Chapter 403 Death
The Earth Stone, one of the most dangerous objects ever to appear on Earth, is capable of cracking any technology known on Earth.When the unknown alien race tried to invade the earth, it used the power of the earth stone to abolish all existing technological products on the earth, making the earth a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Fortunately, Superman and another alien friend "Ghost" came forward and finally managed to save the day.However, through that incident, it also shows the horror of this "earth rock".As far as Eric knows, there is only the last Earth Stone left on the earth, and it is only kept as a memorial and stored in Superman's Fortress of Solitude.

But judging from the latest information, although there is only such a piece of Earth Stone left, the technology of Earth Stone may not be.The "machine" organization that held the Earth Stone was also owned by the US government. It is not too surprising that Aegis can have the opportunity to study and crack the secret of the Earth Stone.Maybe the code they leaked based on the foundation of the Earth Stone is not as omnipotent as the real Earth Stone, but it also has the ability to hack into any electronic device.

This is already a terrifying ability enough to change the world.And now Hydra has mastered this technology, and soon they will make a big move, and the world will be turned upside down.

It's a pity that they were only a little bit short. After all, they didn't have time to take any action, and they ushered in the heaviest blow in history.

Hydra hardly had time to make any preparations, and the first round of blows came.That happened on an island in the Atlantic Ocean, like a meteor swooping down from a satellite orbit, aiming straight at that island.The island was penetrated with a "boom", and the aroused sea water turned over the island like a roaring dragon, and the momentum was truly terrifying.

This island also hides Hydra's extremely high-security stronghold. This base also has a first-class protective layer, sharp air defense equipment, and more world-leading weapons, but unfortunately none of them have time to come in handy.It was such a simple blow from the sky that seemed to penetrate the sea water together. In a short while, there was a "boom" explosion on Kung Fu Island. up underwater.

A base was settled in an instant, and water splashed "bang" on the sea surface. Eric rushed out of the water and returned to the air.

Isn't it here? But it doesn't matter, one place is excluded, and there are eight places left.

According to the information obtained by Natasha, there are a total of nine possible locations for the Hydra headquarters, and the nine bases are all set up as iron walls, which are only stronger than the strongholds that the Avengers raided last time.In other words, even if all the Avengers were dispatched, it would take a lot of work to capture any of the bases.

There may not be many people who can take down these nine bases in a very short period of time, looking at the entire earth.Unfortunately for them, Eric can do just that now.

Eric began to sweep the Hydra base one after another, and every time he reached a base, the figure stayed for less than 30 seconds before the place exploded and was engulfed in high-heat flames.And he himself rushed out of the fire curtain without stopping, and continued to search for the next location.

Natasha and Nick Fury watched from a distance in Fury's stronghold with the help of satellites, and they couldn't help being dumbfounded.They are already people who have dealt with superhumans a lot, and they were not too surprised at what superhumans in the new era can do, but they were still surprised to see what Eric was doing at this time. I can't speak.

He was moving so fast that it was almost impossible to see anything through the screen.Satellite positioning showed that he appeared in several places almost at the same time, and when he zoomed in on the screen, he could only see the black trail left by the speeding movement.The air cut by the speed seemed to turn into tangible ripples, which were pushed away to the sides visibly with the naked eye.The super-moving Almadra armor rubbed violently against the passing air. Although they couldn't see the figure of the moving armor, they could see the red hot ripples remaining in the air, which was amazing.

"In four months, is this kid already this strong?" Fury whispered, "It seems that he has to be upgraded again in the list of dangerous people."

Natasha stared at the screen for a moment, couldn't help frowning, and said, "He gave me a bad feeling."

Fury glanced at her and said lightly: "Me too."

But the two thought at the same time that such a powerful force is still their ally, which is really something to be thankful for.At least one can rest assured that the problem of Hydra will definitely be settled within today.

In just a short while, the eight bases have fallen one after another.The real headquarters of Hydra, which is located on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, seems to be very lucky to hide in the end.

Unfortunately, still can not escape the fate of destruction.

This submarine base is also the place where Natasha is least able to determine its position, because it is hidden deep in the bottom of the sea and only knows a rough area.But this is not a problem for Eric, the composite armor also has super senses that are basically the same level as Superman. With just one glance, he can see through the deep sea and find the base hidden under the water. Hesitantly plunged into the sea and rushed down.

The Hydra was also in a panic, and desperately released all the fighting power they had to try to stop it.These include giant robots more than 50 meters high, advanced deep-sea submarines, and sci-fi spaceships. All kinds of advanced weapons that are unheard of on conventional battlefields were smashed at Eric.I have to say that Hydra really has some powerful gadgets in it, like guns that form miniature black holes, light guns that can shoot [-]-degree high temperatures, and even ultraviolet colliders and infrared radiation torpedoes that are used to deal with Superman. Come out, even if it's Superman, maybe I have to explain here.

It's a pity that these gadgets have no effect on the current Armor Alpha armor.

The majestic green light beam swept across, and wiped out all the weapons and warships in front of Eric.He broke through the siege as if he had entered no one's land, and went straight to the headquarters.A layer of transparent shield protects the heart of the base. It is a strong shield that can withstand the pressure of deep sea water for a long time. However, it is still as weak as glass in front of Eric's punch, and it shatters instantly.The scorching thermal vision light beam cut through the shell of the base like a hot lightsaber, and the water pressure instantly pulled the shell of the base along the breach and deformed it, and a large amount of seawater rushed in.

At this moment and here, Hydra will usher in its long-lost demise!
(End of this chapter)

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