Chapter 405 Bishop
After hearing the words of this man who called himself "bishop", Eric couldn't help being shocked.

At the beginning, it was the people from the "organization" who tried to snatch him away, so he obtained the armor of Almazo Alpha, and thus stepped into the crazy side of life.Although it was later confirmed that this so-called "organization" did not exist at all, it was just a special alliance established by a guy called "the center" among the major forces, but he still instinctively felt that this so-called "center" People may be related to this series of things.

But before he rushed here and faced this existence called "Central" in person, he never expected such an answer.

"It was the Yamojo robot I released that brought your life to this point."

He said it so calmly, as if he was recalling a trivial matter in the past, so calmly.

Eric clenched his fist unconsciously, staring at the man's face, and asked in a deep voice, "Why?"

The bishop tilted his head and thought for a moment.

"If you have to say it, it's not really an important reason." He said, "It's just because it might make the next development more interesting."

"Interesting?" Eric repeated the word.

"That's it. It's for the same reason that I created something like the 'center'." Seeing that he didn't seem to understand, the bishop smiled and explained, "Many years ago, I used to have something like other Like other people, chasing power, always trying to climb to a higher position. But I guess it's just that for me, that goal is too simple, I can always do it easily, and it's getting more and more boring. I used to have a rival before, he could always surprise me and keep my life exciting, but unfortunately, I don’t know how many years ago we met last time.”

When he said this, he paused, and leisurely swayed to the window: "So I found a new way of pastime for myself. I found that there are many interesting forces in this world, and they all hold huge power. It has the power to change the world. So this idea was born-I built a platform to integrate all these powerful forces and build the largest and most resource-rich system in history. Wouldn't it be interesting to have something you didn't try to do?"

"So what does this have to do with the armajo droid you got?"

"As I said, the reason is similar." The bishop said, "It was something that shouldn't exist here, but it came to this world because of a time turmoil. Its original fate may be to sleep in this world forever." The depths of the bottom of the sea that no one in the world knows about. Fortunately, I discovered it. I think it is too wasteful for such an interesting thing to be ignored forever, so I gave it to Aegis, and then secretly spread it to all forces The news of this robot with the ability to change the world led them to fight for it."

Looking directly at Eric's cold and murderous gaze from behind the eyepiece, he spread his hands and said unhurriedly: "Actually, I didn't do much. I just gave everyone a light pat on the back. Pushing, igniting the fuse, and where it's going to go, that's up to them. Look, now that you're here, it proves that things are going to be unexpectedly interesting."

Hearing this, Eric finally couldn't bear it anymore.Caught off guard, he strode forward and raised his fist high.His whole body seemed to be an afterimage flying forward, like a cannonball fired at zero distance.


How terrifying is Eric's arm strength at this time, and the moment a punch hits, it is almost like a landslide.The entire mountain began to shatter from the point where his fist hit, and the crack quickly climbed up the entire mountain, breaking it down into countless pieces of rubble and collapsing with a "crash", and earth-yellow smoke and dust flew up. , It didn't stop until it reached a height of [-] meters.

Eric was stunned, and even he didn't see exactly what happened just now.He only felt that the moment he punched, his eyes seemed to be in a trance, and his body, which was obviously still in the villa a second ago, came under a high mountain in an instant.He turned his head, and through the yellow dust in the sky, he saw that the bishop was hovering leisurely in mid-air with his hands in his arms. At some point, he had changed into a black suit, and an ink-colored cloak was flying in the thick smoke.

Sure enough, this guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

But Eric is still quite confident in his current strength, and the first thing to do now is to figure out what the opponent's ability is.

Almost at the same time as his thoughts moved, the Eriks had already rushed out.In an instant that was so short that it was almost negligible, his figure rushed towards the bishop dragging a golden electric current, and his fists whizzed out with a stormy wind.

Eric was sure that he didn't see any movement of the opponent's body, until the moment before Supersonic's fist almost touched the tip of the nose, the bishop still maintained a comfortable smile, and he didn't even intend to let go of his arms around his chest.

But his punch missed.

Eric turned his head in amazement, only to see that the bishop had opened a distance of tens of meters and appeared a hundred meters away in a provocative posture. contempt.

What is going on?

Eric's footsteps moved, and the afterimage of the golden electric snake swaying all over his body burst out again, pounced on the bishop, and pressed him hard against the tree trunk behind him.

"Although I don't know what trick you are playing, it's over," Eric said coldly, "I caught you."

"No." The bishop chuckled, "I caught you."

While speaking, one of his palms was pressed on the abdomen of Erik's armor.

With the Almazo Alpha armor evolved to the current defensive power, the power of intercontinental missiles can still be unscathed.However, he didn't even know what the bishop had done, and he felt a huge shock suddenly rushing over like mountains and seas.The power suddenly pierced through the armor, lifted his body into the air, and the backward flying figure shot through a mountain peak and smashed a huge crater in the ground.

It's really evil, what is the origin of this guy called Bishop?What is going on with this inexplicable force?

In fact, if it's just about strength and confrontation, Eric may not be able to kill him, but he won't be too far behind.The reason why he was so embarrassed these few times was because the opponent's ability was too weird, which caught him off guard.

Eric regained his strength, leaped across the valley and returned to the battlefield.

But at this time that guy is no longer there.

Eric rushed straight up to the sky and looked down, surprised to find that he was now more than 50 miles away from the previous seaside villa.

And when he flew back to the villa on the coast, he was even more surprised.

The entire manor, together with the white villa, disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed.There are only green mountains and blue seas left here, where is there any human habitation?
Eric frowned even more.

Who the hell is that guy?
(End of this chapter)

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