Chapter 397 Traitor
Aegis, a floating carrier.

Natasha Romanov walked along the promenade of the mothership, passed through coded doors in high-security areas, and headed straight for the hidden areas on the mothership that were closed to most people.

Many agents I met along the way greeted her in a friendly and respectful manner, and no one felt that there was anything wrong—after all, she was the Black Widow, a veteran super agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and everyone working on this mothership No one knows her name.If anyone can fully understand this helicarrier full of mysteries, then Natasha Romanoff is definitely on this list.With her authority level, it can basically be said that there is no locked door for her on the mothership.

After passing through another heavy alloy door with a complicated door lock, Natasha could no longer see half of the other people along the way.Those who can enter here are all agents with at least level [-] authority, and such a level is very few in the entire S.H.I.E.L.D.Natasha, on the other hand, is tied with the director, and has the top level ten authority.

After confirming that there was no tail following her, she walked into a dark room.The room seemed to be intelligent, and when it sensed her coming in, it automatically lit up with a light blue fluorescent light, creating a sci-fi and mysterious atmosphere for the whole room, and even the air seemed to be filled with a top-secret atmosphere.

Natasha skilfully entered a series of numbers on a coded dial that stood up in the center, and the ground behind it immediately split to the two sides.The column-shaped console rose from the crack and stood in front of Natasha. The floating screen was projected, listing a large number of documents and files.

She inserted a black USB flash drive, operated quickly, and selected a large number of files to copy to the USB flash drive.Many of the files required special passwords or passwords to access, and she unlocked them one by one.It is not an exaggeration to say that even the current Director Lex Luthor does not know many hidden parts of S.H.I.E.L.D.

After finishing the work swiftly, Natasha unplugged the USB flash drive and quickly left the area.Before leaving, she deliberately paid attention to it to make sure that no one was following her.In this situation, there are not many people in the whole Aegis who can follow the Black Widow without being discovered.

And quite coincidentally, there is exactly one here.

A moment after Natasha walked away, Hawkeye jumped out of nowhere, and followed behind silently while keeping a certain distance.

His level of authority was not as good as Natasha's, so he didn't follow up to see what she did, but after working together for so many years, he knew what it was like when she was wrong.He tried not to connect what Lex Luthor had recently mentioned to him about the suspected traitor inside with what he saw, and continued to chase after Natasha.

Natasha went straight to the parking area, and the eagle eye heard her say to the people in the control tower: "I need a plane for an urgent mission from the director."

The staff on duty didn't have any doubts, because no one here didn't know Black Widow, so naturally no one would doubt what she said.

Hawkeye waited for her to take off first, then stepped forward and drove away a plane with the same excuse.Hawkeye is also well-known within Aegis, so this trick is quite effective.He deliberately chose a new type of fighter with weak combat effectiveness but top-notch stealth tracking capabilities, and hung behind Natasha at a constant speed.

Hawkeye and Black Widow have been partners for many years, and they know each other well.Of course, Hawkeye also believed that Natasha would never betray Aegis under any circumstances, but he couldn't say why, he just had an ominous premonition.

He was very careful all the way, and Natasha did not seem to have noticed him.He just flew over the city and mountains behind Natasha, and after flying above the water for a few minutes, she finally controlled the fighter plane to land.

It was only then that Hawkeye noticed that there was an island on the dark water, and there seemed to be a large base hidden on the island.But the light on the island was too dim, and the concealment of the base was quite good, so he didn't even notice it before descending.

But how could Natasha know about this place?
Suspiciously landed behind her, he carefully surveyed the terrain and chose the most concealed location to land. After getting off the plane, he carefully followed her at least a hundred yards away.

After walking for a short time, Natasha brought him to the entrance of this huge base on the island, and it seemed that someone was already waiting for her here.A whole team stood in line at the door, all soldiers wearing black uniforms with the insolent Hydra logo printed on their chests.

Hawkeye saw it, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

Natasha stopped in front of the unfolding team, and saw that someone in the team seemed to be walking out slowly.Hawkeye took a closer look, and saw that it was a woman with an extremely charming figure, wearing a distinctive green fluffy coat, but deliberately showing her long snow-white legs.She covered half of her face with her black hair, but the half of her face that was only exposed was enough to kill most men.

Lady Hydra Viper, a senior cadre of Hydra.In the incident of the yamojo robot, the yamojo virus in the body was already sucked dry by the robot, but it seemed that Hydra recovered its body by virtue of their own research on the yamojo technology, but I heard that the gorgeous However, half of her appearance was ruined—it was the half covered by her long hair.

Natasha stepped forward and met Viper.Hawkeye's eyesight is very good, and from a distance, Natasha seems to have pulled out a black USB flash drive from her waist and handed it to Viper.After accepting it, Viper smiled with satisfaction, and said something to her, but unfortunately at this distance, it was impossible to hear what she said clearly.

However, based on what we have seen so far, it is basically enough to make a judgment.Hard as it is to believe, it looks like Black Widow has defected to Hydra, or even worse, may have stolen something important from A.H.I.E.L.D.

Hawkeye couldn't stay any longer, he knew that even if he stayed here, it would be useless, he couldn't just rush up and take down the Hydra agents in the base alone, right?He must hurry back and report to his superiors to tell more people the terrible news.

However, he was just about to leave when gunshots rang out suddenly.He instinctively lowered himself down, and the bullet almost whizzed past his head, and "slapped" into a rock.

Hawkeye looked up, and suddenly saw that a hundred meters away, the black widow suddenly raised a gun and fired at him, her snake-like gaze locked on him across all obstacles within a hundred meters away like an arrow.

"Damn." He frowned and cursed in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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