Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 404 The Center

Chapter 404 The Center

Hundreds of meters of sea waves burst out from the Pacific Ocean, along with some scorched metal fragments.In the middle of the snow-white waves, the black battle armor broke out like a drop in the ocean, soaring high into the air, stopped in mid-air and scanned down with super vision, and after confirming that there were no omissions, he immediately accelerated in the air, dragging the roiling air wave behind him into the sky.

Not far away, in an observation station on the coast.

Baron Zemo snorted softly, left the remote telescope, and said: "I have known for a long time that Citric's idiot can't do great things. In his hands, Hydra will come to where it is today sooner or later."

He was referring to Baron Citric, the current top executive of Hydra, and perhaps he was the only one who had the right to abuse Baron Citric in this way.Back when the Communist Party was established, Baron Zemo was one of the most outstanding scientists in the Communist Party, a popular man in front of Hitler, and a cadre at the leadership level of Hydra.And now, he has long severed ties with Hydra temporarily.

"So Hydra is over by today?" a man dressed as a general asked behind him.

"It's over? No, Hydra is immortal. If you cut off a head, it will regenerate more." Zemo said, paused, "But this time may indeed be the worst blow One time, maybe even that idiot Cetrik himself ended up in the attack. HYDRA just needs someone who can really handle the big picture to step up and guide it back on track"

As he said that, he paused and added, "...a person just like me."

At this moment, Eric, who had already solved the Hydra headquarters and was supposed to go back to join Fury, did not return, but continued to accelerate and fly further away.

Observing his actions through satellites, Fury frowned: "What else does this kid want to do?"

It's a pity that soon, even the satellites couldn't keep up with him-he was so fast that it was almost impossible for the known tracking methods on the earth to keep up with that speed.

Somewhere along the Atlantic coast.

This is a beautiful place.The azure sea and emerald green trees are like two colored cloths of sea blue and emerald green intertwined, surrounding a huge manor.There is a white villa in the manor. From the window of the villa, you can have a panoramic view of the blue sea, and you can see the jungle full of mountains when you look up.

There seemed to be a sound of thunder in the blue sky, and afterimages descended from the clouds.Eric landed in the manor quickly, and the moment his footsteps landed, there was a terrifying air wave, which made the flowers and plants in the garden buckle down, and the surrounding trees screamed.

Eric frowned, and looked at the villa for a while to make sure that he did not find the wrong place.He tried to see what was inside the room with X-sight, but then he noticed that every wall in this room was stuffed with lead elements, and X-sight could not do anything.

So the master is a very cautious person.But when Eric stepped forward and held the handle of this luxurious wooden door with Western European style, he noticed that the door was not locked at all—no, this door was not equipped with a lock at all, it was just It's just a luxurious decoration.

Walking into the house, this villa gave him an indescribable special feeling.It has a duplex structure, and every piece of furniture seems to be a carefully selected luxury item, and so many luxury items are put together so that people can't smell the slightest smell of money, giving people an indescribable sense of harmony.

Eric was a little stunned, which was a little different from what he expected to see.

"Need help?"

The voice came suddenly from the back of his neck, so close that it almost seemed to be the voice in his own head.Eric gasped, turned around quickly, and suddenly saw a person standing behind him at some point.

It was a middle-aged man with blond hair. He wore a dark brown robe and had a beard on his chin. He watched his movements with a smiling expression.

Eric was secretly surprised, knowing that now his armor had strengthened his senses to a superhuman level, even the sound of the silver needle falling to the ground could not escape his ears.And when this man came behind him, he didn't notice it at all. Could it be that he could still be a ghost?

Intuition told Eric that if this man made a malicious attack just now, he might feel quite uncomfortable.

Eric stared at the man and asked, "Who are you?"

"You broke into my house and asked who I am, don't you think it sounds funny?" He still said with a smile.

"But you're not surprised that I'm here," Eric said. "So you're waiting for me?"

"No, I was still planting flowers hundreds of miles away just now." He said, "But when someone came to the house, I was right back."

His tone was so calm when he spoke, as if what he said was something that everyone could do for granted.

Although it was quite different from what he imagined in his mind, Eric hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't help asking: "Are you what they call the 'center'?"

"'Central,' the one who makes everything work, that's what they seem to call me."

This man didn't mean to hide it at all, but Eric was even more surprised and didn't know how to unfold it.According to the original expectation, the "center" should be a cunning bastard hiding behind the scenes, and the base should be like the ultimate boss in a science fiction movie, with countless supercomputers installed.And he himself should be wearing a black suit full of evil spirits, with his legs crossed behind a circle of computers, planning strategies.

And now, he looked like Eric didn't know how to describe this guy.He originally had many, many questions, but now he didn't know where to ask them.

It was this man who spoke first: "But over the years, no one has ever come to the door and is willing to tell you how you found it?"

"I didn't find it, Hydra found it." Eric admitted, "I just blew up Hydra's headquarters and destroyed a crucial piece of code stored in it. But they have already used that code The ability traced to the location of the 'central'."

"So that's how it is." The man showed a clear look, "Sure enough, none of this group of people is a fuel-efficient lamp. The name 'center' is what the group of people wanted to call. Stupid. If you don't mind, you can just call me 'bishop' when you introduce people."

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, then continued with a smile: "There are also some questions you are concerned about, and I do know. It seems that you didn't think too clearly about the question you wanted to ask, so I will answer it directly Save you trouble."

"...Yes, I released that Yamojo robot back then, and brought your life to where it is today."

(End of this chapter)

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