strict sense.

As if seeing through what he was thinking, Yvette smiled, patted his head, and said, "Don't worry, you are still you, you are now, and you will always be in the future. Mom will always believe in you."

After that, she sighed again: "You are an excellent child, and you should have a bright future. But I'm really sorry, whether it's me or your father, we are all responsible for forcing you to this point .”

"Don't blame yourself, Mom." Eric smiled, "I used to blame you in my heart, but now I have figured it out. My journey along the way is not just pain, there is also happiness in this life The precious time, the memorable moments, and more importantly, if it wasn’t for this kind of life, I would never have met the most important people.”

After a pause, he continued: "So I don't blame you, and I don't even blame Dad. On the contrary, I must thank you, thank you for giving me such a wonderful life, no matter how many battles and pains are waiting for me in the future , this will not change.”

Yvette stared at him seriously for a long time, the corners of her eyes under the veil couldn't help getting wet.

"You've really grown up." Her voice was as thin as a gossamer, but she was satisfied, "But this way, I'm relieved."

Her hands finally dropped powerlessly, and her head was turned to one side.

she left.

Shouldn't this be a very sad time?Witnessing the death of one's own mother, maybe it is only reasonable to cry a lot now?
But Eric didn't, his expression didn't even change at all, but he just stood up indifferently and left the cabin.

Grief didn't change anything, dead people were dead, and she couldn't hear them even when they cried.

That doesn't make any sense.

Stepping on the soft and wet mud when he came, he walked away from the wooden house slowly.

After walking for a while, the light of a street lamp finally appeared in front of him.He walked along the deserted street for a while, when he suddenly heard someone calling his name behind him.

When Eric turned his head, he saw the stunning silver-haired beauty silently appearing like a ghost under the light of the street lamp. She smiled and said to him, "Really, it's really embarrassing not to tell me when I got back."

"Ruth?" Eric asked, "how did you come to New York?"

"Don't underestimate my intelligence network, my news is also very well-informed." She walked up with a smile, and the light illuminated the tight black leather jacket that wrapped her body, highlighting her proud figure even more. tall and tall.

She approached Eric, and leaned forward intentionally or unintentionally, but Eric grabbed his arm expressionlessly to keep the distance.

"Where have you been these days? You look even more impersonal than before." She said a little frustrated.


"Well, maybe I don't know where you went, but I know what you want to do next." Ruth returned to her faint smile, "And I think, I should be able to help you."

Eric raised his eyebrows: "You are a mercenary, and as far as I know, mercenaries are charged for their help."

"Generally speaking, yes." Ruth smiled, brushing her smooth silver hair back casually, "But this time, we can put aside the matter of expenses first, who asked us to be friends?"

(Thanks to book friend 1603210031 for the reward of 100 starting coins, book friend DAMOTUYIN, book friend half-volume love letter, book friend ko90 for the reward of 500 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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