Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 401 Undercurrent

Chapter 401 Undercurrent
A corner cafe in New York.

Eric has not been to this cafe for a long time.

Ruth ordered a cup of coffee, and her long legs were crossed. That provocative look attracted the attention of many men, but it was annoying that she couldn't attract the man in front of her.Eric acted like an old monk in trance, as if the black coffee in the cup was more attractive than the big beauty in front of him, and he ignored the imaginative waves in her eyes.

After several attempts, she finally had to be defeated and gave up the idea of ​​continuing to try.

"For a long time in the past, this is one of my favorite places to come." Eric suddenly spoke first.

"Really? Why did it change later?" Ruth asked following his words.

Eric couldn't help but flashed the classmate Kelly Samir who was sent to approach him at the beginning. The scene of her body twisting and turning into a deformed monster is still fresh in his mind.

"Maybe. I want to avoid some memories." He said in a trance, as if talking to himself, "If you want to count, this may be the dividing point in my life. When I come back here, I will remind myself subconsciously. It has long been separated from the past life. Maybe I have been afraid to face this."

"But now you figure it out?"

"Ah, because I accepted this fact." He said calmly, taking a sip of his strong black coffee, "The past cannot be retained, but the future needs to be created by us."

"Admirable determination." Ruth smiled slightly, "You know? A man with a firm goal is more attractive."

Eric didn't answer, and after a pause, he asked, "So is there any new information today? You said you have something to say."

Ruth has really helped him a lot this time, and her intelligence network is indeed very necessary for Eric.

Ruth smiled lightly: "Yes, it is true, but a cup of coffee sent me away. My news is too worthless, isn't it?"

"You said it was free this time."

"I mean we can talk about the charges later, it doesn't matter." Ruth put away her smile and became serious, her voice lowered intentionally or unintentionally, "Do you know Hawkeye?"

"A super agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.? I know."

"Hawkeye and Black Widow, these two are the aces of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. They are very famous in the industry and almost everyone knows them." Ruth said, "But what's interesting is that just last night, the two of them They all seem to have mutinied."

"Rebellion?" Eric raised some interest, this is the heavy news that he never guessed, "Are you sure?"

"The source of information should be more accurate." Ruth said, "It shouldn't be wrong. It is said that the two of them stole the ninth-level top-secret information on the Aegis Helicarrier and handed it to Hydra. Afterwards, Hawkeye was captured by Aegis. Currently being held in a prison on the mothership. The Black Widow has taken refuge in Hydra, and her whereabouts are currently unknown."

Eric rested his chin in thought.

Although Hawkeye and Black Widow have little contact with him, Eric knows that none of them seem like people who would defect to Hydra, even through his understanding of these two characters in the comics. There must be something else in it Insider.

Could it have something to do with Lex Luthor becoming Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Ruth continued: "Although I don't know the details very well, it seems that the SHIELD has been very unstable recently. It's just my personal intuition that SHIELD is now at the center of a huge vortex, and there are undercurrents surging inside."

After a pause, she continued: "Also, there is another character who seems to have started activities recently."

She took out her phone and operated it for a while, then handed the screen to Eric.On the screen is a rather blurry photo, the background seems to be a battlefield, the flying dust and black smoke blocked part of the vision, but I can barely see the soldier wearing a black mask and a silver mechanical arm on the screen, his hands Each held a gun and charged bravely.

Eric knew him, and he was a well-known and important character in the comics.

"The Winter Soldier." Ruth introduced, "from World War II to the present, a super killer who has been active on battlefields around the world and assassinated various important people. No one knows where he came from, and no one knows who he is Work, he's like a ghost, a ghost who always gets things done."

Eric stared at the photo for a long time, then smiled.

"It seems a little more interesting."

At this time, somewhere else.

In the dark room, those bigwigs who held the top power in the world gathered around the round table again.It was a regular meeting not long ago, but this time it was called urgently due to unexpected circumstances.

"I heard that guy Luther is missing?" A person in the darkness asked, "Did you do it?"

There is no need to specify, and those present also know that he is asking about Hydra.After all, the conflict between Luthor and Hydra after he took office as Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. is obvious to all.

And the general who was the representative of Hydra denied it without even thinking about it: "No, we don't know about it at all."

"Is he dead?" someone asked.

"Who knows, I heard that the SHIELD gang is also anxious like ants on a hot pot, looking for him everywhere." Another person said, "But personally, I don't think so. After all, that guy is Lake. Sluthor, I think we all know what he's capable of, and he won't be done so easily."

"But do we need to consider some worse possibilities? For example, will the opponent target all of us? Lex Luthor may be just the beginning, and maybe all the rest of us are also among the targets of the opponent's attack. "

"Interesting." An old voice sounded, "If there are still people in this world who dare to be so arrogant and declare war on all the organizations we represent here at the same time, that would be quite interesting. If that's the case, let them come here All right."

No one answered, obviously not everyone had the same thoughts as the old man.

"no need to worry."

A flat voice sounded suddenly, as if it had fallen from the sky.The voice was peaceful but powerful, although it was not loud, it echoed clearly in everyone's ears.

The image of the black man appeared in the center of the round table like a teleportation, his black boots stepped on the blue fluorescent table, and his flying cloak slowly fell down.

Everyone showed a solemn and respectful look, because the person who appeared in front of them was the one who made everything work, and they called it the "center".

The black figure said slowly: "You don't have to take this matter to heart, you just need to act as usual. I will take care of Lex Luthor's matter."

Now that the "center" has spoken, everyone has no more opinions.The ability of this mysterious man was unanimously recognized by everyone. He said that if he wanted to deal with it, he would definitely get it done, and there was no need to waste any more energy.

Only the old general who represented Hydra stared at the black figure in the field, frowned slightly, and seemed a little uneasy.

(Thank you for the 001 starting coins rewarded by book friends Paida 500!)

(End of this chapter)

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