Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 402 The Stolen Item

Chapter 402 The Stolen Item

California, on an old street.

The woman was caught in the sea of ​​people, stepping on the old concrete road against the direction of the flow of people.She was wearing casual clothes full of vitality like a female high school student and a peaked cap, exuding the aura of a young girl all over her body.

If you don't look at her face carefully, you may find it hard to believe that this person is Natasha Romanoff, the famous black widow, and a traitor currently wanted by S.H.I.E.L.D.She is like a consummate actress, capable of dressing herself up as anything a drama requires, from succubus to fledgling damsel.

What could the Black Widow, who was a traitor of S.H.I.E.L.D. and turned to Hydra, come to such a place?
Not far from the corner near the end of the old street stands a steel factory that has experienced many vicissitudes.After several twists and turns, the steelmaking plant changed hands in the hands of several bosses, and finally reached where it is today.Now it has no owner, and the weeds in the yard can almost reach the waist of an adult.The iron gate of the compound was locked all the year round, and no one ever thought of going in to find out because of the eerie aura exuding from it.

This seems to be Natasha's destination.She walked half a circle along the rusted iron fence outside the courtyard wall, and pulled the fence away as soon as she stretched out her hand-it turned out that this place was actually a door, but it looked the same as other places nearby, and it was impossible to see it without careful observation. Impossible to tell.

But she was familiar with it as if she had entered her own garden, and walked in straight away.After entering the factory, she went straight to the iron door leading to the basement—the whole factory should have been short, but the combination lock at the door was surprisingly still working.She quickly typed a series of numbers on the combination disk, and the door immediately opened with a "click".

Walking down the dark corridor, the following suddenly opened up.There are light blue lights in the basement, several computers are listed on the table, and common equipment such as guns and ammunition are placed on the shelf on the side of the wall.

"You're a day late this time."

The voice came from behind her.When Natasha turned her head, she saw a tall man in a black jacket, with a shaved head and a black blindfold showing only one eye, silently appearing behind her. It was the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury.

"I didn't find an opportunity yesterday." Natasha took off her peaked cap and said, "I just received some missions today, and I'm in the middle of the mission now. I can stay here for about 15 minutes. If it takes longer, some people may become suspicious."

"However, during my absence, you still seem to have regressed." Fury said lightly, "I was followed all the way here and didn't notice it. It really doesn't look like you."

Natasha was startled, and hurriedly turned her head to look at the way she came, but she didn't find anyone.

But the third person's voice really sounded: "I can't blame her anymore. If I want to follow up now, I am confident that people without super senses should be unlikely to notice."

As soon as the words fell, there seemed to be a flash of lightning in front of the two people's eyes, and a high-speed oscillating afterimage suddenly appeared in front of them, and gradually slowed down until it stopped.

It was Eric who appeared.

"Long time no see, Director Fury." Eric said, "I'm still wondering who deserves the Black Widow to do this. I should have thought that it would make sense if it was you."

Fu Rui also said: "Long time no see. When I heard that you sacrificed, I also feel very sorry from the bottom of my heart. I am very happy to see you again."

But after a pause, he also added: "But you look a little different."

"I know, I did have some changes a while ago." Eric said, "But how did you notice me, Director Fury? I am confident that human senses should not be able to detect me just now, outside I should have avoided those sirens too."

"It's the sensor inside this basement that monitors the number of people in this room at any time. Whether you are moving at super high speed or invisible, it is impossible to escape the sensor."

"So that's it." Eric understood, and continued, "I went to see Hawkeye on the mothership, because I also think that the fact that you two will join Hydra is unbelievable. Got it. He said you stole some important data from the mothership to Hydra?"

"That's to gain the trust of Hydra." Natasha said lightly, "This is all Director Fury's decision. Because compared to what we had to take back from Hydra, what I gave them These are not worth mentioning at all.”

Eric cast a questioning look at Fury.

Fury thought for a moment, and explained: "You know, although I have stepped down from the position of Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., I have never stopped caring about national security. After stepping down from this position, I still I have my own back door in the Aegis database, so I can still access information that most insiders cannot access, including the records of who has browsed the information. Even with Natasha's authority level, she can access I also know what content was copied.”

After a pause, his tone became serious: "But just a week ago, an extremely important thing was stolen from the database with the highest security level of Aegis. To a certain extent, it can almost make other people in this database All the contents seem irrelevant. And the most terrible thing is that even I can't see from the records who stole this part."

"That thing was supposed to be so secure that even the current director couldn't access it." Natasha added, "Because it was too dangerous to be owned by anyone, Director Fury set a death sentence when he left office. Locked, even with the same authority as the highest bureau chief, it cannot be accessed or overwritten."

"But it's still stolen," Eric said.

"Yes, it was stolen after all." Fury said, "It's like a god took action and personally dug this piece from the inside of the database. I think this is the only way to explain why it was broken without leaving any traces. Layers of procedural defense."

"Then you suspect that the thing is in the hands of Hydra, so I let the black widow sneak in to inquire about this part. I probably understand." Eric said, paused, and asked, "Well, you can tell me now, what What is the thing?"

The two looked at each other.

"It's not a doubt, now I'm sure it's in the hands of Hydra, and they're planning to use it to end our years of struggle." Natasha explained, "As for that's a piece of code, A piece of code that you've probably seen in many sci-fi movies, a master key that unlocks any lock in the procedural world."

"It's us who cracked the code of the 'Earth Stone'." Nick Fury added with a gloomy face.

Eric froze.

Earth Stone, of course he will not forget.It is a high-tech product brought to the earth by the people of the ghosts. With it, it is possible to control any technological product on the earth. If someone succeeds in cracking its code, it is indeed possible to obtain a pass for unimpeded travel in the data world.

"Hydra is planning a big move, maybe a big move that will change the whole world. Their preparations have been completed, and they will start within two days." Natasha said worriedly, "It's not too late, we It must be done immediately. I have been very close to the location of Hydra headquarters these days. I have a few possible addresses, but it will take a while to fully confirm where it is. Now the only way to contact the Avengers is to let them raid these locations at the same time"

"No need." Eric said calmly but confidently, "It's enough for me to go."

(End of this chapter)

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